Class of 1997
Faculty & Staff
Pete Prugh, Director (UF)
Cynthia Ruffner, Assoc. Director
Richard Steinmetz (UF Photography Faculty)
William Dunne, TA
Morris Baptiste (UF)
Jessica Berne (Randolph MWC)
Sabine Collins (UF)
Katherine Elmhurst (U. Colorado, Boulder)
Koren La Verdiere (SCAD)
Apryl W. Howell (UF)
Dennis Iskra (UF)
Brian Randall (UF)
Traci L. Roloff (U. Wisconsin, Madison)
David Rubin (UF)
- Point Breeze Hotel: Historic Structures Report, Measured Architectural Drawings
Visiting Faculty and Guest Lecturers
- Jan Abell (Architect, Jan Abell Kenneth Garcia Partnership)
- Susan Beegel (Historian, Faculty Williams College – Maritime History)
- Bridgette Beinecke (Architect)
- Walter Beinecke (Co-Founder PI:N)
- Regina Binder (Preservation Consultant, Binder Boland & Associates)
- Jack Boucher (HABS NPS Head of Documentation Photography)
- Pat Butler (Director, Nantucket Preservation Trust)
- Edwin Connelly (President, Fort Adam’s Trust, Newport)
- Richard Crisson (Historical Architect, NPS)
- Chris Dallmus (Preservation Architect, PI:N Graduate)
- Buddy Jacobs (PI:N Advisory Council, Attorney, Nat’l Endowment Arts)
- Michael Jehle (Collections Curator, Nantucket Historical Association)
- Jim Lentowski (Director, Nantucket Conservation Foundation)
- Charlotte Maison (Director, Nantucket Atheneum)
- Paul Miller (Curator, Preservation Society of Newport County)
- Diane Mc Guire (Landscape Architect)
- Jeff Moore (Pres. Society Newport County, Furniture Conservator)
- Dr. Wm. Murtagh (Author, Educator, First Recipient of Beinecke-Reeves Distinguished Chair in Architectural Preservation, UF)
- Rev. Nancy Nelson (United Meth. Church – #2 Centre St Restoration Project)
- John Pagini (Director, Nantucket Planning & Economic Development)
- Robert Rivers (Administrator, Nantucket Historic District Commission)
- Vicki Sandstead (Former Preservation Consultant with FEMA, Former Director National Trust for Historic Pres, NE, National Landmarks Program, NPS)
- Herschel Shepard (Preservation Architect & Former PI:N Director, Professor Emeritus, University of Florida)
- Jeremy Slavitz (Public Programs Coordinator, Nantucket Historical Assn.)
- Tony Souza (Director, Waterfront Historic Area League, New Bedford)
- Pat Tiller (Chief, Heritage Preservation Services, NPS)
- John Tschirch (Director of Education, Pres. Society of Newport County)
- Betsy Tyler (Research Librarian, Nantucket Atheneum)
- Mark Voigt (Preservation Planner, St. Petersburg FL, PI:N graduate)
- Jean Weber (Director, Nantucket Historical Association)
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