CM Program Admission Requirements

University of Florida freshmen and sophomore students are required to comply with the admission criteria as indicated in the academic regulations and advising sections of the UF Undergraduate Catalog.   These sections include requirements for Universal Tracking, general education, Gordon Rule, foreign language, etc.

As detailed below, the minimum requirements for upper division include the following:

  • Minimum 2.50 UF GPA for Universal Tracking
  • Minimum 2.50 UF GPA
  • Completed Application
  • Meet all course prerequisite requirements
  • Submit personal statement

It is advisable to consult with a lower-division Construction Management advisor by appointment, phone: 352/273-1180 before registration to determine a program to complete all preprofessional courses. Upon completion of or when you are enrolled in your last semester of prerequisite course work, you must submit your application, transcripts and personal statement table by the application deadline.

Applications available online:

This information is provided for students who are preparing to transfer to the University of Florida, Gainesville, and pursue a Bachelor of Science in Building Construction degree in the M. E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management.  Please read carefully and completely.

To be eligible for consideration for admissions to the School, the community college transfer student must complete the Associate of Arts degree in addition to the prerequisite preprofessional courses.  Courses equivalent to the Construction Management preprofessional courses are shown at their respective community colleges/universities.  These courses are transferable for lower-division credit.  To meet the foreign language requirement, students must have completed two sequential courses of a foreign language in secondary school, 8-10 semester hours at the postsecondary level, or document an equivalent level of proficiency.

It is advisable to consult with a lower-division Construction Management advisor by appointment, phone: 352/273-1180 before registration to determine a program to complete all A.A. degree requirements and preprofessional courses. Bring or send transcripts of all college work.  Upon completion of or when you are enrolled in your last semester of prerequisite course work, you must submit your application, transcripts and personal statement table by the application deadline.

Application deadline dates are March 15 for Fall Semester and September 15 for Spring Semester.
Limitation in available staff, faculty, and facilities have made it necessary for the School of Construction Management to limit the number of students entering the junior-level professional program.  Satisfactory completion of minimum requirements will not automatically guarantee admission.  Priority in admission will be given to those applicants whose potential, on the basis of their total academic record, indicates the greatest likelihood of success.

Complete the table below and submit to 301 Rinker Hall or by the application deadline.

NAME:  _____________________________Why do you want to be in the Rinker School? 
What are your goals? 
Work Experience


  1. Company name, supervisor (with contact information), location, duration, responsibilities
  2. type of experience (eight-month co-op, three-month certified internship, three-month internship, labor experience)
Student organization involvement, BCN student organizations, University organizations, community outreach, volunteer services 
Student awards
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