Assessment Methods

Rinker School of Construction Management Program Assessment Methods Policy

It is the policy of the M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management to perform an ongoing assessment of our construction management program by using information collected from both our students and the clients who hire our students. The evaluation process analyzes data from current undergraduates, interns, graduate students, alumnus, and employers to determine the effectiveness of the construction program. The data accumulated directly affects the organization and topics of our courses as does the criteria established by the American Council for Construction Education for accreditation purposes. The content of the School’s undergraduate curricula are continually modified to meet the changing needs of the construction industry and the State of Florida.

Student Feedback and Graduate Survey
Current undergraduates are interviewed as a class on a semester basis to provide informal feedback to the Undergraduate Director regarding quality of their educational experience. In addition, students are encouraged to visit the Director to express their opinion individually. As part of their application to the program students provide construction and non-construction related work and leadership experiences. A documented and faculty reviewed structured internship program is available for both three and eight-month interns and is used to maximize the benefit of the intern’s experience. The graduating student survey is distributed and data collected at the end of their final semester.

Alumni Surveys
A survey will be sent annually to those alumni who graduated in the previous year and also to those who graduated five years ago to determine their overall satisfaction with the program and the strength and weaknesses of topic areas. If response rate is not satisfactory, the survey can be placed in the newsletter, handed out at the career fair, and can also be made available on the school’s website. Alumni data will be analyzed based on the student learning outcomes, current alumnus position, years of work experience, and type of construction work performed. This information will be used to help in the overall direction of the program. The strengths and weaknesses of topic areas needing to be addressed should be clearly defined.

Employer Surveys
Finally, the employers of our students will be surveyed on an annual basis starting in the Spring 2022 semester. Surveys will be collected from attendees and recruiters at the conclusion of each spring career fair. The employers will have had a chance to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses based on the student learning outcomes of both the undergraduates and graduates of the program. These results will be correlated to the students and alumnus results to look for trends. The employers’ results will be a source of information that can be correlated to the alumnus responses and that of our accreditation requirements. This information may be used to address any obvious weaknesses in course topic areas.

Industry Focus Groups
Industry Experts in Estimating, Structures, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing, Management and Computers and Technology are invited to the Rinker School each semester to participate in a round table discussion of required and elective undergraduate courses. The workshops will be held in conjunction with the Construction Career Fair.

After a presentation of the course material, the industry advisory group works with the appropriate faculty on identifying appropriate topics to further enhance the course(s) being reviewed. These comments are documented and an implementation plan is proposed. Once the implementation plan is approved by the industry focus group participants and the Rinker School Curriculum Committee, the changes are incorporated into the course.

Construction Capstone Class
Capstone is a project simulation class where the students participate in a project from the very beginning of an idea to its construction and turnover. The intent is to create a long-term project that produces recurring revenues and profits for the owner. During this course students experience the project from several perspectives; as a developer, investor, designer, and as a constructor. The course will require the students to adjust to the ever-changing needs of the project and its owners.

A construction project is simulated with individual student being responsible for designing, developing, estimating, scheduling, contracting and administering the works for the completion of a commercial or light industrial project. The project phases include: Feasibility, pre-construction, construction, and close-out.

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