For the Master of Architecture (MArch) degree programs, please submit all application materials by 15 January to be considered for the fall semester. For the Master of Science in Architectural Studies (MSAS) degree programs (including concentrations in Themed Environments Integration, Historic Preservation, Pedagogy, Acoustics, History/Theory/Criticism, Community Design, and Computational Design), we review application materials twice yearly. For the MSAS degree programs, please submit all application materials by 15 February (or as listed in MSAS concentration information) to be considered for the fall semester, or by 15 September to be considered for admission in the following spring semester. We will consider late applications received after these deadlines only on a space-available basis.
The application process consists of three principal components: 1) Documents that you personally submit online to the University of Florida Office of Graduate Admissions, 2) Documents and information that you request to be sent to UF, on your behalf, and 3) Documents that you submit to the School of Architecture directly. To avoid complications and delays in processing your application, send each of your application materials to the proper address as shown below. Note that individual departments do not have access to materials that are incorrectly sent to other offices. Please prepare your admissions packages to be sent to the locations noted below.
Package 1: Applicants should submit the following items to University of Florida Office of Graduate Admissions
Online Application This is the first step in the Admissions process. On your Application, be sure to self-report your GPA on the form to expedite review. When asked if you are applying for re-admission to UF, be sure to mark “NO” unless you have previously attended UF as a graduate student. Florida residents should complete the Florida Residency Affidavit. Note that the Certificate of Financial Responsibility is NOT required.
Application Fee ($30 USD, nonrefundable).
Letter of Intent: Please describe your motives and goals in pursuing a graduate education in architecture, as well as any intended focus or specialization. What are you looking for in your graduate studies? What educational and/or life experiences will you bring with you? Why are you applying to the University of Florida?
Resume / Curriculum Vitae: This should include a summary of education, work experience, awards/recognition, publications, etc.
Package 2: Applicants should request that the following documents be sent to the University of Florida Office of Graduate Admissions
Official Transcripts: Official transcripts and credentials from all institutions of higher education previously attended. The University of Florida calculates your undergraduate grade point average (GPA) using the last 60 semester credits (or 90 quarter credits) of your bachelor’s degree. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average to be considered for admission. Note for international applicants: Please provide your official transcripts in both your country’s native language as well as English translations.
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Scores: As of Fall 2022, the School of Architecture no longer requires GRE scores for admission into our graduate programs.
Demonstration of English Language Proficiency: For applicants from outside the United States and Puerto Rico, you are required to demonstrate English language proficiency in one of the following methods: 1) TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): The UF School Code for TOEFL scores is 5812 and the Department Code is 12. Minimum TOEFL scores: 550 (paper format), 213 (computer), or 80 (web-based); 2) IELTS (International English Language Testing System): Minimum score: 6; 3) MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery): Minimum score: 77; or 4) Successful completion of the University of Florida English Language Institute program.
Three Letters of Recommendation: These letters should be written by people qualified to assess your past academic performance and/or professional experience, as well as your preparation and aptitude for advanced graduate studies in architecture. As a part of the application process, applicants will be asked to provide the names and contact information for individuals who have agreed to write letters on behalf of the applicant. UF will contact those individuals and provide them with a secure website allowing them to upload materials confidentially.
Package 3: Applicants should send the following item to the School of Architecture:
Portfolio: Applicants should prepare a digital portfolio of previous design studio work, independent projects, and/or related creative work. Applicants who have completed pre-professional degrees and are seeking admission into the advanced degree program should use your portfolio to demonstrate strength in conceptual design, critical thinking, and understanding of architectural conventions (including plan, section, elevation, three-dimensional diagrams, renderings, physical models, etc). For applicants without extensive backgrounds in architecture, the portfolio should demonstrate any related visual and/or conceptual thinking skills. This may include freehand drawing, painting, photography, furniture design, construction, free verse, critical writing, etc. For the portfolio, there is no limit on the number of pages and no minimum or maximum number of projects to be included, although the final file must be small enough that it can be sent as an email attachment. Preferred page size is 8 1/2″ x 11″, saved as a series of 2-page spreads. Please use Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format for your portfolio. Portfolio should be emailed to Cameron Jacques at DCPArchitectureGraduateApplications@ad.ufl.edu.
Most of the documents listed above will be submitted electronically. For any documents that must be sent by mail, please use the following addresses:
UF Office of Admissions
POB 114000
Gainesville FL 32611-4000 USA
In case of using Fed Ex or DHL only
UF Office of Admissions
201 Criser Hall
Gainesville FL 32611-4000 USA
Note to Applicants
Once we have received all of the documents listed above, we will begin the review of your application. Following review of all applications, admission decisions are typically sent to applicants beginning in March for fall admissions. Due to the large number of applications received, we are unable to provide information about the status of your application while reviews are pending. We will notify you if there are application materials missing. Please do not e-mail or call asking for information regarding the review process of your application. We will notify you immediately upon the decision of your admission. If you have any questions concerning the admissions process or instructions, please e-mail the Admissions Officer, Cameron Jacques, at DCPArchitectureGraduateApplications@ad.ufl.edu.
Estimated program costs for Master of Architecture (MArch) students are available below for planning purposes. These estimates are calculated for each semester of the program and focus on those costs directly related to the academic program. Students can also reference the estimates provided by the Office of Student Financial Affairs for more general categories, such as housing, food, transportation, etc.
One-time startup expenses are included for those graduate students entering the Core program and who have not studied architecture before. Students are provided with a Student Supply List outlining the equipment and tools needed. Applicable to all graduate students, the UF | SoA Student Computing Requirement Policy outlines the minimum requirements for computer hardware and software needed to successfully complete the degree program. In addition, the SoA provides information on study abroad program costs, which are optional.
Estimated Program Costs for Master of Architecture (MArch) Students:
Start-up Expenses | Main Campus (Gainesville) | CityLab |
Computer Purchase | $ 1,300.00 (Note 1) | $ 1,300.00 (Note 1) |
Software Purchase – Basic Computing Software | $ 200.00 | $ 200.00 |
Architecture Studio Equipment and Tools | $ 500.00 (Note 2) | $ 500.00 (Note 2) |
Subtotal | $ 2,000.00 | $ 2,000.00 |
Preparatory Core / Foundations (Track III) | Main Campus (Gainesville) | CityLab |
Year 1 | ||
Tuition + Fees – 24 credit hours (Florida resident rates) | $ 5,105.04 (Note 3) | $ 18,966.96 (Note 4) |
Core 1 Studio Materials + Supplies | $ 150.00 | $ 150.00 |
Core 2 Studio Materials + Supplies | $ 150.00 | $ 150.00 |
Software Purchase – Architecture Specific | $ 400.00 (Note 1) | $ 400.00 (Note 1) |
Books | $ 500.00 (Note 5) | $ 500.00 (Note 5) |
Subtotal – Year 1 | $ 6,305.04 | $ 20,166.96 |
Year 2 | ||
Tuition + Fees – 24 credit hours (Florida resident rates) | $ 5,105.04 (Note 3) | $ 18,966.96 (Note 4) |
Core 3 Studio Materials + Supplies | $ 250.00 | $ 150.00 |
Core 4 Studio Materials + Supplies | $ 250.00 | $ 250.00 |
Software Purchase – Architecture Specific | $ 400.00 (Note 1) | $ 400.00 (Note 1) |
Books | $ 500.00 (Note 5) | $ 500.00 (Note 5) |
Subtotal – Year 2 | $ 6,505.04 | $ 20,166.96 |
Foundations Coursework Total (Florida resident rates) | $ 12,810.08 | $ 40,333.92 |
Foundations Coursework Total (non-resident rates) | $ 48,453.44 | $ 40,333.92 |
Advanced Coursework (Track I and III) | Main Campus (Gainesville) | CityLab |
Year 1 (Year 3 for Students in Track III “Core” Program) | ||
Tuition + Fees – 28 credit hours (Florida resident rates) | $ 17,527.72 (Note 3) | $ 22,128.12 (Note 4) |
Adv Grad 1 Studio Materials + Supplies | $ 500.00 | $ 250.00 |
Adv Grad 2 Studio Materials + Supplies | $ 250.00 | $ 250.00 |
Adv Grad 2 Studio – Required Travel Expenses | $ 1,200.00 | $ 0.00 |
Software Purchase – Architecture Specific | $ 400.00 (Note 1) | $ 400.00 (Note 1) |
Books | $ 375.00 (Note 5) | $ 375.00 (Note 5) |
Subtotal – Year 1 | $ 20,252.72 | $ 23,403.12 |
Year 2 (Year 4 for Students in Track III “Core” Program) | ||
Tuition + Fees – 24 credit hours (Florida resident rates) | $ 15,023.76 (Note 3) | $ 18,966.96 (Note 4) |
Adv Grad 3 Studio Materials + Supplies | $ 250.00 | $ 250.00 |
Thesis / PILOT Materials + Supplies | $ 250.00 | $ 250.00 |
Software Purchase – Architecture Specific | $ 400.00 (Note 1) | $ 400.00 (Note 1) |
Books | $ 125.00 (Note 5) | $ 125.00 (Note 5) |
Subtotal – Year 2 | $ 16,048.76 | $ 19,991.96 |
Advanced Coursework Total (Florida resident rates) | $ 36,301.48 | $ 43,395.08 |
Advanced Coursework Total (non-resident rates) | $ 73,986.92 | $ 43,395.08 |
(1) Computer hardware and software expenses estimated per UF SOA Student Computing Requirements Policy.
(2) Expenses estimated based on Core 1 Student Supply List.
(3) The tuition costs for classes on campus in Gainesville are calculated based on the course level (undergraduate or graduate) and residency status (Florida resident or non-resident). For the previous academic year, the total undergraduate Florida resident rate was $212.71 per credit hour and the total undergraduate non-resident rate was $955.28 per credit hour. For graduate coursework, the total graduate Florida resident rate was $625.99 per credit hour and the graduate non-resident rate was $1,350.71 per credit hour.
(4) Students enrolled in the CityLab Orlando program pay a market-rate tuition of $750 per credit hour for all coursework, regardless of residency status. Note that these programs are “self-supporting”. Per Florida Board of Governor Regulation 8.002, the term “self-supporting” describes a budgetary model and does not impact student financial aid eligibility.
(5) Books are estimated at $125 per required lecture class.
(6) The estimated program costs listed above DO NOT include other related expenses, including housing, food, transportation, etc. An estimate of these expenses is available from the Graduate School.
You can open, read and print copies of our admissions process forms and brochure below. Some of these documents are PDF files, readable and printable with the free Adobe Reader. (If your computer does not already have Adobe Reader, you can download it for free by clicking on the link below) You can apply online at the UF Office of the Registrar’s web site, whose link is also shown below. To avoid complications and delays in processing your application, send each of your application materials to the address printed on the form or to the correct address above.