Hawkins, Busch Engage with Florida Legislature through 1000 Friends of Florida

Pictured left to right: Jane West, Haley Busch (MURP student), Vivian Young, Paul Owens, Thomas Hawkins (URP faculty), Toni Russell.
February 9, 2023
Professor Thomas Hawkins, a member of the University of Florida Department of Urban and Regional Planning faculty, presented on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 to members of the Florida legislature. Professor Hawkins joined the staff of 1000 Friends of Florida in Tallahassee, Florida for the “Land Use for Legislators” event which taught planning basics to lawmakers.
“Sharing our knowledge of planning laws with lawmakers is one way the department reaches outside the classroom to improve communities.”
Haley Busch, Outreach Director for 1000 Friends of Florida and a current UF Master of Urban and Regional Planning student, planned the event and also spoke.
1000 Friends of Florida is the “state’s leading not-for-profit smart growth advocacy organization, 1000 Friends of Florida is building better communities and saving special places in one of the fastest growing states in the nation.” Their mission includes saving special places, building better communities, political advocacy on behalf of Floridians, and education and outreach.
“As a Florida native, I’ve watched the state’s landscape change dramatically over the years as our population growth has exploded. The concepts I’m learning in UF’s MURP courses translate directly into my work for 1000 Friends of Florida as I educate and advocate for sound community planning at the local and state level. Events like these are so fulfilling as we help make the connection between good planning and protecting Florida’s environmental gems.”