(352) 294-1443


Virginia Tech, PhD in Civil Engineering
Beijing Jiaotong University, Master of Valuation
Beijing Jiaotong University, Bachelor in Construction Management


URP 4273: Survey of Planning Information Systems
URP 4905: Undergraduate Special Studies
URP 6223: Introduction to Urban Analytics
URP 6270: Introduction to Planning Information Systems
URP 6341: Urban Planning Project/
LAA6656C: Advanced Landscape Architeture Design
URP 7940: Supervised Teaching
URP 7979: Advanced Research
URP 7980: Doctoral Research


Urban Resilience; Urban Analytics; Spatial and Infrastructure Planning; Crisis Informatics (Social Media); Human Dynamics; Responsible AI; Smart and Connected Communities.


Dr. Wang’s research focuses on developing and applying computational tools to quantity and manage urban resilience in response to disruptions, including hazards and emerging technologies. Over the past decade, Dr. Wang’s research has made contributions to answer how resilience can be measured, explained, and enhanced within built and digital communities. Her pioneering work explores the intersection of urban resilience and urban analytics, particularly the roles of spatial planning and crisis informatics. Recognized as one of the Top 5 female scholars in urban analytics worldwide, Dr. Wang has published over 40 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers and has played a pivotal role in securing ~$2.5 million in research funding, including seven federal awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF).


University of Florida Excellence Awards for Assistant Professors (2022)
ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering Honorable Mention Award (2021)
University of Florida Research Promotion Initiative Award (2021)
Excellence in Research Award, College of Design, Construction and Planning (2021)
Great Teaching Certificate, UF Center for Teaching Excellence (2021)
Weather Ready Research Fellowships, Natural Hazard Center (NSF &NOAA) (2021)
Mitigation Matters Award, Natural Hazard Center, 2020
Global Research Fellow, by University of Florida, November 8, 2018
Virginia Tech IGEP BioBuild Fellowship, by Virginia Tech, Aug. 2015 – May 2018


2024-2025 PI: RAPID: Assessing Urgent Time Use Dynamics Among Time-Poor Populations in Preparation for Hurricane Helene and Milton
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (Award #2505675)
Program: CMMI-HDBE-Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment
2024-2025 PI: Investigating Neighborhood Mobility Resilience and Aging Vulnerability under Environmental Shocks
Sponsor: National Institute on Aging, Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at the University of Florida
Program: Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (OAIC) Pilot Study
2023-2026 Co-PI: Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Medium: Information Integrity: A User-centric Intervention
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (Award #2323794)
Program: CNS-Secure & Trustworthy Cyberspace
2023-2026 PI: Spatial Explanation and Planning for Resilience of Community-Based Small Businesses to Environmental Shocks
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (Award #2316450)
Program: CMMI-HDBE-Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment
2022-2023 Faculty: GulfSouth Studio
Sponsor: The National Academy of Sciences Engineering and Medicine
2021-2022 PI: SCC-PG: SmartCurb: Building Smart Urban Curb Environments
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (Award #2124858)
Program: Smart and Connected Communities – Planning Grants
2020-2021 PI: RAPID: Dynamic Interactions between Human and Information in Complex Online Environments Responding to SARS-COV-2.
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (Award #2028012)
Program: CMMI-Humans, Disasters and Built Environment
2020-2021 Co-PI: SCC-PG: Coordinated Safety Management Across Smart Communities
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (Award #1951816)
Program: Smart and Connected Communities – Planning Grants
2018-2019 PI (Sub award): RAPID: Discovering Crises within Crises – Real-Time Detection, Tracking and Visualization of Emergent Crises in Hurricanes.
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (Award #1760645)
Program: CISE-Information & Intelligent Systems
2021-2022 PI: Weather Ready Research Fellowship: Assessing the Impact of Geo-Targeted Warning Messages on Residents Evacuation Decisions Before a Hurricane
Sponsor: Natural Hazards Center (flow from NSF and NOAA)
2021-2021 Key Personnel: Upper Suwannee River Resilience Columbia County and The Town of White Springs
Sponsor: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
2021 PI: Assessing Disaster Impact in Real Time (ADIR): A Data-Driven System Integrating Human, Hazards, and the Built Environment
Sponsor: UF Office of the Provost-Research Promotion Initiative Award
2020-2021 PI: Examining Digital Vulnerability to Flooding Among Subsidized Housing Residents in Florida.
Sponsor: Natural Hazards Center-Mitigation Matters Research Program.

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