Ph.D. Program
MURP Campus
–MURP Campus Program
–Graduate Minor
–Combined Degree 4+1
MURP Online
–MURP Online Program
–GIS Certificate
Urban Analytics
–Master of Science in Urban Analytics
–Graduate Certificate
Urban and Regional Planning
Doctoral Studies (Ph.D.)
Students earning a Doctor of Philosophy degree at the University of Florida can choose to major in Design, Construction and Planning with a concentration in Urban and Regional Planning.
Basic Requirements for the URP Ph.D. Concentration within the DCP Doctoral Program
Upon enrollment to the DCP doctoral program, students identifying a desire to obtain a URP Ph.D. Concentration shall be assigned a temporary supervisory faculty member by the department graduate coordinator. Each student must develop with his or her temporary supervisor (during the first semester in the Ph.D. program) a proposed plan of study.
Total Credits: A minimum of 90 credits beyond the bachelor’s degree is required for the DCP doctoral degree. The urban and regional planning department faculty prefers that entering doctoral students have completed a master degree in urban planning or an affiliated discipline. Students who have not completed a planning degree will be expected to demonstrate proficiency in the core coursework demanded of those enrolled in UF’s master’s degree program in urban and regional planning, as more fully described below.
Transfer of Credit: No more than 30 semester credits of a master’s degree from another institution and 45 credits from a UF master degree will be transferred to a DCP doctoral program, and therefore to the URP Ph.D. concentration. The student’s supervisory committee chairperson, Director of the DCP doctoral programs, and the Dean of the Graduate School must approve the transfer of graduate credits.
All credits transferred must be graduate level credit, with a letter grade of B or better. All such transfer requests must be made by petition of the supervisory committee.
General DCP Doctoral Requirements
A 10 credit hour core and a minimum of 15 credit hours for the dissertation are required.
DCP Doctoral Core Courses:
– DCP7790, Doctoral Core I (3 credits): Philosophy, theory, and history of inquiry into the processes of design, urban development, and building systems.
– DCP7911, Advanced Design, Construction and Planning Research I (3 credits): prerequisite DCP7790. This survey course covers critical analysis of research in the disciplines of design, construction and planning with an emphasis on theory and methods.
– DCP7794, Doctoral Seminar (1 credit; maximum: 4 credits): prerequisite: DCP7911, for entering Ph. D. students. Successfully negotiating graduate school and writing a dissertation.
– A three credit graduate course in DCP but external to URP: This requirement is to present and interdisciplinary opportunity for DCP doctoral students within the college.
If you have any questions about our doctoral (Ph.D.) program, please contact:
Dr. Yan Wang
Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor, URP
(352) 294-1443
Kodi Van Antwerp
Academic Assistant
(352) 392-7321