
Long-term Past and Future Settlement and Landscape

Throughout history, built environments have changed in particular relation to the natural landscapes around them. What are the important patterns and influential factors that shape, inform, and transform coupled natural and human systems through time at multiple scales? What are the dynamical processes that we can document and observe to understand how these factors influence decision making and land use change again at multiple scales spanning the individual, household, city, and region?

FIBER researchers identify and document narratives of resilience across deep time scales, innovate ways to document and model change, and communicate regional narratives to inform and shape future decisions.

FIBER faculty have built interdisciplinary and international collaborations across the University of Florida’s campus and across institutions. The expanding research network integrates specializations, including, geosciences, ecology, social sciences, engineering, design, and planning.

Of note, research teams have been successful working with communities with a special emphasis in the Gulf, Caribbean, and lowland Mexico. This research provides a foundation for expanding our efforts to develop comparative studies in Florida, throughout the Gulf Region, and across the planet.

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