ACM BuildSys 2019

The 1st ACM International Workshop on Urban Building Energy Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization (UrbSys)

Workshop at ACM BuildSys
Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation
November 10, 2019, Columbia University New York, NY, USA
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Workshop Organizers:
Dr. Ravi Srinivasan, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL  More Info
Dr. Mahabir Bhandari, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN  More Info
Workshop Theme:
The advancements and availability of low-cost, low-energy sensors has improved energy and environmental sensing exponentially. Besides the millions of sensors used for monitoring, the improved accuracy of these sensors offer greater resolution for modeling ‘what-if’ scenarios in near real-time using high-performance computing. Similarly, big data analysis has enabled city-scale modeling of energy and environmental impact using, among others, energy-efficient ‘smaller’ machine learning algorithms and/or physics-based modeling approaches. Coupled with interactive data visualization including Virtual Reality (VR), urban-scale energy and environmental systems modeling has become an exciting niche at the intersection of computer science and urban / architecture / mechanical engineering. The UrbSys workshop intends to capture the recent work by research experts at this nexus that supports sustainable urban systems’ design and engineering through state-of-the-art sensing, controls, modeling, and visualization.
ACM BuildSys provides the necessary intersection between computing and building infrastructure systems. Through the years, ACM BuildSys, by accepting only high-quality technical contributions, has evolved as a premier conference at the nexus of computer science and the built environment and more. The 1st ACM International Workshop on Urban Building Energy Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization (UrbSys) offers to capture the latest technical and, potentially, seminal work from both academia and national laboratories.
Download the ACM Agenda
Paper sessions & Panel:
Session A: Sensing, Controls & Modeling for Urban-scale Building Energy
Session B: Big Data Analysis and Visualization of Urban-scale Building Energy
Workshop Panel: 45-minute panel discussion
We invite original contributions in all emerging domains in urban building energy sensing, controls, big data analysis, and visualization to further move the built environment toward smarter operations. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Building energy modeling and simulation;
  • Machine learning and automated building(s) model development;
  • Building energy big data analysis;
  • Sensor technologies for building data acquisition;
  • Building outdoor/indoor air quality and comfort measurements;
  • Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) in sustainable design and engineering;
  • Urban energy modeling and simulation;
  • Urban energy visualization techniques;
  • Sustainability approaches for large campuses or urban systems.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Registration**: July 5, 2019, AOE
  • Paper Submission: August 8, 2019, AOE. (No further extension will be granted)
  • Paper Notification: August 26, 2019, AOEDetails
  • Camera ready: September 6, 2019 AOE
  • Paper submission guidelines are available here.
  • Paper should be submitted here

TPC Members:
Dr. William Braham, Center for Environmental Building & Design, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Erin Griffiths, Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia
Dr. Tianzhen Hong, Deputy Head of Building Technology Department, LBNLr
Dr. Dezhi Hong, Computer Science & Engineering, University of California, San Diego
Dr. Raymond Issa, Center for Advanced Construction Information Modeling, University of Florida
Dr. Teja Kuruganti, Program Manager, Sensors and Controls Program, ORNL
Dr. Carol Menassa, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan
Dr. Ralph T Muehleisen, Building Energy Decision and Technology Program, Argonne National Lab.
Dr. Joshua New, Program Manager, Building energy modeling, ORNL
Dr. Nirjon Shahriar, Computer Science & Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Dr. Draguna Vrabie, Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Main Contact Details: 
Dr. Ravi Srinivasan
Associate Professor of Low/Net Zero Energy Buildings
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management
College of Design, Construction, and Planning
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611
Email: Office Tel: 3522731164
Ms. Haekyung Im, PhD student,

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