

  • Course Title International Sustainability Development
  • Course Prefix and Number BCN 1582
  • Section/Class Number 0256/11852
    • 0256: 6-7 periods on Tuesday, 7 period on Thursday.  Online
  • Credits 3


  • Lectures  In this course, lectures will delivered live by the instructor via Zoom during the scheduled course meeting times. Attendance is encouraged and expected. No recordings of the lectures will be available.
  • Quizzes  Weekly quizzes will be given online and should be completed before class on the designated due date.
  • Assignments  In-class assignments will be given by the instructor. These assignments should be completed in-class when possible, or by the beginning of the next course meeting if additional time is required.
  • Exams  Course exams will be given online during the scheduled course meeting time.


  • INSTRUCTOR Idris Jeelani
    • Office Location 316 Rinker Hall
    • Email Address
    • Telephone Number (352) 273-1164
    • Office Hours TBA


  • (needs to be added)


  • BCN 1582 deals primarily with understanding key concepts related to sustainable development worldwide, gain familiarity with key environmental and resource issues and the effects on humankind if present population and consumption trends remain unchanged. The goals of this course are to provide a/an:
    • Understanding of the importance of sustainable development and related concepts including key international plans and sustainable community movements worldwide, prepare a paper to report either water or climate change issues for the selected country or continent as assigned.
    • Understanding of important concepts that will allow intelligent collaboration with other building professionals
    • Starting point from which an intuitive sense for thermal environments created in buildings can be developed


  • none


  1. State of the World 2017, EarthEd: Rethinking Education on a Changing Planet. The Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC. ISBN: 9781610918428.
  2. Additional information may be provided as handouts in class.


  1. none


  1. Hoffert et al., Advanced Technology Paths to Global Climate Stability: Energy for a Greenhouse Planet. Science, Vol. 298, No. 5595, 2002. Link.
  2. Hoffert et al., Energy Implications of Future Stabilization of Atmospheric CO2 Content. Nature, Vol. 395, 1998. Link.Z
  3. Garrett Hardin, Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
  4. Brian Tokar, Earth for Sale: Reclaiming Ecology in the Age of Corporate Greenwash Boston: South End Press, 1997.
  5. E. F. Schumacher, Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered. NY: Harper & Row, 1973.
  6. Christopher L. Lant, J.B. Ruhl, and Steven E. Kraft, The Tragedy of Ecosystem Services. BioScience, November 2008.
  7. Michael Heller, Tragedy of the Anti-Commons. William Davidson Inst. Working Paper Series, 1997.
  8. Lawrence Lessig,The Comedy of the Commons. SDForum Distinguished Speaker Series; website.


  • WEEK Topic/Assignment
    1 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    2 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    3 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    4 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    5 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    6 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    7 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    8 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    9 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    10 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    11 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    12 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    13 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    14 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    15 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …
    16 Topic X xxxxx / Assignment: Write a brief …


  • Final course grades are based on the following scale:
    20% Homework
    20% Quizzes
    40% Exams
    20% Term Paper
    * Attendance/Participation
    *. This course will use “+” and “-” designations on the final grades, and a curve may be applied to final course averages at the discretion of the instructor. If a curve is applied, it will only be used to raise course grades, not to lower them.
  • Homework/discussion There will be approximately 4-6 homework problems assigned throughout the semester. Homework problems reinforce material introduced in the lectures and laboratories and are thus crucial to the learning process. All homework sets are due as noted on the assignment sheets when they are handed out for full credit. Generally, homework assignments will be mostly due one week after they are posted.
    Late homework assignments will not be accepted. In the case of an excused absence (illness or other emergencies), any new homework deadline must be determined by the instructor.
  • Quizzes There will be four quizzes given during the course of the semester. The time of each quiz will be announced within the prior week.
  • Exams There will be three exams given during the course of the semester. 1st Exam (10% of total grade), 2nd Exam (10% of total grade), 3rd & Final Exam (20% of total grade). These exams are computer-based. Participation in all of the exams is mandatory. An unexcused absence from any exam will count as a zero grade for that exam. In the case of illness or other emergencies, the student must obtain an excused absence from the Dean of Students and make arrangements to take the exam as soon as possible thereafter.
    There are no make-ups for missed quizzes, exams, term paper, and optional extra credit activities.
  • Term Paper Each student is required to submit a 3-page (no more, no less) individual research paper. A template will be provided on e-Learning in Canvas. The paper will be a “state of the country report” on either climate change, water resources, food security, energy resources and/or population growth issues within that country. The research paper should (1) outline the country’s major climate change or water resource issues, and (2) clearly define and explain the environmental, social, and economic aspects.
    • Senior-level students and above: select a country in Europe.
    • Juniors: select a country in South and Central America.
    • Sophomores: select a country in Africa.
    • All others: select a country other than in a region above and other than China and the USA.
  • Grading criteria for term paper
    • Structure and formatting (30%): (a) Spelling and grammar, sentence structure, and general writing; (b) Whether the template and format were followed; and (c) Appropriate use of citations and formatting.
    • Content (70%): (a) At least three data points from legitimate sources (10%); and (b) The appropriateness and meaningfulness of the data points for the purposes of this paper (20%); and (c) Discussion of the data and the thoughtful analysis that include, but not limited to, challenges faced by the country; initiatives the country has started; reporting the progress, if available (40%).
  • Optional Extra Credit There are three available options to obtain extra credits; 20% total credit to be counted toward the third and final exam.
    1. Participation in an approved sustainability event and/or join and participate in an approved sustainability group / committee. Extra credit in this category is limited to 1 event for a total of 3% points to be counted toward exams. Certification required!
    2. Post sustainability relevant topics in E-Learning website’s DISCUSSIONS (forum). If your topic gets three relevant replies and higher, you will receive 5%. When replying to a post in DISCUSSIONS (forum), please refer to which post you are replying. Replies to discussions will be reviewed before assigning points.
    3. Site visit reports (500 words): Each report can earn up to 4%.


  • Grading Scale
    Letter Grade A A- B+ B B- C+
    Numeric Grade 94-100 90-93.99 87-89.99 84-86.99 80-83.99 77-79.99
    Letter Grade C C- D+ D D- E
    Numeric Grade 74-76.99 70-73.99 67-69.99 64-66.99 61-63.99 0-60.99


  • Course Conduct Students are expected to arrive to class on time and behave in a manner that is respectful to te instructor and to fellow students. Please avoid the use of cell phones and restrict eating to outside of the classroom. Opinions held by other students should be respected in discussion, and conversations that do not contribute to the discussion should be held at minimum, if at all. Rude and disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Communication Use the e-Learning in Canvas environment to send an email to the instructor and teaching assistant. Please do not e-mail the course instructor and teaching assistant outside of the e-Learning in Canvas system because emails received outside of e-Learning will not receive a response. Please allow 36 hours for a response to your email. The instructor and teaching assistant reserve the right not to respond to course inquiries on the weekend. Students are responsible for addressing grades/omissions within one week of the grade being posted on e-Learning in Canvas. After one week, the grade/input stands for the class regardless of cause or circumstance. Students are responsible to ensure that their assignments, quizzes, exams… etc have been submitted on Canvas properly and before deadlines. Please make sure that you receive all Canvas notifications.
  • Attendance Attendance and participation in lectures and laboratory sessions are course requirements and therefore mandatory. Attendance and participation for this course is defined as being present from the start of class until class is dismissed on each day that class meets and actively participating in course activities. Students who are late, leave early, or do not participate actively in class may be counted as absent. “Participation quizzes” may be given at the beginning of classes. If you miss the quiz due to the late arrival, it may be counted as an absence.
  • Cellphones Cellphone use is not allowed in classrooms unless they are used for computer-based examinations upon given instructions in the class.
  • Laptops & Tablets These devices shall only be used to take notes related to lectures and/or computer-based exams upon given instructions in the class. Use of these devices for social media or any other unrelated purposes during class hours will discontinue attendance.
  • Netiquette, Communication Courtesy Policy All members of the class are expected to follow rules of common courtesy in all email messages, threaded discussions and chats. Detailed guide is available at
  • Tech Support For issues with technical difficulties for E-learning, please contact the UF Help Desk at:
    • (352) 392-HELP (4357)
  • Honor Code UF students are bound by The Honor Pledge which states, “We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honor and integrity by abiding by the Honor Code. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.” The Honor Code ( specifies a number of behaviors that are in violation of this code and the possible sanctions. Furthermore, you are obligated to report any condition that facilitates academic misconduct to appropriate personnel. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult with the instructor or TAs in this class.
  • Accommodating Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities who experience learning barriers and would like to request academic accommodations should connect with the disability Resource Center by visiting It is important for students to share their accommodation letter with their instructor and discuss their access needs, as early as possible in the semester.
  • Academic Resources
  • Health and Wellness
    • U Matter, We Care: If you or someone you know is in distress, please contact, 352-392-1575, or visit to refer or report a concern and a team member will reach out to the student in distress.
    • Counseling and Wellness Center: Visit or call 352-392-1575 for information on crisis services as well as non-crisis services.
    • Student Health Care Center: Call 352-392-1161 for 24/7 information to help you find the care you need, or visit
    • University Police Department: Visit or call 352-392-1111 (or 9-1-1 for emergencies).
    • UF Health Shands Emergency Room / Trauma Center: For immediate medical care call 352-733-0111 or go to the emergency room at 1515 SW Archer Road, Gainesville, FL 32608;
  • Course Evaluations Students are expected to provide professional and respectful feedback on the quality of instruction in this course by completing course evaluations online via GatorEvals. Guidance on how to give feedback in a professional and respectful manner is available at Students will be norified when the evalutation period opens, and can complete evaluations through the email they receive from GatorEvals, in their Canvas course menu under GatorEvals, or via Summaries of course evaluation results are available to students at


  • This schedule of work is provided as an initial guide and will very likely undergo changes as the semester progresses. For actual dates, consult the course Canvas website.