Master of Science in Architectural Studies: Sustainable Design

everglades bay overview


The MSAS Concentration in Sustainable Design is a 36-credit nonprofessional graduate degree program that focuses on social, ecological, and environmental issues related to resilient and regenerative planning and urbanism. The Sustainable Design curriculum also examines the role of design, technology, public policy, and environmental practices in developing resilient communities and cities.

The Sustainable Design concentration provides students with the opportunity to engage in specialized investigations that confront twenty-first century environmental, social, and economic challenges. A graduate of the program will understand the positive impact of sustainability policy, and actively engage with development and planning of the built environment, natural systems, and societal issues. The program emphasizes the role of sustainability and regenerative practices on contemporary urban issues and the future of cities.

The program welcomes applications from both research and practice-oriented candidates and prepares students for careers as sustainability experts in design, construction, real estate, and as resilience officers and other sustainability roles in corporate firms, government, academia and not-for-profit organizations.


Applicants to the Master of Science in Architectural Studies (MSAS) degree programs are reviewed application twice yearly. Please submit all application materials by March 1st to be considered for the fall semester, or by October 1st to be considered for admission in the following spring semester.

We will consider late applications received after these deadlines only on a space-available basis.



Estimated Program Cost for Master of Science in Architecture Studies / Sustainable Design (MSAS/SD)*

Florida ResidentNon-Florida Resident
Start-Up Expenses
Computer Purchase$ 1,300$ 1,300
Software Purchase – Basic Computing Software$ 200$ 500
Florida ResidentNon-Florida Resident
Tuition + Fees (36 Credits) = $607.29 x 36 = $21,862(36 Credits) = $758.29 x 36 = $27,298
Studio Materials + Supplies$100$100
Field trip (Abroad); Exclude Flight (market price); meals (around $500)$900$900
Software Purchase$200$200
Books100 (+)100 (+)

* Note that these programs are “self-supporting”. Per Florida Board of Governor Regulation 8.002, the term “self-supporting” describes a budgetary model and does not impact student financial aid eligibility.


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