Where to … SBE Next?

Active Learning
In an era of complex problems and integrated solutions, SBE offers students a balance of generalist knowledge (via core courses) and specialist skills (via our degree disciplinary domains and approved electives). We help students to dig deeper and nourish the soil of their minds so they can rise higher through active learning in the field and around the classroom.

Student Living
One of the most important aspects of the college experience is coming to know yourself, your place in our shared world, and learning the intrapersonal and interpersonal skills needed to flourish. Our student living resources will enable students to cherish campus, create community, and SBE well.

SBE takes pride in our service to both students and our larger UF community. Our advisors and faculty are here to guide your way on a path toward academic success, enriching careers, and a life led in pursuit of prosperity for the human endeavor. Our wayfinding resources will help trailblazing students find their way and innovative instructors enhance their pedagogical approaches.
Sensing & Making Sense
In the path toward purpose, our program and our people aim to find the forms and functions critical to co-creating a 21st century narrative for manifesting the seeds of a good Anthropocene. As such, the DCP 3220 Social & Cultural Aspects of Sustainability and the Built Environment course integrates concepts from Joseph Campbell‘s “hero’s journey” (i.e., the “monomyth”), from transcultural rites of passage, from the Presencing Institute‘s Theory U principles and practices for social change, and from polarity thinking as a bridging strategy to build unity in diversity, as we address the paradoxes and wicked problems of the present moment. In complement to these resources, we are navigating the complex field of social-emotional learning (SEL), nurturing intercultural development, engendering career readiness competencies, and actively exploring ways to empower student success at school, at home, at work, and in their communities.