Construction Management

Ravi Srinivasan

Ravi Srinivasan

College of Design, Construction and Planning, M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management
Associate Dean for Research and Strategic Initiatives, Professor
AH 331C

Ph.D. in Architecture (Building Technology), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
MS in Architecture (Building Technology), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
MS in Civil Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Areas of Focus:
Sustainability (Building Energy, Building Materials, Built Environment Resilience, Renewable Energy, Smart Buildings/Cities, Sustainable Architecture and Design, Sustainable Construction,, Sustainable Technology)
Developing dynamic sustainability information modeling (dSIM) platform; more info is available here:


Dr. Ravi Shankar Srinivasan, Rinker School Full Professor hold a M.S. degree in Civil Engineering from University of Florida; and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Architecture (Building Technology) from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), LEED Accredited Professional, Green Globes Professional (GGP), Certified U.S. Institute of Building Documentation (USIBD) Level of Accuracy v3.0., and FAA Certified Remote (Drone) Pilot. He is the Director of UrbSys (Urban Building Energy, Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization) Lab at the Rinker School, DCP. He is an external faculty collaborator with the Center for Environmental Building & Design at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Design; and a faculty collaborator with UF Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases.

Dr. Srinivasan has served as PI and Co-PI on projects funded by external sponsored agencies including National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD), U.S. Veteran Affairs (VA), National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, Diakin Open Innovation Lab in the Silicon Valley, Nesta Enterprises UK, and other private companies. He has published one book as a lead author titled, “The Hierarchy of Energy in Architecture: Emergy Analysis,” Routledge and co-edited a book titled, “Smart Cities: Foundations, Principles, and Applications,” John Wiley & Sons. His research has been disseminated as high-quality technical articles that have gained several citations, Google Scholar. He holds eight patents issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Dr. Srinivasan has advised undergraduate honors theses, chaired ten masters’ theses and seven Ph.D. dissertations. His Ph.D. students were successfully employed in the industry including NVIDIA and academia. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses including Building Energy Modeling. Currently, he serves on the board of directors at the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) and chairs the handbook subcommittee (Technical Committee 4.5) for the American Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Handbook of Fundamentals.


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Larry C. Muszynski

Larry C. Muszynski

M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management
Holland Associate Professor

Ph. D., Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 1978
MS, Purdue University, 1973
BS in Chemistry, Purdue University, 1972

Larry C. Muszynski is an Associate Professor in the M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction. Management. He received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Purdue University in 1978. Since his time as a tenure-track assistant professor and tenured associate professor in M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management, his teaching duties over the last 24 years have been in the area of the “structures” group.  These classes consist of construction materials; mechanics; concrete construction and formwork; and soils and foundations. He has revised the BCN 1210, Construction Materials class to focus on the materials of construction such as soils, concrete, asphalt, timber, masonry, steel and sustainable practices for each of these materials.  This past semester he has developed a new class called ‘The Building Envelope’ that evolved from the previous ‘Roofing Class’ that covers the all of the elements of a building envelope that are exposed to the outside environment.

He has been teaching BCN 3223, the Soils and Concrete Construction class that requires students to work in groups during seven different laboratory exercises and manages a Ph.D. student as the laboratory supervisor. He works with the American Concrete Institute, the Florida Department of Transportation and the Florida Concrete Products Association to make the laboratory exercises relevant to the real world of construction. His areas of research include: cement and concrete material properties, utilizing waste materials in blended cements, chemical and mineral admixtures, sustainable concrete, and corrosion of steel in concrete.

He has been an effective advisor and mentor to both undergraduate and graduate BCN students. He encourages and helps students procure internships and permanent jobs with organizations that he has had contact with and helps students determine what they want to do in life and instruct them on how they might get there.

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Masoud Gheisari

Masoud Gheisari

M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management
Director of Graduate Programs and Research, Associate Professor

Ph.D. in Building Construction, Georgia Tech

Research Interests: Aerial and ground robots, AI integration in construction work and education, technology-supported education innovation, VR/AR/MR, human-robot interaction, safety

Biography: Dr. Masoud Gheisari is the Director of Graduate Programs & Research and an Associate Professor in the M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management at the University of Florida. He leads the Human-Centered Technology in Construction (HCTC) research lab: His research focuses on the theoretical and experimental investigation of human-robot interaction in construction and technology-supported education innovation. He earned his Ph.D. in Building Construction (2013) from the Georgia Institute of Technology. To date, he has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed papers in the fields of virtual/augmented/mixed reality (VR/AR/MR) and safe human-drone/robot interaction in construction.

His work has received support worth over $3m in grants from external funding agencies, including the National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Labor, NIOSH’s Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR), National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER), and ELECTRI International. Dr. Gheisari’s contributions to research and teaching have earned him numerous awards, including the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) International Outstanding Researcher Award (2021), ENR Southeast’s Top Young Professional (2020), Russell J. Alessi ELECTRI International Early Career Award (2018), and ASCE ExCEEd Fellowship (2015), among others. He is also an Associate Editor for ASCE’s Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering and serves as the Secretary of the Education Committee within the ASCE Computing Division.

Externally Funded Research Projects:

  • Go to Dr. Gheisari’s funding page


Future Students: Strongly motivated students are always invited to join HCTC Lab. Please email Dr. Gheisari at with a current CV and a statement of research interest.

Further information about our ongoing research is available on our research lab website: Human-Centered Technology in Construction (HCTC) Lab

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Bryan Franz

Bryan Franz

M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management
Associate Professor; Ph.D. Program Director

Dr. Bryan Franz is an Assistant Professor of Construction Management at the University of Florida.  He is a researcher and educator dedicated to improving the project delivery process in the building construction industry.  Specifically, he studies organizational strategies for assembling, managing, and evaluating successful project teams.  These strategies include the use of collaborative delivery methods, such as Design-Build and Integrated Project Delivery, the modeling of project communication networks, and the identification of the relational competencies needed for future project managers.  He has published over 30 journal articles, technical reports and conference proceedings in this field.  Dr. Franz is the currently the instructor for Introduction to Construction Management (BCN 3027C) and Construction Capstone (BCN 4787C).  He earned a B.S. (2005), M.S. (2011) and Ph.D. (2014) in Architectural Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University.

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Jeffrey Lindsey

Jeffrey Lindsey

M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management
Fire and Emergency Services Director/Senior Lecturer

Doctorate of Philosophy in Instructional Technology/Adult Education (earned) University of South Florida
Master of Education in Instructional Technology University of South Florida
Bachelor of Science in Fire and Safety Engineering Technology University of Cincinnati
Associate in Arts in Paramedic Harrisburg Area Community College
Executive Fire Officer Program, National Fire Academy, United States Fire Administration
Fire Instructor III, State of Florida, Bureau of Fire Standards and Training
Firefighter, State of Florida, Bureau of Fire Standards and Training
NFPA Fire Officer I & II, State of Florida, Bureau of Fire Standards and Training
Florida certified paramedic

Dr. Jeffrey Lindsey holds a Doctorate of Philosophy in Instructional Technology/Adult Education from the University of South Florida. He began his educational endeavors at the University of Cincinnati in Fire Engineering Technology. He couples this with his experience in the fire service from Carlisle, PA. Philadelphia, PA. Largo, FL. And finally, as fire chief in Estero, FL has given him many years’ experience in the industry with real life experience.

He specializes in emergency services administration, management of personnel and major scenes, education, and emergency and disaster response. Both his strong management and leadership background combined with extensive academic excellence makes him an ideal director of the FES program. He has extensive teaching experience in leadership, professional development, emergency management, EMS, fire services, education, and disaster response. He has taken a keen interest of specializing in health and wellness of fire and EMS personnel.

He has published numerous texts in fire and EMS and has served as a past Columnist for Fire Rescue 1 and JEMS publications. He has written many research papers. Served as a State, National, and International speaker at various conferences. He is a subject matter expert for investigative reports and legal cases involving emergency services.

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Ian Flood

Ian Flood

M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management

Dr. Ian Flood received his Ph.D. from the University of Manchester, UK, on computing techniques applied to the simulation of construction processes. He has held academic positions at the University of Singapore, the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Maryland, and he is currently Professor in the Rinker School of Construction Management at the University of Florida.

He has published extensively on the subjects of intelligent computing applied to civil and construction engineering and management, he has received five best paper awards, and is one of the most frequently cited authors within the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.  Dr. Flood has also received awards for teaching, international education, and was the 2015 recipient of the ASCE Computing in Civil Engineering Award.

His research is concerned with the development of new methods of modeling AEC systems using artificial intelligence methods.  He is currently chair of the Editorial Board for ASCE’s Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, and Specialty Editor for Elsevier’s Journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics. Dr. Flood was previously Chair of the Executive Committee of TCCIT (the Technical Council on Computing and Information Technology) for the American Society of Civil Engineers.

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Edward Minchin

Edward Minchin

M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management

Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Pennsylvania State University;
Master of Engineering, Civil Engineering, University of Florida
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Florida

Dr. Edward Minchin is currently Professor at the M.E. Rinker Sr. School of Construction Management at the University of Florida.  In a 34-year career, Dr. Minchin has worked as part of eight major areas of the construction process.  He has been a laborer, construction contractor, designer, inspector, construction owner, researcher, consultant, and adjudicator.

After earning Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida, Dr. Minchin worked as a construction estimator for Couch Construction Company in Tampa, and later for the Florida Department of Transportation, where he rose to the position of Chief Area Construction.  After 14 years in industry, he obtained a PhD in Civil Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University, and a Master’s degree in Liberal Arts from Harvard University.

Dr. Minchin has over 140 publications, including two books, and seven book chapters.  He served as External Examiner, and committee member for a doctoral thesis in the Department of Civil Engineering; Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, as well as Northeastern University.  He currently simultaneously holds three professorships:  the UF Term, UF Research Foundation, and Holland Professorships.  He has served as was a Visiting Scholar at Northeastern University in 2015-16, and was selected as a Keynote Speaker at four international Construction Conferences in the last 10 years, in Panama, China, Canada, and Thailand.

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James G. Sullivan

James G. Sullivan

M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management
Director of Undergraduate Program
// Assistant Professor

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Florida, 2007
Master of Building Construction, 2001
Master of the Arts in Mass Communications, 1990
Bachelor of Science in Advertising, 1988

Areas of Focus:
Sustainability (Building Energy, Built Environment Resilience, Smart Buildings/Cities, Sustainable Construction)
Focus on LEED and GBCI accreditation training and building certification. Emphasis on whole building design and cost alternatives.

Dr. James Sullivan
is the Charles R. Perry Sr. Lecturer and Program Director at the M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction at the University of Florida.  Dr. Sullivan’s research interests includes sustainable high-performance design and construction of the built environment, labor productivity, schedule adherence best practices, Lean processes and professional development. Dr. Sullivan has received the several teaching and service honors including the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) National Excellence Teaching Award (2011), ASC Regional Excellence Teaching Award, the College of Design, Construction and Planning Teacher of the Year Award, and the College of Design, Construction and Planning Outstanding Service Award. He also serves as the ASC Region 2 Director and on several advisory boards relating to worker training and education. Dr. Sullivan has also facilitated the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Build Your Future Florida web portal that provides access to careers in construction.

Dr. Sullivan received a Bachelors of Science Degree, a Master of Arts in Mass Communication, a Masters in Building Construction, and a Doctor of Philosophy all from the University of Florida.  His professional experience includes being an Operations Director for CPPI with a focus on Healthcare projects, a Project Manager for Clark Construction, and an Owner’s Representative for Hines Real Estate Development.

Dr. Sullivan’s teaching focus is focused on field and management career readiness.  He has taught a variety of courses with most current focus on field communication and techniques as well as pre-professional project management courses.  He also provides leadership with regard to student groups and competition teams.  He has worked with teams with focuses on sustainability, concrete, risk, and commercial projects.

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Robert J. Ries

Robert J. Ries

M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management

Ph. D. in Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University, 1999
MS in Architecture Carnegie Mellon University, 1995
B. Arch, Pratt Institute, 1982

Areas of Focus: 
Sustainability (Building Energy, Building Materials, Built Environment Resilience, Renewable Energy, Smart Buildings/Cities Sustainable Architecture and Design, Sustainable Construction, Sustainable Technology)
The spatial dimensions of work range from assessing indoor environmental quality in spaces to modeling water resources regionally to modeling the potential for ground-level ozone formation nationally. The dimensions of interest range from the health and performance of people, life cycle pollution generation and resources, and life cycle financial performance, sometimes all at once, based on a foundation of ethics. Research indicates that of the range of environmental impacts we generally consider in sustainability and resilience, biodiversity has been impacted to the greatest extent, and in my opinion, biodiversity impact is an under-appreciated environmental impact of the built environment.

Special Fields Green Building, Sustainable Development, Life Cycle Assessment in the Construction Process Employers University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Energy and National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado, Brooklyn Design and Fabrication AC3D Architectural Firm Publications More than 80 publications in the area of life cycle assessment and optimization, green building construction, and environmental impact assessment of buildings.

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William O’Dell

William O’Dell

M.E. Rinker, Sr, School of Construction Management, Shimberg Center for Housing Studies
Associate Research Professor; Director, Shimberg Center for Housing Studies
(352) 273-1171

Areas of Focus:
(Built Environment Resilience, Housing)

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