Master of Interior Design (MID)

Curriculum Tracks

  • For students who have graduated with a bachelor’s degree either in a design-related field or not
  • 36-79 credit hours (depending on baccalaureate coursework
    • approximately 1 year for those from a design-related program
    • approximately 3 years for those from a non-design related program
  • A recognized baccalaureate, graduate or professional degree per UF’s requirements (here)
  • For applicants with a bachelor’s degree only, a minimum gpa or 3.0 per UF’s specifications (here)
  • English Proficiency for International Students (exceptions here)
    • TOEFL: 80
    • IELTS: 6
    • MELAB: 77
  • Portfolio– If you are from a design-related field, a portfolio that demonstrates an overview of the candidate’s design skills and experience.

Application Deadlines:
We only accept students in the fall semesters due to course sequencing.
Your application and supporting documents are due by:

  • International Students, February 1
  • All others are encouraged to apply by February 1, but will be considered until April 30th

  •  Apply to UF Graduate School
  • Payment of a non-refundable $30.00 (USD) application fee by credit card online at the time of application (fee cannot be waived)
  • Statement of Purpose–Describe what motivates you to pursue a Master of Interior Design Degree at the University of Florida.
    • Let us know your intended area of specialization in interior design and potential alignment with the research focus of one of our faculty members. Visit the Potential Faculty Mentor tab for ideas.
  • Official transcripts from each postsecondary institution attended (except UF) ( sent directly by your institutions to the UF Office of Admissions –if mailed by you, the transcripts must be in an unopened envelope sealed by the institution)
  • International Applicants are required to submit an official copy in the native language or each transcript, mark sheet and diploma/degree certificate from each institution attended, as well as a certified, literal (exact) English translation for documents that are not originally issued in English.
  • For International Applicants: diploma/degree certificate (see above bullet)
  • Three Letters of Recommendation (from those who can speak to your ability to perform in a graduate program)
  • UF International students will need to send their official English Proficiency test scores from one of the following:
    • TOEFL (sent by the testing service to school code 5812)
    • IELTS (mailed to the UF Office of Admissions)

University of Florida Office of Admissions
201 Criser Hall
PO Box 114000
Gainesville, FL 32627-2946

  • Portfolio– If you are from a design-related field, a portfolio that demonstrates an overview of the candidate’s design skills and experience.
    • We do not require a specific number of projects or a certain format for the portfolio.
    • Please email to or send via WeTransfer if too large to upload to your application.

Please visit to see cost of attending UF and the cost of tuition and fees breakdown.

Applicants should state their proposed area of interest when applying in order to assist the admissions committee to match them with potential faculty mentors. Please review the research topics that each of our faculty are involved in to help you make an educated decision.

NameResearch Area
Dr. Sheila BoschImproving Healthcare Quality & Safety through Design
Enhancing the Quality of Life in Older Adults through Design
Design to Improve Teaching & Learning Outcomes
Dr. Erin CunninghamDesign strategies for Enhancing Creative Performance
Dr. Luis Mejia PuigEmergent technologies for Design education and the Design Process.
Design strategies for enhancing creative performance
Psycho-physiological measurements
Creativity within the Design Process
Jason MeneelyDesign Strategies for Enhancing Creative Performance
Using Technology to support Creative Problem Solving
Application of VR Headsets in Design Education & Research
Design Thinking & Pedagogy
Dr. Nam-Kyu ParkLuminous Environments
Environmental Design for Special Needs Populations
Effect of Culture on Design
Environmental & Social Sustainability
Dr. Lisa PlattBuild Environment Resilience
Prevention Through Design
Engineering Psychology/Human Factors
Human-Centered Healthcare Environments
Dr. Margaret PortilloColor
Roberto RengelComing Soon
Dr. Shabboo ValipoorHealthcare Design
Human Factors & Safety in Healthcare Facilities
Environments for the Elderly

Check your Application Status

Check your application status often to watch for missing materials and important news from the University regarding your application.

The MID program prepares students for careers in MANY areas. According to the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), “Designers work in a wide range of settings, both commercial and residential.” Master’s degrees allow for further specialization as well as adding more opportunities, like research and teaching.  Consistently ranked nationally, UF’s interior design program is recognized as a leading program in the U.S with a strong international draw. We are known for our research excellence and with an MID, you can develop advanced creative and analytical skills.
The Master of Interior Design (MID) educates students to become professionals in practice, to engage in research, and to develop a specialization in the design of the built environment.  In addition to coursework, the main requirement for the MID degree is a written research thesis, adding to the greater body of knowledge.

The U-ID MID will:

  • Aid your design and problem solving skills to achieve excellence in the design of interiors
  • Enable students to propose and conduct research that adds to the body of knowledge in the field, building on previous research findings
  • Explore a specialized area of interest and expertise
  • MID graduate students can practice in interior design and architecture firms or other specialized fields
  • MID students can achieve advanced study in areas of specialization often of interest to contract public interior design firms
  • MID graduates have the opportunity to pursue entry level teaching positions within Interior Design programs
  • MID graduate students can enter Ph.D. Programs for advanced research specialization(s) in Interior Design or related design disciplines
  • MID students are offered the opportunity to disseminate knowledge through publications, conferences, teaching, and collaboration with various professionals in related fields

Each student entering the MID program works with the graduate coordinator to evaluate their unique background and to determine the specific courses needed to strengthen the student’s educational foundation and interests. After assessment of previous coursework and design work, leveling courses may be required to prepare the student for graduate studies. Taking leveling courses equalizes the master degree student’s academic opportunities in interior design. In the case of students with a bachelor’s degree in a field other than design, the added course work will be composed of lower and upper division classes that students usually complete in two to four semesters of full-time study. The estimated credit hours and length of study time will vary according to each student’s individual baccalaureate degree and experience. After any required leveling courses are complete and with approval by the graduate coordinator and supervisory committee chair, a student completes 24 hours of departmentally approved graduate work in the Department of Interior Design as well as 3 hours of coursework in graduate statistics and 9 hours of multi-disciplinary graduate electives that reinforce and extend the research.
At the core of the MID curriculum are courses in interior design research methods and individualized master’s thesis research. By the end of their first year in the program—or second year for students with a bachelor’s degree in a field other than design—each student must select a two-member supervisory committee to guide their course choices as well as thesis selection, study, and production. The program concludes with the successful completion, public defense, and publication of the student’s master’s thesis work. Research theses are comprehensive documents covering context, literature review, research methods, findings, and study conclusions on a topic of relevance to the interior design discipline. Past research theses created by MID students can be viewed from the George A. Smathers Libraries electronic theses and dissertations database.

Shabboo Valipoor, PhD

Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator


Arch 350

  • For students Enrolled in the Bachelor of Design program at UF
  • 36 Credit hours of additional work required
    • 12 hours of graduate level coursework in the senior year can be counted toward both the undergraduate and graduate degree if enrolled in the Combination Degree Program
      • Courses usually taken during the senior year are:
        • IND 5633 Readings in Design Studies (3 cr)
        • IND 5641 Environmental & Behavior (3 cr)
        • IND 6939 Creativity (3 cr)
        • IND 6639 Design Research Methods (3 cr)
  • Expect at least one year after completing the Bachelor in Design to complete the Master’s in Interior Design (MID)

Meet with your academic advisor to determine if the combination-degree option is suitable for you. Qualified students can pursue the graduate degree outside the undergraduate major or department. Students normally apply in the junior or senior year.
Request Form

Note that this is NOT an application to the graduate school, but to gain approval to take graduate courses during your undergraduate career that can be petitioned to count toward you graduate degree after you apply and are admitted to the graduate school.

Financial aid is available for the graduate portion of the program. Undergraduate degree costs should be satisfied with existing financial aid such as Bright Futures and Prepaid Tuition. Bright Futures can cover the undergraduate costs of up to 12 hours of graduate courses that apply to the undergraduate degree. Each student is responsible for the difference in tuition between the undergraduate and graduate course rates. If available, the Florida Prepaid Tuition Program can fund the first 120 hours. Graduate courses that apply toward the undergraduate degree are funded at the undergraduate rate, and the student is responsible for the difference.

Senior year

During your final semester, you will formally apply to the Graduate School with all other applicants.  You will have to graduate with your Bachelor Degree prior to starting graduate school, having maintained a minimum 3.2 GPA.

Freshman and Sophomore years

Your freshman and sophomore years remain the same, regardless if you are entertaining the notion of applying for the Combination Degree in order to shorten the length of time to reach your graduate degree or not.  You would continue to PIN UP with your classmates in order to obtain a position in our upper division program.

Note that this is NOT an application to the graduate school, but to gain approval to take graduate courses during your undergraduate career that can be petitioned to count toward you graduate degree after you apply and are admitted to the graduate school.

Junior year

During your junior year, you can apply to the Combination Degree program.  If you plan on obtaining a Master of Interior Design degree, and if approved, this option allows you to start taking graduate level courses during your senior year that will be applicable to both your undergraduate and graduate degrees.
In order to qualify you must:

  • Have a minimum cumulative 3.2 GPA
  • Have completed all critical-tracking requirements

You can apply either during your junior or senior year.

Senior year

 During your final semester, you will formally apply to the Graduate School with all other applicants.  You will have to graduate with your Bachelor Degree prior to starting graduate school, having maintained a minimum 3.2 GPA.

Graduate School

Upon acceptance to the Graduate School, we petition the graduate school to ‘transfer’ the graduate credits to your graduate record (those that have a B or higher).

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