Internship Programs

Internships are an excellent way for students and companies to work together in an atmosphere of business professionalism, while learning about the other’s strengths and weaknesses. The internship provides a necessary link between a student’s educational goals and career-related experience. The Rinker School has developed a voluntary structured internship program to meet the needs of our students. THIS PROGRAM ONLY APPLIES TO THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. (GRADUATE STUDENTS SHOULD SEE THE GRADUATE ADVISOR FOR INFORMATION) Students can do a three-month certified or non-certified internship and/or an eight- month internship. Listed below is a quick comparison, but it does not include all requirements for the certified internships.

Summer Internships
The Rinker School encourages all students to seek full-time construction employment during the summer semester. Internship opportunities serve to enhance the student’s education by familiarizing them with applied techniques in the construction industry. The Career Placement Coordinator will assist students in locating challenging and rewarding positions in the construction industry.

See the Intern Activities (.pdf) for a list of duties that the students should be exposed to and an Intern Evaluation (.pdf) form for recruiters to complete at the end of the internship to provide feedback to the School.

CERTIFIED Internships

Comparison Of Internship OptionsSummerSummer certified8-Month certified
attend workshopsnoyesyes
minimum work hours requirednoyesyes
paperwork submissionnoyesyes
comprehensive report requirednoyesyes
employee evaluationyesyesyes
can earn course creditnonoyes
evaluate studentyesyesyes
expose student to meaningful work experience in office operations, field operations and project managementyesyesyes
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