Alumni Clubs

The Rinker School of Construction Management has graduated over 6048 undergraduates, 1089 Masters, and 81 Ph.D. students (as of June 2014). The School decided to form BCN Alumni Regional Clubs to foster and enhance the relationship between the School, its alumni and friends, and to support the School’s mission of teaching, research and service.

The idea of forming BCN Regional Clubs was first suggested by the Diaz Fritz Isabel Group of Tampa in August 2003. They followed their suggestion by sending a survey questionnaire to about 150 BCN Alumni in the Tampa area. The survey results showed a strong interest among the BCN alumni in forming a BCN club. Primary goals/objectives of a BCN club identified by the respondents were:

  • Fundraising to Benefit the School
  • Fellowship of Alumni
  • Social Interaction
  • Share the Great Gator Spirit
  • Communication of Information (industry news, trends, employment)
  • CEU Credits /Educational Benefits (job experiences, seminars, lecturers)

BCN Clubs

Atlanta UF BCN Alumni Club

North Central Florida Gator BCN Alumni Club

Northeast Florida Gator BCN Alumni Club

Tampa Bay BCN Gators

Central Florida Gator BCN Club

Palm Beach County Gator BCN Alumni Club

UF BCN South Florida Club

Other Rinker Clubs

FES Alumni Club

Event Photos

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