Give to Gator Planning
Thank you for considering a gift to the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. You can put your gift to work immediately by donating to one of the specific funds below, or the general department fund.
Gifts, donations, and support come to life in a variety of ways at the department level. Updating classroom technology and space; supporting students via scholarships, travel, and development; and hosting annual events and gatherings are just some of the ways your support makes a difference.
CLICK HERE to read more about how our department transforms gifts into meaningful impact.

General Department Fund
Supports the greatest needs of the department.

Ernest R. Bartley Fund
Supports the annual Bartley Lecture speaker series.

Earl M. Starnes Fund
Supports department scholarships or the greatest needs of the department.

Paul & Malea Zwick Fund
Supports a graduate student that has best integrated innovative use of technology into their solution for urban and regional planning problems or research.

James C. Nicholas Scholarship
Supports annual student scholarships.

Judith Mucci Scholarship Fund
Supports annual student scholarships.

Carl Feiss Urban & Environmental Award
Supports annual student scholarships for students focusing in urban and environmental design.

Supports annual student scholarships.

Margaret E. Raynal Memorial Fund
Supports annual student scholarships.

Ulla Rydberg Scholarship Fund
Supports annual student scholarships.

WRS Infrastructure/Mario Ripol Award
Supports annual student scholarships for students specializing in planning information and analysis.