Jelena Krivokapic, ICOMOS Intern

This research was conducted as part of the International Exchange Program 2022 of the US/ICOMOS and PIN (Preservation Institute Nantucket) collaborative program. The exchange and hence my research took place between 18th of June and 28th of August 2022.
My main task was to help expand the heritage narrative, precisely contribute to THE UNTOLD HERITAGE NARRATIVE OF NANTUCKET. In its current narrative, the island is focused on the narrow story – glorification of the whaling industry, whales and Nantucket lightship baskets, objects that have acquired a luxury status instead of being utilitarian as in the past. Hence, my task was at the same time easy and complicated. The freedom of choosing your own research topic might even sometimes be harder than
conducting the one you are asked to do. Especially in the case when facing an unknown culture and place. Hopefully I managed to do it in an engaging and interesting way.
Since my topic could have been focused around countless different topics, I found it necessary to explain why I decided to focus it on LANDSCAPE(S). The reasoning is provided through three scales.
Among the three scales, the largest represents the global perspective, the middle the local, and the smallest represents my own rationale.
Contact List
- Neil P. Foley, Nantucket Conservation Foundation Interpretive Education Coordinator/Ecologist
- Nick Larrabee, Nantucket Conservation Foundation Manager of Milestone Cranberry Bog
- Allen B. Reinhard, Nantucket Conservation Foundation Middle Moors Ranger
- Dr. Jennifer M. Karberg, Nantucket Conservation Foundation Director of Research & Partnerships
- Karen C. Beattie, Nantucket Conservation Foundation Vice President of Science & Stewardship
- Rita Carr, Nantucket Preservation Trust Director of Media and Communications
- Mrs. Marie Sussek, Former President of Nantucket Garden Club
- Peggi Godwin, Nantucket Historical Association, Research Librarian