Emergency Medical Responder

Albert the Alligator in the ShandsCair helicopterThe Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) course introduces the student to the basic concepts of emergency medicine and emergency medical services (EMS). The student will learn to provide immediate lifesaving care to patients who are acutely sick and injured. The course provides both didactic and clinical instruction in various aspects of emergency care. Many students that pass this course have matriculated into an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) program, volunteer with a first response agency, prepare for further medical education or just a desire to learn how to handle basic medical emergencies.
Course Overview
Albert the Alligator heading out to meet the ShandsCair helicopter.The EMR course includes both didactic and clinical lab instruction. The lectures will be available online via the UF Canvas eLearning site.  The course will instruct the student in the concepts and application of airway management, patient assessment, management of traumatic injuries, management of medical emergencies, basics of clinical physiology and the use of several medical devices. A The course is conducted during the Fall, Spring and Summer C semesters.
Online Course Information: EMS 1055 is the online didactic course and is a 3 credit course.
Derek Hunt is the coordinator and lead instructor for the UF EMR Program. Derek has been a critical care and flight paramedic since 2003. He has flown for PHI AirCare MedEvac in Northern Virginia and was an Operations Supervisor with the East Care flight program in North Carolina. Derek was hired as a flight paramedic with the ShandsCair Flight Program at UF Health Shands Hospital in 2009 and currently serves as the Clinical Educator. He has coordinated and instructed critical care paramedic programs across the country since 2004. Derek graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry degree and is currently enrolled in the Physician’s Assistant Program at UF.
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the attendance policy?

Students are responsible for satisfying all academic objectives as defined by the instructor. Absences count from the first class meeting. See UF Catalog for complete attendance policies. https://catalog.ufl.edu/UGRD/academic-regulations/attendance-policies/.

Will my grade show up on my transcript?

It will appear on your UF transcript.

What is the difference between an Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) and a First Responder?

EMR covers everything in the First Responder course plus some additional material beyond the First Responder course.

How long is the EMR certification valid?

The EMR certification and the AHA BLS Provider are valid for two (2) years after successful completion of stated criteria for the course.

I am applying to EMT school. Will they accept the EMR certification?

Yes, many students from the course have matriculated successfully to EMT programs across the state and country.

Can I get a job as a certified EMR?

Most fields directly related to clinical medicine require further education and/or certification from their applicants. Students who are seeking employment will continue on to an EMT program. However, there are a few EMS systems that will hire an EMR for shift work and a small stipend.

I have a question that is not covered on this site. Who can I contact?

If you have any further questions about the course, you can contact the Administrative Assistant at fesinfo@dcp.ufl.edu or call (352) 273-1170.