WLS2019 • Sept.29 – Oct. 1, 2019 • Gainesville, Florida USA
Thank You!
The WLS2019 committee would like to thank our sponsors and all those who participated at this past event. This was a successful event with 3 keynotes, 15 presentations, and 10 student posters about cutting edge topics. If you are interest in receiving any information regarding the workshop or proceedings, please email wls2019@dcp.ufl.edu.
Proceedings now available:
WLS2019 Proceedings
Costin, A. M. (Ed.) (2020). Future of Information Exchanges and Interoperability. Gainesville, FL: SCI Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-7351595-0-8.
The University of Florida will be hosting the North American Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC) Workshop on Linked Building Data and Semantic Web Technologies (WLS2019) at Hotel Indigo Gainesville-Celebration Pointe and Info Tech, Gainesville, Florida USA.
The theme of this workshop is: Future of Information Exchanges and Interoperability.
Over the last few decades, the built environment and the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operation (AECO) Industry has seen an increase in the amount of computer software, technologies, and automation to help improve all facets of the industry. This new era of technologies is enabling transformative change in the way our communities are interacting among themselves and with the built environment. The Internet of Things (IoT), cyber infrastructure, and Big Data are among the new transformative changes that produce and share information from all the connected devices and technologies enabling Smart and Sustainable Urban Systems. With the increase of such innovations, seamless information exchange between the connected technologies within the different domain facets is a major need. The purpose of this workshop is to provide a focused overview on technical and applied research on the methods and usage of interoperability in the AECO industry and built environment. The workshop aims at gathering researchers, industry stakeholders, and standardization bodies of the broader Linked Building Data (LBD) community. This includes the buildingSMART Linked Data Working Group (LDWG) participants, the W3C Linked Building Data (LBD) Community Group participants, and others. This event is also the North American companion to the European Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC) Workshop.
Linked Building Data
- Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
- The ifcOWL ontology
- Linked Building Data ontologies: BOT, PRODUCT, PROPS, OPM
- 3D geometry ontologies
- Infrastructure ontologies
- Semantic sensor ontologies (SSN)
- IoT and Smart City ontologies
- Life Cycle Assessment ontologies
Semantic Web Technologies
- Linking building data to product data, GIS data, and sensor data
- Interoperability
- Ontology mapping and instance mapping
- Semantic web services
- Reasoning
- Semantic query systems and approaches
- Visualization frameworks
Industry Applications and Case Studies
- IoT and Smart City Applications
- Data Structures and Exchanges
- Interoperability
- Intelligent and sustainable transportation safety, health monitoring, and condition assessment
- Construction and Asset Management
- Challenges and Pain Points
- Best Practices and and Lessons Learned
Scientific contributions are invited in all emerging areas of computing in the AECO industry, including full technical papers, posters, technology and software demonstrations, and industry case studies. Presentations without papers are acceptable with the submission of an extended abstract. All submissions will be reviewed for content and technical merit, and organized based on their technical area and/or application context. Best practices and applications focusing on Semantic Web Technologies and Linked Data from non-AECO industries are also invited. Highly-rated peer-reviewed research papers will be selected and nominated to a special collection of ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.
- Pre-Workshop Short Courses: Get a hands-on learning experience about the major topics being discussed in the workshop. Topics include data structures, linked data, and the industry foundation classes (IFC).
- Demo and Student Poster Session: This session will be a showcase of technology, software, case studies, and ongoing research to provide academia, industry, and vendors the chance to network during a reception.
- Workshop Sessions: Selected technical papers and case studies will be present during the interactive workshop sessions led by a panel of leading academics and industry experts.
- Mini Hackathon: Utilize your skills and recently-acquired knowledge to achieve a solution to a challenge as part of a team. The mini hackathon will be organized by Info Tech.

Director, Digital Building Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology

Chief Technology Officer, Florida Department of Transportation

President, Jobsite Tech Group
About the Workshop
The purpose of this workshop is to provide a focused overview on technical and applied research on the usage of semantic web, linked data, and web of data technologies for the AECO industry. The workshop aims at gathering researchers, industry stakeholders, and standardization bodies of the broader Linked Building Data (LBD) community. This includes the buildingSMART Linked Data Working Group (LDWG) participants, the W3C Linked Building Data (LBD) Community Group participants, and others. This event is also the North American companion to the Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC) Workshop.
Organizing Committee
- Aaron Costin, University of Florida, USA; aaron.costin@ufl.edu
- R. Raymond Issa, University of Florida, USA; raymond-issa@ufl.edu
- Monelle McKay, Info Tech, USA; monelle.mckay@infotechfl.com
- Pieter Pauwels, Ghent University, Belgium; pipauwel.pauwels@ugent.be
- Nora El-Gohary, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, USA; gohary@illinois.edu
- Ivan Mutis, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA; imutissi@iit.edu
Technical Committee
- Mike Conlon, University of Florida, United States
- Gonçal Costa, La Salle, Ramon Llull University, Spain
- Aaron Costin, University of Florida, United States
- Chuck Eastman, Georgia Institute of technology, United States
- Tamer El-Diraby, University of Toronto, Canada
- Nora El-Gohary, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, United States
- Masoud Gheisari, University of Florida, United States
- Raymond Issa, University of Florida, United States
- Saeed Karshenas, Marquette University, United States
- Yongcheol Lee, Louisiana State University, United States
- Maxime Lefrançois, MINES Saint-Étienne, France
- Kris McGlinn, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Ivan Mutis, Illinois Institute of Technology, United States
- Nawari Nawari, University of Flolrida, United States
- Pieter Pauwels, Ghent University, Belgium
- María Poveda, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
- Ana Roxin, University of Burgundy, France
- Georg Ferdinand Schneider, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, Germany
About LDAC
The Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC) workshop series provides a focused overview on technical and applied research on the usage of semantic web, linked data and web of data technologies for architecture and construction (design, engineering, construction, operation, etc.). Since the series has historically taken place in European countries, the North American LDAC was established to enable a wider audience and attendance. The 2019 Eurpean LDAC can be found at http://www.linkedbuildingdata.net/ldac2019/
About the Linked Building Data (LBD) Community Group
The LBD community group is part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which is an international community that develops open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web. The LBD Community group brings together experts in the area of building information modelling (BIM) and Web of Data technologies to define existing and future use cases and requirements for linked data based applications across the life cycle of buildings. A list of recommended use cases will be produced by this community group. The envisioned target beneficiaries of this group are both industrial and governmental organisations who use data from building information modelling applications and other data related to the building life cycle (sensor data, GIS data, material data, geographical data, and so forth) to achieve their business processes and whom will benefit from greater integration of data and interoperability between their data sets and the wider linked data communities. More information about the group and how to participate can be found here: https://www.w3.org/community/lbd/.
About the buildingSMART Linked Data Working Group
The proposed buildingSMART Linked Data Working Group is responsible for building and maintaining a recommended version of an ifcOWL ontology as an equivalent to the IFC EXPRESS schema. The ifcOWL ontology is to be used in linked data and semantic web applications that consume IFC data. The group meets at regular intervals, both virtual and live, to keep track of and discuss possible enhancements to the ifcOWL ontology. The Linked Data Working Group is part of the Technical Room and closely interacts with the other working groups, such as the MSG and the bsDD-WG. More information about the group and how to participate can be found here: https://www.buildingsmart.org/standards/rooms-and-groups/linked-data-working-group/]]>