Do I have to complete a separate application to Santa Fe College?

No. When you confirm your participation in the program, you will submit a consent form giving the University of Florida permission to share your application data with Santa Fe College. This will serve as your application to Santa Fe College.

How is this program different from a student transferring from a two-year college?

Students are invited to participate in the Gator Design & Construction @ Santa Fe (GDC@SF) Program in response to their application to the University of Florida for freshman admission. This program allows a cohort of students to begin their coursework at Santa Fe College and gain early admission to UF.

  • Participants in the Design and Sustainability and the Built Environment Programs will obtain UF status after the second semester.
  • Participants in the Construction Management Program will obtain UF status after the first semester.

In a traditional transfer situation, a student has to first complete their AA degree at a two-year college before applying to the University of Florida as a transfer student.

What extra opportunities will I be given?

GDC@SF students will be given specific programming and opportunities afforded to only those participating in the program.

  • Exposure to potential employers and faculty through information sessions, seminars, and courses
  • Access to all UF services once admitted as a UF student
  • Access to the UF at SF Center, a hub for UF on the Santa Fe campus
  • Participation in UF College of Design, Construction and Planning events
  • Participation in any UF student organizations (once admitted to UF)

This program is a result of the collaboration between the University of Florida and Santa Fe College, allowing students to take classes at Santa Fe College while pursuing a University of Florida degree. This program provides an opportunity for a cohort of students to take their tracking courses at a smaller institution and then apply this coursework to the program in which they are enrolled at the University of Florida.

Can I live on UF campus?

While attending Santa Fe College, students cannot live on UF’s campus; however, there are many off-campus options for students seeking housing near Santa Fe College’s campus.

What about financial aid?

You will need to either submit or adjust your FAFSA to include both the University of Florida AND Santa Fe College. The FAFSA code for Santa Fe is 001519, and the FAFSA code for UF is 001535.

So, am I a UF student or a Santa Fe student?

You will be considered a Santa Fe student until you have completed required coursework and meet the minimum standards of performance. You will continue to earn credits towards the AA degree from Santa Fe College.

What happens if I don’t meet the tracking requirements for the program?

If you do not meet the tracking requirements you will have the option to remain at Santa Fe to complete your AA degree, and you will then be able to apply to UF as a transfer student.

Where will I go for advising?

The College of DCP has dedicated advisors who are available for advising GDC@SF students and will be present on both Santa Fe’s campus as well as UF’s campus. The UF@SF Center, also known as the Gator Den, will be available for students participating in this program.

Do I have to get an AA?

Yes. Upon completion of the requirements for the Associate’s degree, you will earn an AA degree from Santa Fe College.

Will the courses count for both Santa Fe College and UF?

Yes. Pending successful completion of tracking courses and beginning at the University of Florida, the courses taken at Santa Fe College will be applied to the UF degree. The courses taken at UF that will count towards the AA degree will be shared with Santa Fe College so that you can be awarded your AA degree from SF.

Will I have to reapply to UF?

As long as you successfully complete the required tracking courses, you will be admitted to UF without having to reapply. However, if you do not remain in the program but you wish to still pursue a degree at UF, you will have to reapply to UF as a transfer student once you complete the traditional transfer requirements at Santa Fe.

What happens if I decide that Design or Construction Management is not for me?

If you decide that Design or Construction Management is not for you while you are taking classes at Santa Fe, you can switch into any of the other degree programs that Santa Fe offers. However, this will eliminate your admission to UF through the GDC@SF Program. You would then go through the traditional transfer application route for your program of choice.

I want to become part of the Gator Design & Construction @ Santa Fe Program! What do I do now?

After the GDC Open House weekend, DCP advisors will send out an online confirmation form where students can officially accept and reserve their spot in the GDC program. Confirmations are due by May 1st.

Is there any scholarship funding available for me?

Yes. The Construction Management Program has scholarships available to students after they are admitted to UF. Once admitted to UF, Design and Construction students are also eligible to apply to any University of Florida scholarships.

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