Equipment and Building Maintenance Needs and Materials and Supplies

Interior Design Printer & Plotter Issues

Should you need assistance with a printer or plotter in your interior design studio, first try to contact your studio representative.
For plotter issues, please report the following information:

  • Studio Room #
  • Plotter UF Decal #
  • Description of what the plotter is AND is not doing along with any error codes it may be displaying so that the information can be passed along to the technician.
    • For example:  The plotter starts up and starts printing, but then stops the print job and displays the error code:__________________________

Printer & Plotter Supplies

At the beginning of the semester, paper and inks should be available in each studio. When you put the last roll of paper in the plotter or put the last of a particular color ink cartridge in a plotter or printer, please email Michelle Matckie with the following information and she will place an order:

  • Course #
  • Item to be ordered
    • i.e. (Plotter ink type (72 or 727) or Printer ink
    • Printer or Plotter ink cartridge color
    • Bond plotter paper
    • Copy paper (11×17)

Interior Design Studio Or Space Issues

If you need to report an issue with your interior design studio or interior design space, please email Michelle Matckie so that she can look into the issue or put in a work order.
For building issues not related to interior design, but located in our building, please contact the dean’s office, 352-294-1417.

For emergency building issues, please call 352-392-1121.  Facility Maintenance is available 24 hours  day, 7 days a week for calls.]]>

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