Rachel Mandell, Class of 2020
ACSP Chicago 2023: UF URP Recap
Highlights from UF Urban and Regional Planning’s Participation in the ACSP 2023 Urban Planning Conference.

November 14th, 2023
The ACSP 2023 Conference in Chicago was a significant event for urban planning professionals, and UF’s department of Urban and Regional Planning marked its presence with a diverse array of contributions. Over the course of the event, UF’s faculty, students, and alumni engaged as presenters, facilitators, and discussants, complementing the conference with their insights and research.
Thursday Highlights:
- Zhaochen Jiang provided insights on pedestrian crash typology.

Zhaochen Jian presenting
- Dr. Xingjing Xu explored pedestrian and bicycle safety inequities.

Dr. Xingjing Xu with the other speakers in her session
- Dr. Ruth Steiner was the organizer and facilitator for a panel on academic promotion, providing a roadmap for career development from associate to full professor.
- Shangde Gao presented insights on post-disaster neighborhood vacancy policies.
- Dr. Emre Tepe presented on simulating land developments under sea-level rise scenarios using a machine-based model.
Friday’s Highlights:
- Dr. Ruth Steiner participated in a panel on Florida’s growth management, offering a UF perspective on state, regional, and local roles.
- Xiang (Jacob) Yan presented on shared e-scooters as a last-mile transit solution, with insights from Los Angeles and Washington D.C
- Yanghe Liu presented empirical evidence on the use of automated shuttles.
- Maria Watson presented on the effects of federal recovery funds on mitigation behaviors.
- Dr. Afsheen Sadaf presented an analysis on coastal resilience using GIS for Maryland shorelines.
- Dr. Renee Tapp presented on America’s housing monopolies and ownership concentration in rental markets.
- Dr. Hu organized a session on ACSP membership and the presence of red state schools.
Saturday’s Highlights:

Dr. Ruth Steiner receiving the Journal of Education and Planning Research Top Reviewer Award
- Dr. Steiner started the day by receiving the Journal of Education and Planning Research Top Reviewer Award.
- Kaifu Lu presented research on leveraging deep learning for transportation network resilience.
- Dr. Kristin Larsen presented on the centennial legacy of the Regional Planning Association of America.
- Dr. Kanglin Chen prsented on travel adaptations post-COVID-19.
- Nasim Yeganeh presented a study regarding equity in Florida’s housing program for disaster recovery.
- Dr. Changjie Chen presented on integrating land degradation data into land use modeling in Ghana for sustainability.
- Ziyi Guo presented on strengthening network resilience of energy and fuel supply against extreme disasters, with a case study on Hurricane Ian.
- Dr. Christopher Silver presented on revised pedagogy for teaching international development planning.
- Dr. Kathryn Frank presented on the evolution of rural community and regional development planning.
- To close the conference, Dr. Ivy Hu organized a roundtable on navigating difficult conversations in a divided global context.
Facilitators and Discussants:
- Notable facilitators and discussants included Dr. Emre Tepe, Dr. Shenhao Wang, Dr. Kathryn Frank, and Dr. Abhinav Alakshendra, Dr. Ivy Hu, and Dr. Xiang (Jacob) Yan, who steered sessions on various urban planning themes.

Dr. Alakshendra participating as a discussant for a session on Land, Real Estate and Redevelopment
Dr. Steiner’s Side Quests
Enjoy some photos taken by Dr. Steiner during her mobile tours of the Palmer House behind the scenes and the Chicago Old Post Office!

For a comprehensive overview of the sessions and more insights from the ACSP 2023 Conference, visit the ACSP website for detailed information and further resources.