Abhinav Alakshendra
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Associate Professor and Director, Center for International Design and Planning AH 448 alakshendra@ufl.edu

Aladdin Alwisy
M.E. Rinker, Sr, School of Construction Management Assistant Professor RINKER 311 aalwisy@dcp.ufl.edu

Chimay Anumba
College of Design, Construction and Planning Dean and Professor AH 331A anumba@ufl.edu

Bahar Armaghani
Sustainability and the Built Environment Director and Instructional Associate Professor; Director, UF Green Building Learning Collaborative (GBLC) RINKER 322 barmagh@ufl.edu

Ilir Bejleri
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Research Associate Professor AH 454 ilir@ufl.edu

Stephen Bender
School of Architecture, CityLab-Orlando Instructional Associate Professor + Program Director of CityLab Orlando CLO 516 sbender@ufl.edu

Carla Brisotto
School of Architecture, Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience (FIBER) Assistant Director and Assistant Scholar AH 160 c.brisotto@ufl.edu

Jules Bruck
School of Landscape Architecture and Planning Director, School of Landscape Architecture and Planning; Chair, Department of Landscape Architecture AH 431A jbruck@ufl.edu

Jeffrey Carney
School of Architecture, Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience (FIBER) Associate Professor + Director FIBER AH 246 j.carney@ufl.edu

Clarissa Carr
Historic Preservation Program and Interior Design Research Assistant Professor AH 146 clcarrdi@ufl.edu

Gabriel Castelblanco
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Assistant Professor RINKER 315 gabriel.castelbl@ufl.edu

Nancy M. Clark
School of Architecture Interim Director, School of Architecture, Associate Professor + Director of the UF Center for Hydro-generated Urbanism (UF|CHU) AH 231A nmclark@ufl.edu

Donna Cohen
School of Architecture Associate Professor + Director, Global Education FAC 215 dcohen@ufl.edu

Aaron Costin
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Associate Professor RINKER 324 aaron.costin@ufl.edu

Robert F. Cox
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Director and Professor RINKER 306 robcox@ufl.edu

Laura Dedenbach
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Instructional Assistant Professor // Graduate Coordinator, AH 466 laurajd@ufl.edu

Kyle Dost
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Instructional Assistant Professor AH 441 kyledost@ufl.edu

Daniel Downing
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Assistant Scholar, GeoPlan Center AH 131 Dadowning@ufl.edu

Christian Calle Figueroa
School of Architecture, Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience (FIBER) Urban Designer + Assistant Scholar AH 160 callefigueroac@ufl.edu

Erik Finlay
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Assistant Scholar, GeoPlan Center AH 131 erik3621@ufl.edu

Bryan Franz
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Associate Professor; Ph.D. Program Director RINKER 309 bfranz@ufl.edu

Andrea Galinski
Department of Landscape Architecture Assistant Professor AH 442 andrea.galinski@ufl.edu

Masoud Gheisari
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Director of Graduate Programs and Research, Associate Professor RINKER 304B masoud@ufl.edu

Crystal Goodison
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Associate Director + Associate Scholar, GeoPlan Center AH 131 goody@geoplan.ufl.edu

Steven Grant
School of Architecture, CityLab-Orlando Professor of Practice + Program Director Themed Environments Integration (TEI) steven.grant@ufl.edu

Thomas Hoctor
Department of Landscape Architecture Research Associate Professor AH 436 tomh@geoplan.ufl.edu

Lingqian “Ivy” Hu
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Chair, Department of Urban and Regional Planning; Associate Director, School of Landscape Architecture and Planning AH 431B hul@ufl.edu

R. Raymond Issa
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Distinguished Professor RINKER 325 raymond-issa@ufl.edu

Idris Jeelani
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Assistant Professor RINKER 317 idris.jeelani@ufl.edu

Patricia Kio
School of Architecture, Sustainability and the Built Environment Assistant Professor p.kio@ufl.edu

Hal Knowles
Sustainability and the Built Environment Instructional Assistant Professor and Change Agent AH 150 hknowles@ufl.edu

Martha Kohen
School of Architecture Professor + Director of the UF Center for Hydro-generated Urbanism (UF|CHU) AH 262 mkohen@ufl.edu

Cleary Larkin
Historic Preservation Program Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning // Director, Historic Preservation Program, Center for World Heritage Research & Stewardship, Preservation Institutes Nantucket (PIN) & St. Augustine (PISA) AH 148 clarkin@ufl.edu

Jiayang Li
Department of Landscape Architecture, Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience (FIBER) Assistant Professor AH 456 jiayangli@ufl.edu

Jeffrey Lindsey
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Fire and Emergency Services Director/Senior Lecturer RINKER 336 jeffrey.lindsey@ufl.edu

Rui Liu
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Associate Professor RINKER 321 liurui@ufl.edu

Dan Manley
College of Design, Construction and Planning, Department of Landscape Architecture Interim Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education & Facilities, Instructional Associate Professor, Undergraduate Coordinator AH 331D dpmanley@ufl.edu

Mark McGlothlin
School of Architecture Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs + Edward M. Fearney Endowed Associate Professor AH 266 mmcgloth@ufl.edu

Edward Minchin
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Professor RINKER 320 minch@ufl.edu

Dennis Mitterer
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Fire and Emergency Services Instructional Professor & Advisor RINKER 336 dmitterer@ufl.edu

Judi Shade Monk
School of Architecture Instructional Assistant Professor AH 234 j.shade.monk@ufl.edu

Larry C. Muszynski
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Holland Associate Professor RINKER 327 larrym@ufl.edu

Alpa Nawre
Department of Landscape Architecture Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator AH 442 alpa.nawre@ufl.edu

Kate Norris
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Geospatial Data Manager + Assistant Scholar, GeoPlan Center AH 131 katen@geoplan.ufl.edu

William O’Dell
M.E. Rinker, Sr, School of Construction Management, Shimberg Center for Housing Studies Associate Research Professor; Director, Shimberg Center for Housing Studies RINKER 203 billo@ufl.edu

Genesis Okken
Department of Interior Design Instructional Assistant Professor AH 346 gokken@dcp.ufl.edu

Sam Palmer
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Assistant Scholar, GeoPlan Center AH 131 sam@geoplan.ufl.edu

Zhong-Ren Peng
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Professor/Director International Center for Adaptation Planning and Design (iAdapt) AH 462 zpeng@dcp.ufl.edu

Eileen Pesantes-Taveres
M.E Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Instructional Assistant Professor RINKER 313 eileen.pesantes@ufl.edu

Reginald Pierre-Jean
Department of Urban and Regional Planning GeoPlan Center AH 131 reginald@ufl.edu

Lisa Platt
Department of Interior Design, Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience (FIBER) Assistant Professor AH 334 lisaplatt@ufl.edu

Robert J. Ries
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Professor RINKER 332 rries@ufl.edu

Mark Russell
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Instructional Associate Professor RINKER 331 russ1307@ufl.edu

Nicholas Serrano
Department of Landscape Architecture Assistant Professor AH 430 nicholas.serrano@ufl.edu

Aishwarya Shankar
Department of Landscape Architecture Instructional Assistant Professor shankaraishwarya@ufl.edu

Ryan Sharston
School of Architecture, Rinker School of Construction Management, Florida Institute for the Built Environment Resilience (FIBER) Assistant Professor AH 246 r.sharston@ufl.edu

Adam Smith
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Fire and Emergency Services Instructional Assistant Professor RINKER 336 fyrewlker@ufl.edu

Peter Sprowls
School of Architecture, CityLab-Orlando Instructional Assistant Professor AH 232 peter26@ufl.edu

Ravi Srinivasan
College of Design, Construction and Planning, M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Associate Dean for Research and Strategic Initiatives, Professor AH 331C sravi@ufl.edu

Ruth L. Steiner
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Professor and Director, Center for Health and the Built Environment AH 458 rsteiner@dcp.ufl.edu

Linda Stevenson
School of Architecture, Historic Preservation Program Instructional Assistant Professor AH 140 archtext@ufl.edu

Franca Stocco
School of Architecture Vicenza Institute of Architecture Administrative Director fstocco@ufl.edu

James G. Sullivan
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management
Director of Undergraduate Program
// Assistant Professor

Alexis Thomas
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Director, GeoPlan Center AH 131 alexis@geoplan.ufl.edu

Shabboo Valipoor
Department of Interior Design Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator AH 350 sh.valipoor@ufl.edu

Michael Volk
Department of Landscape Architecture, Center for Landscape Conservation Planning Research Associate Professor AH 438 mikevolk@ufl.edu

Jason von Meding
M.E Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management, Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience (FIBER) Associate Professor RINKER 344 jason.vonmeding@ufl.edu

Russell C. Walters
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management William G. and Aneice R. Lassiter Instructional Assistant Professor RINKER 328 rwalters@ufl.edu

Bradley Walters
School of Architecture Associate Director of Graduate Programs + Edward M. Fearney Endowed Associate Professor AH 236 bradley.walters@ufl.edu

Albertus Wang
School of Architecture, CityLab-Orlando Instructional Associate Professor CLO 514 aslwang@ufl.edu

Yan Wang
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience (FIBER) Assistant Professor Antevy Hall yanw@ufl.edu

Chaofeng Wang
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Assistant Professor RINKER 342 chaofeng.wang@ufl.edu

Shenhao Wang
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Assistant Professor AH 434 shenhaowang@ufl.edu

Maria Watson
M.E. Rinker, Sr, School of Construction Management, Shimberg Center for Housing Studies Assistant Professor RINKER 203 maria.watson@ufl.edu

Andrew Wehle
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Instructional Assistant Professor RINKER 312 wehleaj@ufl.edu

Vivian Wong
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management Assistant Professor AH 446 vivian.wong@ufl.edu

Xingjing Xu
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Research Assistant Scientist AH 416 axuxinjing@ufl.edu