News | Alumni Spotlight

Rains Vickery | Class of 2016

Rains Vickery is a UF Sustainability in the Built Environment graduate, class of 2016. She started internship with ecoPreserve, a sustainability consultancy based in Orlando, then hired as a full time Sustainability Specialist at ecoPreserve. She is working on exciting projects. Most notably is LEED v4 EB+O&M Campus Approach Certification at the Orlando International Airport. This will be the first LEED v4 EB+O&M Campus Approach Certified airport in the world

She is also working on revising the Airport’s Design Guidelines Manual and assisting in developing sustainable criteria for building construction and operations and maintenance activities at the Airport, based on leading airport sustainability manuals, industry publications, and multiple green building rating systems, primarily LEED. 

Rains is also involved with the Central Florida Non-profit Organization, Green Destination Orlando (GDO). GDO recently hosted the Central Florida Workplace Challenge where local businesses competed in various sustainability categories. Currently through GDO, she is leading the event coordination for GM’s Global Waste Reduction Manager, John Bradburn, to come to Orlando and speak.