During the 2020 Fall Semester, DCP students, faculty and staff went through a semester that looked unlike any other. With the beginning of the 2021 Spring Semester upon us, we will once again venture into new territory with “hy-flex” classroom delivery. We know you have questions so we have included the most commonly asked ones below.
If you have more specific questions that are not answered on this page, please reach out to the person in charge of your class or program.
For more general questions regarding how the university is handling the fall semester, please visit their FAQ page.
Students will be enrolled in sections that are face-to-face and online. Students in the face-to-face section will come to class in person, while students in the online sections will participate in live lectures remotely. Access to studios in the Spring semester will resume as normal unless conditions force us to limit or eliminate after-hours access. For DCP Studio Guidelines for Spring 2021, please click here.
The university plans to continue with the core strategy of targeted testing, but are adding mandatory surveillance testing at the start of the semester, continuing with testing every two weeks, for students living in residence halls and those participating in Greek life in Gainesville or in face-to-face classroom instruction. Adjustments will be made on the basis of needs that arise during the ever-changing pandemic.
Please visit their Spring 2021 page for how mandatory surveillance testing will work for specific groups, what exclusions may apply and consequences for students who do not comply.
Programs will still be available through an online format.
· Advising will be virtual for the spring semester. Students can email their advisor directly or contact advising@dcp.ufl.edu to set up a Zoom meeting.
· For the Fab Lab, students and faculty can email files to be fabricated using any of the lab’s available technologies. An email will be sent once the item is ready for pickup. Students and faculty members can purchase materials in person or by sending an email request. Laser room training and memberships are also available which allow you access to the laser room. Curbside pickup as well as shipping via FedEx are also offered. Visit our website: https://fablab.arts.ufl.edu/ or contact fablabhelp@dcp.ufl.edu for more details on services and available materials.
· The computer labs in ARC 116/118/120 will have special hours from 1/11-1/24, then go to being open 24/7 starting 1/25. Capacity is limited to 26 to keep the required physical distancing. Please visit https://labs.at.ufl.edu/about-at-labs/lab-hours/ for those hours. The link will also include hours for CSE learning spaces as well as the computer labs in the Marston Science Library.
Architecture building
· To enter the administrative wing offices, individuals need to make an appointment and must be accompanied by the individual who arranged the appointment. That person is then responsible for their exit.
· DCP Atrium should not be used to host any events without approval from Abdol Chini (Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and Facilities). Send requests to Liz Hauck (ehauck@dcp.ufl.edu). It will be accessible but wearing masks or keeping the minimum 6 feet physical distancing is required.
· Bathrooms in the building will be open with occupancy limits. Wearing masks and keeping the minimum 6 feet physical distancing are required.
· Classrooms, conference rooms, and DCP gallery will remain closed. If these spaces are needed for face-to-face instruction or other uses, occupancy limits and minimum 6 feet physical distancing must be enforced. Contact Liz Hauck (ehauck@dcp.ufl.edu) for use of these spaces.
· DCP Research Hub (ARC 160) will be open for use by DCP graduate students. The chairs in the room have been spaced to follow the minimum 6 feet physical distancing and should not be moved from marked spaces. Access to the ground floor is limited to the door near the elevator and the code to access this door has been changed. Please contact Liz Hauck (ehauck@dcp.ufl.edu) for the code.
· DCP will not offer a physical tour of its facilities during the Spring 2021 semester but can provide the interested parties a photo gallery here.
Rinker Hall
· Masks must be worn by all entering the building.
· Exterior doors will be marked as ENTRY or EXIT for occupants to follow.
· Occupants must follow the directional arrows as indicated on the floors to help ensure 6 feet separation of ALL occupants.
· Accessing upper levels:
o The maximum capacity of the elevator is 2 persons. To limit over-crowding in the elevator areas, the elevator should only be used by persons who have difficulty in utilizing the stairs.
o Stairwells will be marked for use in one direction – UP or DOWN as indicated on the signs posted at stairwell doorways.
§ North Stairs next to elevator are for use in the UP direction
§ South stairs are for use in the UP direction
§ Center stairs are for DOWN direction
· All common areas are locked (kitchen, student lounge, conference rooms). Any utilization must limit the number of persons to maintain proper social distancing.
o Kitchen occupancy should be limited to one person at a time.
o Break room area should be limited to one person at a time.
o Student Lounge will have limited capacity posted on main door. We will be forced to close all access to the lounge if occupancy levels exceed the capacity.
o Conference Rooms will have maximum capacities posted on each entry door. Conference Room utilization must be scheduled in advance through contacting Lyndsey Diehlman (lmdiehlman@dcp.ufl.edu).
o Main Lobby entrance chairs have been removed to limit occupancy and comply with social distancing– please do not congregate in any common areas.
· All bathrooms will have limited capacity as indicated on the doors. A method of monitoring utilization is under development.
· Classrooms will follow physical distance guidelines – the Rinker Classrooms have the maximum capacities indicated on all entry doors.
· Please contact David Nunez (dnunez@dcp.ufl.edu) if you have any questions.
· The DCP spaces in FAC building will follow the policies of the College of the Arts. Please contact Annemarie Furlong (afurlong@arts.ufl.edu) if you have any questions.
Yes. Please follow UF Health’s requirements.
Please refer to the University of Florida’s Our Plan Forward website for more detailed guidance.