The University of Florida, Interior Design program has been accredited since 1974 by the Council of Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), formerly, FIDER.
The interior design program leading to the Bachelor in Design is accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation,, 206 Grandville Avenue, Suite 350, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503.
The CIDA-accredited program prepares students for entry-level interior design practice, for advanced study, and to apply for membership in professional interior design organizations. The BDes granted by the University of Florida meets the educational requirement for eligibility to sit for the National Council for Interior Design Qualification Examination (NCISQ Exam). Fro more information about NCIDQ Exam eligibility visit:
CIDA’s Accreditation Commission meets a minimum of twice a year for the purpose of reviewing programs for accreditation. After reviewing the Program Analysis Report, the Visiting Team Report, and comments from site visitors, the Accreditation Commission makes a final decision regarding accreditation status. Commission decisions regarding accreditation status must be unanimous and require a quorum of five members.
The Accreditation Commission may, at its discretion, elaborate on or clarify evaluative comments in the Visiting Team Report. The final report resulting from the Accreditation Commission’s action is based on the Visiting Team Report and is the Accreditation Report.
Confidentiality and Disclosure
The Program Analysis Report, Visiting Team Report, Accreditation Report, and related correspondence notifying programs seeking accreditation of the accreditation decision are confidential. Documents may be disclosed only with prior approval from the program or in the event the program releases misleading or incomplete information.
Decisions rendered by the Accreditation Commission to award or deny accreditation, and the term of accredited status, are made public. CIDA does not disclose or make public applications on file or a program’s intent to apply for accreditation, except in response to a specific request by the program deemed reasonable and appropriate by the Accreditation Commission.
The official list of accredited programs is available on CIDA’s website at CIDA updates this list following each meeting of the Accreditation Commission (twice a year) and as changes take place. In addition, CIDA provides information regarding the accredited status of interior design programs to selected governmental agencies and professional organizations.

CIDA Professional Standards
Accreditation ensures that you are earning a degree that will lead you to success.
Student Achievement Data
Student Attrition and Retention: 1
100% of students admitted in the fall of 2021 or summer of 2021 returned in the fall of 2022 putting attrition at 0%.
Graduation Rates: 2
Of the students graduating in 2023, 100% graduated from the program in 4 years.
Acceptance into Graduate Programs: 3
6% of students who graduated in 2023 applied for graduate school; 100% of those were accepted.
Job Placement Rates: 3
46% of students who graduated in 2023 were employed in interior design or a related profession by the time they graduated.
1 Students are accepted into the Interior Design program in fall or summer semesters.
2 It typically takes a full-time student taking 15 credits per semester four years to complete the degree program.
3 The above data was collected using institutional records and an exit survey with graduating students during their final semester. 15 of 16 students responded to the survey.