Alumni Update: Caleb Arsenault

Alumni Updates

This May, Caleb Arsenault graduated with his Master of Historic Preservation! An alumni of Flagler College, Caleb was able to focus his newly learned skills as a preservation practitioner in a Spring 2024 internship with the National Park Service at the Castillo de San Marcos. Caleb was kind enough to share some of his experiences in an interview with HP Marketing Intern, Mackennah Tarmey:

MT: What inspired you to pursue a degree in Historic Preservation at UF, and how has it shaped your perspective on preserving cultural heritage?

MT: Can you share a memorable project or moment from your time in the program that had a significant impact on your understanding of historic preservation?

MT: Is there a particular course, professor, or aspect of the program that you found particularly enriching or transformative?

MT: In what ways has the UF Historic Preservation program prepared you for a career in preserving and promoting our cultural heritage? What do you plan on doing after graduation?

MT: What advice would you offer to individuals considering a career in historic preservation, and why do you believe it’s an important field to be a part of?

We are so proud of you, Caleb!

Link to Caleb’s thesis “Legacies of Luxury: How Florida’s Gilded Age Resorts Found Economic Viability in the Midst of Hardship and Societal Change.
**Coming Soon**

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