Health & Wellness

General Resources

Within the SBE Program, we focus on a triple-E approach to intrapersonal and interpersonal growth and development. That is, we support our students in placing their attention and intention on effort, earnestness, and equanimity. In elevating ourselves toward a heightened state of wisdom, we each need the time, space, and degrees of freedom across a multitude of other dimensions of wellness to get beyond “I will survive,” and move into “I will thrive” … though all props to Gloria Gaynor for giving voice and meaning to the marginalized!

Fortunately, the University of Florida has paid due diligence to developing these dimensions in all of our students. We hope these resources provide a stepping stone along the river of your own life’s journey. Beyond these campus-wide resources, the SBE faculty and staff are here in support of your story … as a student now … and as a wise elder many years into the future.

“Wisdom is one of those qualities that is difficult to define—because it encompasses so much—but which people generally recognize when they encounter it. And it is encountered most obviously in the realm of decision-making.

Psychologists tend to agree that wisdom involves an integration of knowledge, experience, and deep understanding, as well as a tolerance for the uncertainties of life. There’s an awareness of how things play out over time, and it confers a sense of balance.

Wise people generally share an optimism that life’s problems can be solved and experience a certain amount of calm in facing difficult decisions. Intelligence may be necessary for wisdom, but it definitely isn’t sufficient; an ability to see the big picture, a sense of proportion, intellectual humility, and considerable introspection also contribute to its development.

Wisdom can be acquired only through experience, but by itself, experience does not automatically confer wisdom. Researchers are continuing to probe the social, emotional, and cognitive processes that transmute experience into wisdom.”

Psychology Today

Specific Resources

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