URP News
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Shimberg Center for Housing Studies Employs URP Students
At the Shimberg Center, URP doctoral and master’s students manage statewide housing data and conduct studies about the housing-transportation relationship, the pandemic’s impacts on housing vulnerability, and housing flood risk.
Green Infrastructure in Planning Curricula
URP’s Dr. Christopher Silver and scholars from the United Kingdom make the case for planning programs to teach about green infrastructure (GI) to advance sustainability goals. They found UF’s School…
Meet Dr. Emre Tepe
Assistant Professor Tepe models urban development using economic, statistical, and software tools.
Next Generation, Car-Optional Communities
Internationally recognized city planner and author, Victor Dover, FAICP, will give the keynote address on livable communities and sustainable development at the DCP Research Symposium on November 9 at 2:45pm.
Microsoft AI for Earth Grant
A team led by URP doctoral candidate Wei Zhai and Professor Zhong-Ren Peng received a prestigious Microsoft grant to understand human mobility during extreme weather events.
ACSP Diversity Award Given to URP Doctoral Student
Afsheen Sadaf is the recipient of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning’s 2020 Marsha Ritzdorf Award for Best Student Work on Diversity, Social Justice and the Role of Women…
Sen. José Javier Rodríguez Speaks at Bartley Lecture
Florida State Senator Rodríguez shared his journey to pass a “transformative” sea level rise planning law at URP’s annual Earnest R. Bartley Memorial Lecture.
Meet Dr. Yan Wang
Assistant Professor Wang develops data-informed planning for smart resilient cities.
NSF Funds Covid-19 Misinformation Study
Dr. Yan Wang received a grant from the National Science Foundation to study misinformation and risk communication during the coronavirus pandemic.
Investigating Covid-19 Patterns in Cities
Dr. Emre Tepe is studying the spatial and temporal relationships between Covid-19 cases and urban characteristics.
URP Student Awards 2020
The faculty of the UF Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP) are pleased to announce the recipients of the annual URP student awards for 2019-20.
Rural Planning in the Early 1900s
Dr. Kathryn Frank examined rural planning during the United States Progressive Era to see how planners simultaneously built communities and increased economic efficiency.
UF Has First Accredited Online Planning Degree
UF’s Master of Urban and Regional Planning became the first program in the US to be accredited with a fully online option.
Exemplary Online Awards 2019
Intermediate Planning Information Systems (URP6275) was one of three courses to be recognized campus-wide with an award for excellence in online delivery.
Measuring Citywide Transportation Efficiency
Doctoral students Wei Zhai and Xueyin Bai, and Dr. Zhong-Ren Peng, developed a bottom-up approach to measuring transportation efficiency with a case study of New York City taxis.
Character Towns Inspire at the Bartley Lecture
Planning consultant and author Bill Kercher, AICP, explained what gives small towns character at URP’s annual Earnest R. Bartley Memorial Lecture.
APA Florida Conference 2019
URP students and faculty were recognized at the annual conference of the Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association.
Award of Excellence in Neighborhood Planning
The Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association recognized the project Neighborhoods As Community Assets.
Steiner Presents in Indonesia
Dr. Ruth Steiner spent two weeks in Indonesia to deliver a keynote address at an international conference and give invited talks at three universities as part of a USAID initiative.
Evaluating Tampa’s Downtowner Service
Dr. Zhong-Ren Peng received a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation to evaluate the first public ridesharing service in Florida.
Economic Impacts of Freight Transportation
Dr. Zhong-Ren Peng received a Florida Department of Transportation grant to study the lifecycle costs and benefits of freight transportation projects.
Food Water Energy Nexus NSF Grant
Dr. Zhong-Ren Peng received a research grant from the National Science Foundation and joined an international consortium to study the urban food-water-energy nexus from a regional planning perspective.
Impacts of the Built Environment on Ridesharing
Doctoral student Haitao Yu and Dr. Zhong-Ren Peng determined the impacts of land use and transportation infrastructure on ridesharing in Austin, TX.
Modeling Local Government, Residents, and Insurance in Coastal Adaptation
Doctoral candidate Yu Han and Dr. Zhong-Ren Peng predicted risk mitigation behaviors under different policy scenarios using agent-based modeling.
Grand Opening of the Nelson Studio and Seminar Room
The new Howard and Gayle Nelson studio and seminar room opened for URP student and faculty use.
Building a ‘Box City’ Neighborhood
Dr. Laura Dedenbach’s class in Preview of Urban and Regional Planning (URP 4000) led children in the Porters Community to design their ideal neighborhood.
Planning for Sea Level Rise in the Matanzas Basin
A three-year project led by Dr. Kathryn Frank, Planning for Sea Level Rise in the Matanzas Basin, concluded, showing significant local influence.