Gator Student Section Connects With Past Section President

The University of Florida Gator Student Section held their March monthly meeting at the M.E. Rinker School of Construction Management/Flour Program for Construction Safety.  Students returned from spring break energized and excited to learn about safety in the theme park industry from Heather Earl (Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Manager, Safety; founding Gator Student Section President; Central Florida Chapter Board Member; WISE Board Member).  There were a whopping 50 students in attendance representing construction and agriculture degree programs, all with a keen focus on learning more about safety in the field.  Faculty Advisor Dr. Andrew Wehle, STSC connected with Heather connected when she reached out to share an open Construction Safety Professional Intern position opening.  Dr. Wehle extended an invite to speak at an upcoming Gator Student Section meeting, and Heather was happy to spend some time getting back to her roots and connecting with this outstanding group of emerging safety professionals.  Section President Alireza Adibfar remarked It was really amazing and we received great feedback from the students!”  Heather, Dr. Wehle and the Student Section Officers are looking forward to a continued partnership with talks of a technical tour already in the works.

Pictured (Section Officers):  Gilles Albeaino, Treasurer; Alireza Adibfar, President; Heather Earl, Mansour Sodagari, Vice President

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