Masoud Gheisari
Ph.D. in Building Construction, Georgia Tech
Research Interests: Aerial and ground robots, AI integration in construction work and education, technology-supported education innovation, VR/AR/MR, human-robot interaction, safety
Biography: Dr. Masoud Gheisari is the Director of Graduate Programs & Research and an Associate Professor in the M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management at the University of Florida. He leads the Human-Centered Technology in Construction (HCTC) research lab: https://hctclab.dcp.ufl.edu/. His research focuses on the theoretical and experimental investigation of human-robot interaction in construction and technology-supported education innovation. He earned his Ph.D. in Building Construction (2013) from the Georgia Institute of Technology. To date, he has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed papers in the fields of virtual/augmented/mixed reality (VR/AR/MR) and safe human-drone/robot interaction in construction.
His work has received support worth over $3m in grants from external funding agencies, including the National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Labor, NIOSH’s Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR), National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER), and ELECTRI International. Dr. Gheisari’s contributions to research and teaching have earned him numerous awards, including the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) International Outstanding Researcher Award (2021), ENR Southeast’s Top Young Professional (2020), Russell J. Alessi ELECTRI International Early Career Award (2018), and ASCE ExCEEd Fellowship (2015), among others. He is also an Associate Editor for ASCE’s Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering and serves as the Secretary of the Education Committee within the ASCE Computing Division.
Externally Funded Research Projects:
- Go to Dr. Gheisari’s funding page
- Go to Dr. Gheisari’s publication page
- Go to Dr. Gheisari’s Google Scholar page
Future Students: Strongly motivated students are always invited to join HCTC Lab. Please email Dr. Gheisari at masoud@ufl.edu with a current CV and a statement of research interest.
Further information about our ongoing research is available on our research lab website: Human-Centered Technology in Construction (HCTC) Lab