Career Placement

Dear Recruiters and Students:

The M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management has a Career Placement Center to assist students in obtaining permanent employment and internships and in turn assist recruiters in finding students, and announcing employment and internship opportunities. The office provides multiple ways for companies to recruit students, through bi-annual career fairs, on-campus interviews, resume books, company information sessions, and job postings for current students and BCN alumni.

Career Fairs – The Fall and Spring career fairs are the most popular way to recruit students. BCN highly encourages both pre-BCN and BCN students to obtain internships and participate in as many as possible, throughout their college career. In addition to students looking for permanent employment, over half of the students attending the fair are looking for internships, both three month and eight month in duration. Registration fees can be found here. An example of the company profile is found here.

Internship Program – There are three different internship programs that a student can get involved in: 3-month summer, 3-month CERTIFIED summer, and 8-month CERTIFIED Internships.

Resume Yearbook – Each fall a book of resumes for the students is compiled and distributed to recruiters attending the career fair as well as other interested companies.

Job Posting – To post a job for current students, upcoming graduates and/or alumni please email Rene Clayton ( with a brief summary about the company, the position and how the applicant can respond. You can also post jobs to the DCP job board at

On-Campus Interviews & Information Sessions – The Rinker School provides classroom and interview space for companies to conduct information sessions and interview students throughout the semester. Information sessions are a great way to familiarize students with what you have to offer as an employer. If you are interested in reserving an interview room and classroom space for an information session please contact the Career Placement Office.

Placement Data – The school collects data on entry level salaries, entry level positions, internships, 1-year alumni, 5-year alumni and industry.

Career Connect Center – Both the recruiters and students have the option of also using the Career Resource Center which assists ALL UF students in their job search. Please contact them for more information at

Curriculum and Course Descriptions – Click here for further information on the classes. (Academics | Undergraduate | Construction Management)

Tips for students – Click here for assistance in resume preparation and tips for interviewing.
Contact the Job Placement Coordinator/Alumni Liaison for more information.
PO Box 115703
304 Rinker Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611
tel 352-294-1297

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