November 12 through 16 was International Education Week and the University of Florida celebrated with many events throughout the week.
According to UF’s International Center, International Education Week provided an opportunity to celebrate the university’s many efforts to create and promote programs of global focus.
The College of Design, Construction and Planning has a very international presence with our students and faculty and we are proud of those chosen as award winners during this year’s celebration.
Our faculty award winners were Martha Kohen (International Educator of the Year, Senior Faculty), Alpa Nawre (International Educator of the Year, Junior Faculty) and Yan Wang (2019 Global Fellows Program).

DCP students chosen for Outstanding Achievement Awards were Yiying Deng, Chunyao Liu, Frances Membreno, Martin Nwodo and Jun Sohn.
Congratulations to you all. Thank you for contributing to the diverse and collaborative spirit we have in our college. We are OneDCP.