CM Quality Improvement Plan

The Quality Improvement Plan serves as the basis for the continuous improvement of the Construction Management degree programs. It has three major components: Strategic Plan for the Rinker School, Assessment Plan for the CM degree programs, and Assessment Implementation Plan for the CM degree program.

Rinker School’s outcomes assessment is a systematic process of gathering and interpreting information to discover if the School is meeting established objectives and then in using that information to enhance the program. Information includes surveys of the graduates, employers of the graduates, industry advisory board, exit interviews, comprehensive exams, capstone projects, and other systematically structured information.  The intent is to verify that the School is making progress in achieving its mission, objectives, and learning outcomes, and that it takes the outcomes assessment results into consideration in its degree programs development.

Evaluation of the programs objectives and learning outcomes are compared to the stated performance criteria to determine whether stated objectives and learning outcomes were achieved and if there is a validated need for improvement in any areas. The results of each assessment cycle is documented in a systematic manner. After each assessment cycle, the entire process is reviewed and updated with plans for improvement including any revisions to the School’s assessment plan.

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