Some highlights from 2018-2019 include:
- Architecture: Professor Charlie Hailey was awarded the 2018 Guggenheim Fellowship. Students in the CityLab-Orlando program were the first in the country to become IPAL graduates. Professors Martha Kohen and Nancy Clark continue their work with Puerto Rico Re_Start 2.
- Interior Design: Graduate students Katherine Bennett and Gloria Hahn won first place in the IDEC’s national student design competition. Senior Katie Woody was part of a team representing four top design programs that won second place in the Walt Disney Imagineering’s 28th Imaginations Design Competition. Associate Professor Jason Meneely was named the 2018 CIDA Award of Excellence Merit Winner. The department received a National Certificate of Research Excellence from the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA).
- Landscape Architecture: LAF 2018 Olmsted Scholar Finalist awarded to BLA student Bryce Donner. ASLA 2018 Council of Fellows awarded to BLA student Nathania Martinez. ASLA 2018 Award of Honor awarded to team members Nathania Martinez, Bryce Donner and Bryana Boileau.
- DCP’s Infinity Fab Lab became the first place in the state of Florida with a metal 3D printer.
- DCP launched the Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience which brings together a preeminent group of faculty with expertise in diverse disciplinary backgrounds to become the focal point for research into making our communities and cities safer through enhanced resilience of the built environment.