Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

ARC 1000 Architecture and Humanity (3 Credits)
ARC 1301 Architectural Design 1 (4 Credits)
ARC 1701 Architectural History 1 (3 Credits)
ARC 1720 Survey of Architecture History (3 Credits)
ARC 2180 Introduction to Digital Architecture (3 Credits)
ARC 2201 Theory of Architecture 1 (3 Credits)
ARC 2303 Architectural Design 3 (5 Credits)
ARC 3291 Individual Studies VIA (VAR)
ARC 3291 Furniture Fabrication (3 Credits)
ARC 3291 Individual Study 1 (VAR)
ARC 3320 Architectural Design 5 (6 Credits)
ARC 3503 Introduction to Architectural Structures (3 Credits)
ARC 3743 Architectural History 3 (3 Credits)
ARC 4071 Core Studio 1 (6 Credits)
ARC 4220 Architectural Theory 2 (3 Credits)
ARC 4220 VIA Architectural Theory 2 (3 Credits)
ARC 4322 Architectural Design 7 (6 Credits)
ARC 4322 VIA Architectural Design 7 (6 Credits)
ARC 4511 Structural Modeling (3 Credits)
ARC 4620 Environmental Technology 2 (3 Credits)
ARC 4882 Vernacular Architecture and Sustainability (3 Credits)
ARC 4930 Natural/Artificial Light (3 Credits)
ARC 4930 Scaling Landscapes (3 Credits)
ARC 4930 VIA Italian Language & Culture for Undergraduates (3 Credits)
ARC 4930 VIA Analytical Sketching (3 Credits)
ARC 4941 Architectural Education (2 Credits)
ARC 4950 VIA Italian for Architecture (3 Credits)
ARC 4951 VIA Architecture Design Studio (6 Credits)
ARC 4952 VIA Sketching (3 Credits)
ARC 6241 Advanced Studio 1 (6 Credits)
ARC 6356 Advanced Studio 3 (6 Credits)
ARC 6356 VIA Advanced Studio 3 (6 Credits)
ARC 6357 21st Century Neighborhoods (3 Credits)
ARC 6399 The American City (3 Credits)
ARC 6505 Architectural Structural Systems: Wood, Steel and Concrete (4 Credits)
ARC 6512 Structural Modeling (3 Credits)
ARC 6611 Advanced Topics Architectural Technology (3 Credits)
ARC 6621 Graduate Environmental Technology 2 (3 Credits)
ARC 6670 Lighting Design Seminar (3 Credits)
ARC 6685 Life Safety Sanita (3 Credits)
ARC 6705 Adv Top Arc History/Theory (3 Credits)
ARC 6883 Vernacular Architecture & Sustainability (3 Credits)
ARC 6911 Adaptive Reuse (3 Credits)
ARC 6911 Architect Detailing (VAR)
ARC 6911 Furniture Fabrication (3 Credits)
ARC 6911 Pedagogy Curriculum (3 Credits)
ARC 6911 Architecture Research 1 (VAR)
ARC 6911 Summer Orientation (1 Credit)
ARC 6911 Architectural History & Theory 1 (6 Credits)
ARC 6911 VIA Independent Study (VAR)
ARC 6911 VIA Natural/Artificial Light (3 Credits)
ARC 6911 Scaling Landscapes (3 Credits)
ARC 6911 Core Studio 1 (6 Credits)
ARC 6911 Advance Topics in Research  (VAR)
ARC 6912 VIA Italian Language and Culture (3 Credits)
ARC 6912 Core Studio 3 (6 Credits)
ARC 6912 Intro to Digital Architecture (3 Credits)
ARC 6912 Advanced Digital (3 Credits)
ARC 6912 Themed Entertainment (3 Credits)
ARC 6912 Vorkurs Compendium (VAR)
ARC 6913 MRP/Thesis Prep (3 Credits)
ARC 6913 Pedagogy Thesis Prep (VAR)
ARC 6971 Masters Research (VAR)
ARC 6979 Masters Research Project (VAR)

Construction Management 
BCN 1001 Intro to Construction Management (1 Credit)
BCN 1210 Construction Materials (3 Credits)
BCN 1251C Construction Drawing (3 Credits)
BCN 1582 International Sustainable Development (3 Credits)
BCN 2405C Construction Mechanics (4 Credits)
BCN 3012 History of Construction (3 Credits)
BCN 3027C Principles of Construction Management (3 Credits)
BCN 3223C Soils and Concrete (3 Credits)
BCN 3224C Construction Techniques (3 Credits)
BNC 3254 Professional Communication in Construction (3 Credits)
BCN 3255C Graphic Communication in Construction (3 Credits)
BCN 3255C Graphic Communication in Construction (3 Credits)
BCN 3281C Construction Methods Laboratory (2 Credits)
BCN 3431C Structures (3 Credits)
BCN 3521C Electrical Systems (2 Credits)
BCN 3611C Construction Estimating 1 (3 Credits)
BCN 3700 Construction Contracts (3 Credits)
BCN 3730 Construction, Safety, Health and the Environment (3 Credits)
BCN 4423C Temporary Structures (3 Credits)
BCN 4510C Mechanical Systems (4 Credits)
BCN 4594 Building Energy Modeling
BCN 4612C Construction Estimating 2 (3 Credits)
BCN 4709C Construction Project Management (3 Credits)
BCN 4720 Construction Planning and Control (3 Credits)
BCN 4723 Design-Build Delivery Method (3 Credits)
BCN 4753 Construction Finance (3 Credits)
BCN 4787C Construction Capstone Project (3 Credits)
BCN 4880 Management Heavy/Highway Construction (3 Credits)
BCN 4949 Construction Management Internship (3 Credits)
BCN 5470 Construction Methods Improvement (3 Credits)
BCN 5618C Comprehensive Estimating (3 Credits)
BCN 5705C Project Management for Construction (3 Credits)
BCN 5729 Design-Build Delivery Method (3 Credits)
BCN 5789C Construction Project Delivery(3 Credits)
BCN 5885 Methods of Management Highway Construction (3 Credits)
BCN 5949 Graduate Internship (VAR)
BCN 6036 Research Methods in Construction (3 Credits)
BCN 6558C Building Integrated Renewable Energy Systems (3 Credits)
BCN 6585 Sustainable Construction (3 Credits)
BCN 6748 Construction Law (3 Credits)
BCN 6785 Construction Information Systems (3 Credits)
BCN 6971 Masters Research (VAR)
ENC 3254 Professional Communication in Construction Management

Fire and Emergency Services (Online Program)
EMS 1055 Emergency Medical Responder (3 Credits)
EMS 1055L Lab Emergency Medical Responder (1 Credit)
FES 2941 Emergency Management Internship (3 Credits)
FES 3004 Political and Legal Foundations of Fire Protection (3 Credits)
FES 3015 Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Management (3 Credits)
FES 3153 FES Communication and Informational Technology (3 Credits)
FES 3227 Ambulance Operations (3 Credits)
FES 3285 Advanced Leadership Issues in EMS (3 Credits)
FES 3533 Community Risk Reduction for the Community (3 Credits)
FES 3720 Strategic and Operational Planning (3 Credits)
FES 3753 Fire and Emergency Services Financial Management (3 Credits)
FES 3815 Command and Control at Catastrophic Incidents (3 Credits)
FES 3822 Disaster Policy in Emergency Management (3 Credits)
FES 4003 Fire Department Administration (3 Credits)
FES 4104 Foundations of Emergency Management (3 Credits)
FES 4023 Leadership & Ethics (3 Credits)
FES 4045 Personnel Management for Emergency Services (3 Credits)
FES 4055 Public Information & Emergency Management (3 Credits)
FES 4234 EMS Community Risk Reduction (3 Credits)
FES 4274 Quality Management and Research (3 Credits)
FES 4584 Fire Prevention Organization & Management (3 Credits)
FES 4685 Fire Investigation and Analysis (3 Credits)
FES 4825 Disaster Planning and Control
FES 4835 Natural Disaster Phenomena for Emergency Services
FES 4884 Introduction to Terrorism in Emergency Management (3 Credits)
FES 4935 Current Issues in Fire & Emergency Services (3 Credits)
FES 6724 Fire & Emergency Services Response Planning (3 Credits)
FES 6726 Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness (3 Credits)
FES 6736 Homeland Security & Emergency Management (3 Credits)
FES 6786 Research Methods in Fire and Emergency Services (3 Credits)
FES 6806 Disaster Response and Recovery (3 Credits)
FES 6826 Emergency Service Disaster Response (3 Credits)
FES 6836 Natural and Man-Made Disaster (3 Credits)
FES 6916 Research for Master’s Report (3 Credits)
FES 6940 Practicum in Fire and Emergency Services (VAR)
FFP 4507 Management of Fire Related Human Behavior (3 Credit Hours)

Historic Preservation
DCP 4000 Overview of Historic Preservation (3 Credits)
DCP 4930 Imagineering the Technosphere (3 Credits)
DCP 6710 History and Theory of Historic Preservation (3 Credits)
DCP 6711 History of the Built Environment for Preservation (3 Credits)
DCP 6714 Documenting Heritage Resources (3 Credits)

International Construction Management (Online Program)
ICM 6420 Commercial Management and Cost Control (3 Credits)
ICM 6440 Construction Value Management (3 Credits)

Interior Design 
IND 1020 Design Innovation (3 Credits)
IND 2100 History of Interior Design 1 (3 Credits)
IND 2313 Interior Design Communications (3 Credits)
IND 2422 Interior Finishes and Materials (3 Credits)
IND 3215 Architectural Interiors I (5 Credits)
IND 3468 Interior Environmental Technologies (3 Credits)
IND 3483 Interior Design Construction Documents (4 Credits)
IND 3905 Individual Studies (VAR)
IND 4225 Advanced Architectural Interiors I (6 Credits)
IND 4450C Advanced Interior Design Detailing (4 Credits)
IND 5212C Architectural Interiors I (5 Credits)
IND 5227C Advanced Architectural Interiors I (6 Credits)
IND 5427C Interior Design Construction Documents (4 Credits)
IND 5454C Advanced Interior Design Detailing and Construction Documents (4 Credits)
IND 5466 Interior Environmental Technology (3 Credits)
IND 5633 Readings in Design Studies (3 Credits)
IND 6906 Independent Studies (VAR)
IND 6393 Creativity Applied
IND 6940 Supervised Teaching (VAR)
IND 6971 Masters Research (VAR)

Landscape Architecture
LAA 1920 Introduction to Landscape Architecture (3 Credits)
LAA 1920 Intro to Landscape Architecture Online (3 Credits)
LAA 2330 Site Analysis (3 credits)
LAA 2330 Site Analysis Online (3 Credits)
LAA 2376C Design Communications I (4 Credits)
LAA 2710 History of Landscape Architecture (3 Credits)
LAA 3352C Planting Design Studio (5 Credits)
LAA 3420 Land Construction I (5 Credits)
LAA 4356 Environmental Planning and Design Studio (6 Credits)
LAA 4357 Senior Independent Project Seminar (2 Credits)
LAA 4450 Landscape Architecture Design Implementation (5 Credits)
LAA 4905 Special Studies Intro to Storm Water (3 Credits)
LAA 4940 Landscape Architecture Internship (3 Credits)
LAA 4941C Extended Internship (9 Credits)
LAA 6382 Ecological and Environmental Policy (3 Credits)
LAA 6656C Advanced Landscape Architectural Design (6 Credits)
LAA 6905 Directed Study (VAR)
LAA 6941 Supervised Internship (3 Credits)
LAA 6971 Thesis (VAR)
LAA 6979 Terminal Project (VAR)


DCP 6931 (4A07) Special Topics- Resilience Research & Practice (1 Credit)
DCP 6931 (205E) Dissertation Preparation (3 Credits)

Sustainability And The Built Environment
DCP 1003 Creating Our Built Environment (1 Credit)
DCP 1010 Geodesign Colloquium (1 Credit)
DCP 2001 Intro to GIS I (3 Credits)
DCP 3200 Methods of Inquiry (3 Credits)
DCP 3220 Social & Cultural Aspects of SBE (3 credits)
DCP 3210 Sustainable Solutions in the Built Environment (3 Credits)
DCP 4214 Green Building Strategies (6 Credits)
DCP 4290 Capstone Project in Sustainability and the Built Environment (6 Credits)
DCP 4911 UG Research in DCP (VAR)
DCP 4930 Community Resilience  (3Credits)
DCP 4942 Field Experience in Sustainability and the Built Environment (VAR)
DCP 4945 Geodesign Practicum 1 (5 Credits)

Urban And Regional Planning
DCP 4000 Overview of Historic Preservation (3 Credits)
URP 3001 Cities of the World (3 Credits)
URP 3001 Cities of the World Online (3 Credits)
URP 4000 Preview of Urban and Regional Planning (3 Credits)
URP 4230 3D Geospatial Urban Modeling & Visualization (3 Credits)
URP 4273 Survey of Planning Information Systems (3 Credits)
URP 4905 Planning Theory & History (3 Credits)
URP 4905 Justice Planning (3 Credits)
URP 4905 Special Studies (VAR)
URP 4942 Community Service (3 Credits)
URP 6042 Urban Economy (3 Credits)
URP 6061 Planning Administration and Ethics (3 Credits)
URP 6100 Planning Theory & History (3 Credits)
URP 6231 Quantitative Data Analysis for Planners (3 Credits)
URP 6270 Intro Survey of Planning Information Systems (3 Credits)
URP 6275 Intermediate Planning Information Systems (3 Credits)
URP 6280 3D Geospatial (3 Credits)
URP 6341 Urban Planning Project (6 Credits)
URP 6421 Environmental Land Use Planning and Management (3 Credits)
URP 6541 Economic Development Planning (3 Credits)
URP 6716 Transportation Policy and Planning (3 Credits)
URP 6871 Planning & Design 1 (3 Credits)
URP 6905 Justice Planning (3 Credits)
URP 6905 Sustainable Urban Planning in Europe (3 Credits)
URP 6905 Visualization in Planning (3 Credits)
URP 6941 Internship (VAR)
URP 6971 Masters Research (VAR)
URP 6979 Masters Research Project (VAR)

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