Research informs who we are and what we value in the College of Design, Construction and Planning (DCP). Here, DCP faculty and students lead innovative research reflecting UF’s standing as an R1 university. Our scholarship is impressive. It is expanding the pool of knowledge across the allied disciplines that define the College and supports a just future for people and places.
The 2023 DCP Research Symposium offers a venue to be together in person, to talk with one another, raise awareness, share ideas, debate, and lay the groundwork for collaborations.
Symposium traditions will continue: A New Voices Lightning Round featuring the research of the newest members of the faculty; The annual poster session dedicated to showcasing different stages and types of graduate student research; The opportunity to join a tabling event in the atrium to learn the latest from the College’s Centers and Institutes.
At the same time, you will see changes. We are trying out a new format to allow more time to discuss, debate, and offer a range of perspectives. We intend to spark conversation at the roundtables and beyond, from our opening reception to our closing session, to encourage a sense of connection and belonging to the research community.
Further, we are introducing curated roundtables led by experienced and early career faculty:
- On Academic Book Publishing
- On Community-Engaged Research
- On DCP Research in the Era of AI + Emerging Technologies
Indeed, the 2023 symposium offers an opportunity to explore a spectrum of genuinely transformative research. Come and explore the creative research at play in all corners of the College.
Register for Day 1: https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2oywuDV28WaSPVc
Register for Day 2: https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1ZeF0x2OYI4a4Zg
Wednesday, November 8
4:00-5:00 p.m. Jumping In! Check out these concurrent sessions:
- Session A
- Graduate Research Posters in the John and Anne Sofarelli Family Gallery – Talk to students about their research & be prepared to be impressed.
- Session B
- Research Tabling Session – Discover and discuss what some of our research centers and institutes are doing. – Architecture Building Atrium
- Center for Advanced Construction Information Modeling
- Raymond Issa, Director
- FIBER: Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience
- Jeff Carney, Director
- GatorCorps – FIBER Initiative (Jason von Meding)
- Florida Institute for Innovative Communities
- Kathryn Frank, Director
- GeoPlan: Geo-Facilities Planning and Information Research Center
- Alexis Thomas, Director
- Crystal Goodison, Associate Director
- Center for Hydro-Generated Urbanism
- Martha Kohen & Nancy Clark, Co-Directors
- iAdapt: International Center for Adaptation Planning and Design
- Zhong-Ren Peng, Director
- Center for Landscape Conservation Planning
- Tom Hoctor, Director
- Michael Volk, Associate Director
- Shimberg Center for Housing Studies
- Anne Ray, Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse Manager
- Center for World Heritage Research and Stewardship
- Cleary Larkin, Director
- Center for Advanced Construction Information Modeling
- Research Tabling Session – Discover and discuss what some of our research centers and institutes are doing. – Architecture Building Atrium
- Reconnect and meet new colleagues and students in the College!
5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Reception & Student Research Poster Commendations
* The John and Anne Sofarelli Family Gallery
Thursday, November 9
10:00-11:30 a.m. Academic Book Publishing: Three Authors + An Editor
Featuring faculty who have a published in a variety of academic presses & Editor of the University Press of Florida | University of Florida Press
Roundtable Discussion
Featuring and Facilitating:
- Kristin Larsen, Ph.D.
- Stathis Yeros, Ph.D.
- Chimay Anumba, Ph.D., D.Sc.
- Romi Gutierrez, Director, University Press of Florida
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. New Voices Lightning Round with New Faculty
- Andrea Galinski, MLA
- Renee Tapp, Ph.D.
- Gabriel Castelblanco, Ph.D.
- Luis Mejia-Puig, Ph.D.
- Sarah Gamble, M. Arch
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Community-Centered Inquiry + Application:
Faculty Research Sharing + Roundtable Discussion
Featuring and Facilitating:
- Jeff Carney, AIA, AICP
- Yi Luo, Ph.D.
- Abhinav Alakshendra, Ph.D.
- Jules Bruck, Ph.D.
2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Research in the Age of Emerging Technologies + AI
Faculty Research Sharing + Roundtable Discussion
Featuring and Facilitating:
- Masoud Gheisari, Ph.D.
- Aladdin Alwisy, Ph.D.
- Karla Saldaña Ochoa, Ph.D.
- Shenhao Wang, Ph.D.