Student Achievement

Our students are assessed on their mastery of the course outcomes. Direct Assessments are short and long writing assignments, projects, and presentations. Each course and instructor conducts some combination of these assessments. The assessments may vary from course to course as well as year to year since instructors are encouraged to develop and revise syllabi and course delivery to better achieve Student Learning Outcomes.  A summary of these assessments can be found below:

Undergraduate assessments
Graduate assessment
Since this is an asynchronous distance program that enrolls primarily working for emergency services personnel with variable schedules, student progress can be an issue. We seek to maintain student engagement in order to achieve a degree completion rate. For our indirect assessment, we track the number of students on the inactive student list. The target is not to increase the number of students on the inactive list. For additional information related to student success rates and the number of graduates for the program, click here.

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