
The Combined SBE + MLA Program provides academically qualified students an opportunity to complete both the Bachelor of Science in Sustainability and the Built Environment (BSSBE) and the Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) degrees. The program allows students to “double-count” graduate courses toward both degrees, thus reducing the time it would normally take to graduate by a semester or more. The Combined Degree program reduces the cost of both degrees and enhances students’ marketability for career advancement.


All Combined Degree programs at UF require a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA. Students must also take the GRE. The MLA Combined Degree program requires a student who meets the Combined Degree application requirements to complete 41 undergraduate credit hours in landscape architecture courses all but 5 credits of which will double count as credits toward the completion of both degrees. The student will also complete 9 graduate credits during their senior year that will satisfy both degree requirements when completed with grades of B or higher. Once admitted to the Master of Landscape Architecture program, students are required to complete an additional 43 credits of graduate courses for a total of 52 graduate credits required to receive an MLA.

How to Apply

Meet with Landscape Architecture’s Undergraduate Coordinator during your sophomore year or two years prior to completing your Bachelor’s degree to determine whether you are eligible. If eligible, fill out an application form in consultation with both the Undergraduate and Graduate Coordinators in Landscape Architecture. During the first semester of your senior year, take the GRE and initiate the Graduate School application process. Meet with Landscape Architecture’s Graduate Coordinator as needed regarding any questions about the admissions process into the MLA program. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide complete documentation to the Department of Landscape Architecture, the Office of Admissions, and the Graduate School by the respective deadlines.

Financial Aid

Financial aid may be available for the graduate portion of the program. Undergraduate degree costs should be satisfied with existing financial aid, such as Bright Futures and Prepaid Tuition. Bright Futures can cover the undergraduate costs of graduate courses that apply to the undergraduate degree up to the maximum allowed by Bright Futures for the respective undergraduate program. Prepaid Tuition can fund the first 120 hours of the undergraduate program. Students will be responsible for the difference in tuition between the undergraduate and graduate course rates.

Advantages of the +Program

  • Academically qualified students can obtain undergraduate and graduate degrees in much less time than two separate degrees
  • The program provides continuity between undergraduate and graduate studies
  • The cost of both degrees is reduced since 9 credits apply toward both degrees and the undergraduate portion of those credits can be covered by undergraduate financial aid
  • Students’ marketability is greatly enhanced and the array of job opportunities widened as many professions now require a master’s degree for entry-level positions
  • Students’ exposure to interdisciplinary work increases exponentially
  • A Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture is a first professional degree and allows students to sit for licensure as a landscape architect
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