Research Themes

During the first 18 months of operation, FIBER faculty have built new partnerships and proposed new research. Concurrently, FIBER faculty engaged in a strategic planning effort to begin framing the collective voice and direction of the institute. The following five research themes emerged from these strategic conversations, and from the individual efforts of FIBER faculty.

We note that all FIBER faculty research is not represented here, however these six themes represent aspirational directions of FIBER faculty and the institute broadly. The themes are at varying stages of development, although most are recently conceived. More than where our faculty have been, these research themes represent directions we plan to pursue in the coming 3-5 years.

Florida Resilient Cities Program

For many Florida cities, climate change not only leads to risks from sudden catastrophe, but to an accumulation of smaller events such as nuisance flooding, housing shortages and water quality issues that cumulatively cause larger impacts. Such acute and chronic…

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Infection Prevention through Design

Acute and chronic conditions caused or intensified by a lack of adaptive health systems infrastructure can affect the long-term wellbeing of people and their communities. This can create system-wide disparities that exacerbate health inequities in already vulnerable populations. This effort…

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Intelligent Disaster & Emergency Response

Current disaster damage assessments are conducted days following an event and usually with limited workforce and resources. Valuable information is gathered through disaster assessment, but this evidence is perishable, and likely lost once the population returns and begins repairs. A…

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Advanced Modular Housing Design

Communities face an enormous challenge of rapidly rebuilding after major storms. These events severely impact communities, leaving their population without adequate shelter, often for long periods of time. Advanced design of modular housing can provide a solution to this challenge….

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Long-term Past and Future Settlement and Landscape

Throughout history, built environments have changed in particular relation to the natural landscapes around them. What are the important patterns and influential factors that shape, inform, and transform coupled natural and human systems through time at multiple scales? What are…

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Narratives of Risk & Resilience

Often, good science does not reach the intended audience or make expected social impact. The results can lead to a breakdown of trust, undermining effective leadership and communication. By listening, building relationships, and developing participatory research processes, we can move…

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