What is ACCE?
Since 1974, the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) has been a leading global advocate of quality construction education that promotes, supports, and accredits quality construction education programs. The primary goal is the promotion and continued improvement of post-secondary construction education: specifically, ACCE accredits construction education programs in colleges and universities that request its evaluation and meet its rigorous standards and criteria. ACCE is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) as the accrediting agency for four-year baccalaureate degree programs in construction science, construction management and construction technology. ACCE is also the accrediting agency for two-year associate-degree programs of a like nature. ACCE is a non-profit corporation.
Benefits of ACCE to Students:
ACCE serves the interest of potential students by helping them identify institutions and programs that offer quality education in of construction. Students graduating from ACCE accredited programs are better prepared to enter the construction industry.
Benefits of ACCE to the Industry:
ACCE accreditation enables employers to identify quality employees, who by education, have the demonstrated ability to make lasting contributions to their organization and their profession.
Benefits of ACCE to Faculty:
Through ACCE involvement, faculty have opportunities for developing leadership development, networking with peers, and keeping current with trends in construction.
- CM Quality Improvement Plan
- CM Program Objectives
- CM Program Admission Requirements
- Student Achievements
- Rate and Type of Employment