DCP’s Class of ’69 came back to campus to be inducted into the Grand Guard Society. This annual celebration is hosted by the University of Florida Alumni Association to honor the 50th anniversary of a Gator’s first graduation.
Before coming over to the Architecture Building for lunch, our Grand Guard members got to hear from the Head Ball Coach himself, Steve Spurrier, who is now a UF Ambassador. He won the Heisman Trophy as a Gator football player in 1966, which would have been this Grand Guard class’ freshman year.
The Grand Guard tradition began in 1955 and included graduates from East Florida Seminary, Florida Agricultural College and South Florida Military Institute. We were honored to have these newest members of the UF Grand Guard Society join us on campus for lunch.

2019 DCP Grand Guard Luncheon Attendees
Hernando Carrillo, BARCH ‘69
Wendall Hall, BARCH ‘69
Thomas Hamm, BBC ’69, MBC ‘71
Ronald Henderson, BBC ‘69
Ed Laney, BBC ‘69
Oscar A. Larrauri, BARCH ‘69
Drue Lewis, BA ’69 (CLAS)
George Lewis, BBC ‘69
Jim Manuel, BBC ‘69
Matthew Michalak, BBC ‘69
Blaine Miller, BARCH ‘69
Mary Margaret Reilly, BDES ‘69
Charles Frank Riggle III, BBC ‘70
Rafael Robayna, BBC ‘69
Franklin Shepard, BBC ‘69
Theodore Steinwender, BBC ‘69
Dale Townsend, BBC ‘69
Dan Whiteman, BBC ’69, MBC ’92, Ph.D. ‘02
Ed Woolery, BBC ‘69
“It’s always exciting to have our alums back on campus,” Senior Director of Advancement Seth Watts said. “We are excited to celebrate their 50 year milestone for the class of 1969.”