Message from the Department Chair

The Department of Urban and Regional Planning advances public interest and empowers inclusive, resilient communities through planning education, research, and service. We strive to fulfill this mission with four goals: sustaining student success, fostering communities, increasing impacts, and enhancing resilience to meet the challenges of rapidly changing societal and education needs.
Our department offers one of the nation’s strongest graduate planning programs—our Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) program is ranked in the top 25. The MURP program is offered in two modes—on-campus and fully online, providing great flexibility for students with different preferences or needs. The MURP online program is the first and the only fully accredited Master’s planning program in the U.S. Recently, the department recently launched a graduate-level Urban Analytics Certificate program and a Master of Urban Analytics degree program.
Lingqian (Ivy) Hu, Professor
Chair, Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Associate Director, School of Landscape Architecture and Planning
College of Design, Construction and Planning
University of Florida
Who We Are
Students are the foundation of our department. Current students and alumni are fully engaged in a broad range of department activities that prepare them for professional success immediately after graduation as well as lifelong learning and career development. Our faculty members are internationally recognized in planning education, research, and professional practice. They have been active in public and community service activities.
Where We’re Heading
Our department will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2025. In deep appreciation of the faculty, students, and alumni who have contributed to our success since 1975, when the department was founded, we remain dedicated to fostering future excellence in education, research, and community impacts, and taking responsibility to answer the urgent demands for better urban and regional planning across the world.
We are proud of our achievements in the past 50 years, and we are looking forward to a more prominent future with you.