Saying Goodbye to Mae Lee

Mae Lee Thomson Foster, Professor Emerita of Architecture at the University of Florida, passed away on September 9, 2018.

In 1971, Foster moved to Gainesville to teach in the UF Department of Architecture. She taught basic design classes and graduate seminars in prehistoric placemaking.

She also created an inventive graduate seminar that allowed graduate teaching assistants to develop the perspective of a professional academic while assisting the faculty in teaching undergraduate design studios.

Foster was among the first women to be hired, tenured and promoted to Full Professor in the College of Architecture. She received the College’s Teacher of the Year Award in 1989. She was elevated to the College of Distinguished Professors of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture in 2000.

Foster had a huge impact on our college throughout the years, and we offer our sincere condolences to her loved ones.

To read Foster’s full obituary, visit the UF School of Architecture Facebook page here.

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