

Brisotto C., Carney J., Macaione I., Raffa A. 2023. CLIMATE CHANGE IN RECLAMATION LANDSCAPES: Adaptation between module and modularity, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture Art & Design, Vol. 14, pp. 62-73

Carney, J., Srinivasan, R., Bender, S., O’Dell, B., Sharston, R., Chini, A., & Foroutan, F. 2023. Advanced Modular Housing Design: Developing the CORE+, Cityspace, Volume 25 Number 1,

Hao, H. & Wang, Y.* (2023). Modeling Dynamics of Community Resilience to Extreme Events with Explainable Deep Learning. Natural Hazards Review, 24(2), 04023013. DOI: (PrePrint)(Q1 in Social/Environmental Science; IF: 3.723)

Hao, H., Wang, Y.*, Du, L., & Chen, S. (2023) Enabling Smart Curb Management with Spatiotemporal Deep Learning. Computers, Environment and Urban System. 99, 101914. DOI: (Q1 in Urban Studies & Geography; IF: 6.454)

L. S. Platt, Xiaoyu Chen, Tara Sabo-Attwood, Nicole Iovine, Scott Brown & Brad Pollitt (2023) Improving infection prevention briefing through predictive predesign: a computational approach to architectural programming by evaluating socioecological risk factors, Architectural Engineering and Design Management, DOI: 10.1080/17452007.2023.2214347

Platt L.S., Zeinali, A. (under review) “A Primer on Using Complexity Modeling for Safe Healthcare Environment Planning: A Resilience-Based Approach.” Applied Ergonomics

Platt, L.S., Mahmoudi (accepted; publication pending revisions) “Computational Predesign for Evaluating Climate and Community Related Healthcare Infection Risks.” Technology Architecture and Design

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2023. Normalized Urban Heat Island (UHI) Indicators: Classifying the Temporal Variation of UHI for Building Energy Simulation (BES) Applications. Building Simulation, Volume 16,

Kang, H., Sharston, R., Shen, J., & Hayes, R. 2023. The impact of adaptive street lighting on perceived safety: Comparative analysis using Virtual Reality. LEUKOS (Under Review).

Shen, J., Sharston, R, & Kang, H. 2023. Investigating the effects of dynamic street lighting on pedestrians’ perceived safety through online video survey (Under Preparation).

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2023. Evaluating the role of geographical and climatic variables in the inter-city variations of atmospheric UHI intensity: A case study of 15 cities in the United States (Under Preparation).

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2023. Critical evaluation of the spatio-temporal behavior of UHI, through correlation analyses based on a multi-city dataset (Under Preparation).

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2023. Location- Independent Empirical Models to Quantify the Spatio-Temporal Variation of UHI Intensity (Under Preparation).

Sharston, R., Shen, J., & Singh, M. “Utilization of auxetic structures in advanced shading systems to improve lighting and thermal performance in Florida, USA.” Building Simulation 2023, International Building Performance Simulation Association, Shanghai, China (Accepted for Publication).

Von Meding, J., Brisotto, C., Mehdipour, H. and Lasch, C. 2023. Disasters “Through the looking glass”, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Zeinali, A., Platt L.S. (accepted; publication pending revisions) “An Agent-Based Modelling Approach for Infection Prevention Predesign: Simulating the Spread of Pathogens between Humans and the Environment in an ICU.” Architectural Engineering and Design Management


Li, Jiayang, Joan Iverson Nassauer, and Noah J. Webster. 2022. Landscape elements affect public perception of nature-based solutions managed by smart systems. Landscape and Urban Planning 221 (2022): 104355

Gao, S. & Wang, Y. 2022. Explainable Deep Learning Powered Building Risk Assessment Model for Proactive Hurricane Response. Risk Analysis. pp.1-13, doi: 10.1111/risa.13990.

Wang, Y., Hao, H. & Wang, C. 2022. Preparing Curbside for Increasing Mobility-on-Demand using Data-Driven Agent-Based Simulation: Case Study of Downtown City of Gainesville, Florida. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0001021

Hao, H. & Wang, Y. 2022. Disentangling Relations Between Urban Form and Urban Accessibility for Resilience to Extreme Weather and Climate Events. Landscape and Urban Planning. 220. 104352. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104352

Guo, Y., Song, Y., Cao, L., Wang, Y. & Li, Y. 2022. Understanding the Formation of City-HSR Network: A Case Study of Yangtze River Delta. Transport Policy. 116, 315-326. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.12.014.

Brisotto, C., & Lemes de Oliveira, F. 2022. Re-imaging Resilient Productive Landscapes: Perspectives from Planning History. Springer

Brisotto, C. 2022. Thinking Utopia: A Resilient Approach to Productive Landscapes by Yona Friedman. In: Brisotto, C., Lemes de Oliveira, F. (eds) Re-Imagining Resilient Productive Landscapes. Cities and Nature. Springer, Cham.

Carney, J., and Brisotto, C. 2022.  Florida Resilient Cities program: facing climate change through design. In Melis A. (Ed.) “Comunita’resilienti: una raccolta di brevi saggi sulla capacita’ adattativa delle citta’.” Addendum to the Italia Pavilion Catalogue at the Biennale Architecture 2021

Chen C., Judge J., Hulse D. 2022. PyLUSAT: An open-source Python toolkit for GIS-based land use suitability analysis. Environmental Modelling & Software.

Brisotto, C., & Carney, J. “Co-design Strategies to Achieve Trust in Urban Living Lab: A Systematic Literature Review.” The Architectural Research Centers Consortium & the European Association for Architectural Educators’ 2022 International Conference, March 2-5, 2022, Miami, FL.

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. “Evaluation of Net Zero Energy Buildings for Climate Resilience in Southeast U.S.” The Architectural Research Centers Consortium & the European Association for Architectural Educators’ 2022 International Conference, March 2-5, 2022, Miami, FL.

Platt, L.S. 2022. Using Human in The Loop AI Socioecological Modeling for Guiding Infection Prevention Through Design Resilience. AMPS Proceedings Series 26 Environments By Design: Health, Wellbeing and Place.


Li, Jiayang, and Joan Iverson Nassauer. 2021. Technology in support of nature-based solutions requires understanding everyday experiences. Ecology and Society (2021): 26(4)

Nassauer, Joan Iverson, Noah J. Webster, Natalie Sampson, and Jiayang Li. 2021. Care and safety in neighborhood preferences for vacant lot greenspace in legacy cities. Landscape and Urban Planning 214 (2021): 104156

Prokosch, M. L., Smith, C. T., Kerry, N., & von Meding, J. 2021. Too strong to care? Investigating the links between formidability, worldviews, and views on climate and disaster. First stage registered report In Principle Acceptance at Journal of Politics and the Life Sciences.

Murphy, C.C., and Brisotto, C. 2021. From the Right to the City to The Right to The Countryside: Designing the countryside in a global social community.  The Global City: The urban condition as a pervasive phenomenon: proceedings of the AISU Conference, Bologna, Italy, September 2019

Murphy, C.C., and Brisotto, C. 2021. A Productive city in a time of pandemics: Healthy food access as justice in Baltimore. The Plan Journal, 5 (2), doi: 10.15274/tpj.2020.05.02.5

Chen C., Judge J., Kiker G., Peeling J. 2021. Building capacity for decision makers in Ghana for sustainable land use planning using earth observations and open-source GIS tools. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall 2021.

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2021. A literature review of building energy simulation and computational fluid dynamics co-simulation strategies and its implications on the accuracy of energy predictions. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology.

Singh, M., Sharston, R. 2021 Quantifying the dualistic nature of urban heat Island effect (UHI) on building energy consumption, Energy and Buildings, 111649, ISSN 0378-7788, (

Schroder, W., Murtha, T., Golden, C., Scherer, A.K., Broadbent, E.N., Almeyda Zambrano, A.M., Herndon, K., & Griffin, R. 2021. UAV LiDAR survey for archaeological documentation in Chiapas, Mexico. Remote Sensing, 13(23), 4731.

Wright, M.S.P., M.V. Santelmann, K. Vache, D. Hulse. 2021. Modeling the impact of development policies and climate on suburban watershed hydrology near Portland, Oregon. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning.

Thai Pham, B., Luu, C., Van Phong, T., Phan Trong Trinh, Shirzadi, A., Renoud S., Asadi, S., Van Le, H., von Meding, J., Clague, J.C. (2021), Can deep learning algorithms outperform benchmark machine learning algorithms in flood susceptibility modeling?, Journal of Hydrology, 592, pp. 125615

Asad, R., Ahmed, I., Vaughan, J., and von Meding, J. (2021), Traditional Water Knowledge: Challenges and Opportunities to Build Resilience to Urban Floods, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment

Forino, G., von Meding, J. (2021) Climate change adaptation across businesses in Australia: interpretations, implementations, and interactions. Environ Dev Sustain.

Han, Y., Chen, C., Peng, ZR. & Mozumder P. (2021) Evaluating impacts of coastal flooding on the transportation system using an activity-based travel demand model: a case study in Miami-Dade County, FL. Transportation.

Wang, Y, Hao, H. & Platt, L. (2021) Examining Risk and Crisis Communications of Government Agencies and Stakeholders during Early-Stages of COVID-19 on Twitter. Computers in Human Behavior. DOI: (RG preprint)(link)

Abukhalaf, A. H. I., & von Meding, J. (2021). Psycholinguistics and emergency communication: A qualitative descriptive study. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 55, 102061. doi:

Ma, R., Wang, T., Wang, Y., & Chen, J. 2021. Tuning urban microclimate: A morpho-patch approach for multi-scale building group energy simulation. Sustainable Cities and Society, 103516

Wang, Y., Gao, S., Li, N, & Yu, S. 2021. Crowdsourcing the perceived urban built environment via social media: The case of underutilized land. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 50. 101371. DOI:

Hao, Haiyan & Wang, Y. 2021. Assessing Disaster Impact in Real Time (ADIR): A Data-Driven System Integrating Human, Hazards, and the Built Environment. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000970

Wang, R., Li, N. & Wang, Y. 2021. Does the Returners and Explorers Dichotomy in Urban Human Mobility Depend on the Observation Duration? An Empirical Study in Guangzhou, China. Sustainable Cities and Society. 102862.doi:

Gao, Shangde & Wang, Y. 2021. Assessing the impact of geo-targeted warning messages on residents’ evacuation decisions before a hurricane using agent-based modeling. Natural Hazards. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-021-04576-1


Li, Jiayang, and Joan Iverson Nassauer. 2020. Cues to care: A systematic analytical review. Landscape and Urban Planning 201 (2020): 103821.

Cooper, V., Forino, G, Kanjanabootra, S. and von Meding, J. (2020), Leveraging the Community of Inquiry Framework to Support Inclusive Education in Web-based Simulations, The Internet and Higher Education, 47, pp. 100757 

Thai Pham, B., Luu, C., Duy Nguyen, H., Prakash, I., von Meding, J., Van Hiep, L., Van Phong, T. (2020), Flood risk assessment using deep learning integrated with multi-criteria decision analysis, Knowledge-based Systems, 219, pp. 106899 

Ajulo, O.M., von Meding, J. and Tang, P. (2020), Relocalisation for degrowth and disaster risk reduction, Disaster Prevention and Management, 29(6), pp. 877-891

Tasantab, J.C., Gajendran, T., von Meding, J. and Maund, K. (2020), Perceptions and deeply held beliefs about responsibility for flood risk adaptation in Accra Ghana, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 11(5), pp. 631-644

Ajulo, O.M., von Meding, J. and Tang, P. (2020), Upending the status quo through transformative adaptation: A systematic literature review, Progress in Disaster Science, 6, pp. 100103

von Meding, J., Chmutina, K., Forino, G. and Raju, E. (2020), Introduction to the special issue on disrupting the status quo, Disaster Prevention and Management, 29(6), pp. 829-830 

Chmutina, K., Sadler, N., von Meding, J. and Abukhalaf, A.H.I. (2020), “Lost (and found?) in translation: key terminology in disaster studies”, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 30 No. 2, pp. 149-162.

Abukhalaf, A. H. I., & von Meding, J. (2020). Communication challenges in campus emergency planning: The case of hurricane Dorian in Florida. Natural Hazards (Dordrecht), 104(2), 1535. doi:10.1007/s11069-020-04231-1

Yao, F. & Wang, Y. (2020) Towards Resilient and Smart Cities: A Real-Time Urban Analytical and Geo-Visual System for Social Media Streaming Data. Sustainable Cities and Society. 102448. doi: (RG preprint)(link)

Hao, H. & Wang, Y. (2020) Leveraging Multimodal Social Media Data for Rapid Disaster Damage Assessment. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 51, 101760. doi: (RG preprint)(link)

Yao, F. & Wang, Y. (2020) Domain-Specific Sentiment Analysis for Tweets during Hurricanes (DSSA-H): A Domain-Adversarial Neural-Network-Based Approach. Computer, Environment and Urban System. 83, 101522. doi: (RG preprint)(link)

Platt, L. S., & Fronczek, A.E. (2020). Using a Fuzzy Framework for applying King’s Theory of Goal Attainment to Improve Hospital Acquired Infection Resilience. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. SAGE Publications.

Wang, Y., Hao, H., & Platt, L. S. (2020). Examining risk and crisis communications of government agencies and stakeholders during early-stages of COVID-19 on Twitter. Computers in human behavior, 106568.

Platt, L.S. (2020). Designing for Resilience. In Sethumadhavan A. and Sasangohar (Eds.). Design for Health 1st Edition Applications of Human Factors. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.


Santelmann, M.W., D. Hulse, M. Wright, C. Enright, A. Branscomb, M. Tchintcharauli-Harrison, J. Bolson. (2019). Designing and modeling innovation across scales for urban water systems. Journal of Urban Ecosystems. DOI:10.1007/s11252-019-00882-6.

Gregory, S., R. Wildman, D. Hulse, L. Ashkenas, K. Boyer. (2019). Historical changes in hydrology, geomorphology, and floodplain vegetation of the Willamette River, Oregon. River Research and Applications. DOI:10.1002/rra.3495.

Sharston, R., (2019), Advanced Daylight Admission Systems Using Auxetic Structures in Florida, USA, The 1st ACM International Workshop on Urban Building Energy Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization (UrbSys) ACM Buildsys 2019, Columbia University, New York, NY, November 10, 2019. Retired from

Sharston, R., Murray, Scott, (2019), The combined effects of thermal mass and insulation on energy performance in concrete office buildings, Advances in Building Energy Research,

Yi K., Y., Sharston, R., and Barakat, D., (2019), Auxetic Structures and Advanced Daylight Control Systems, Journal of Facade Design and Engineering, Vol 7 No 1

Sharston, R., (2019), The Effects of Exterior Thermal Mass (eTM) on Energy Consumption in Residential Buildings, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Improving Sustainability Concept in Developing Countries, Cairo, Egypt, 13-15 December, 2018

Sharston, R., Yi K., Y., and Barakat, D., (2019), Auxetic Structures and Advanced Daylight Control Systems, PowerSkin Conference 2019, Munich, Germany, January 17-2019

Yao, F., & Wang Y. (2019) Tracking Urban Geo-Topics based on Dynamic Topic Model. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.

Wang, Y. & Taylor, J.E. (2019) Detecting Urban Emergencies Technique (DUET): A Data-Driven Approach based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Topic Modeling. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 33(3): 04019023.

Wang, C., Delport, J., & Wang, Y. (2019). Lateral motion prediction of on-road preceding vehicles: a data-driven approach. Sensors19(9), 2111.

Wang, Y., Rahimi-Golkhandan, A., Chen, C., Garvin, M.J. & Taylor, J.E., (2019). Measuring the Impact of Transportation Diversity on Disaster Resilience in Urban Communities: Case Study of Hurricane Harvey in Houston TX. 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE). Atlanta, USA.

Birch, T., Carney, J. (2019) “Delta Urbanism: Aligning Adaptation with the Protection and Restoration Paradigm in Coastal Louisiana”, Technology|Architecture + Design, 3:1, 102-114, DOI: 10.1080/24751448.2019.1571834

Birch, T., Carney, J. (2019) Aligning community resilience with the coastal restoration paradigm in Louisiana. In S. Laska (Ed.), Louisiana’s Response to Extreme Weather – A Test Case for Coastal Resilience. Springer International Publishing, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27205-0

Carney, J., Agre, C., Twilley, R., Shelden, J., Hird, J. (2019) “The Giving delta” In E. Mossop (Ed.), Sustainable coastal design and planning. Boca Raton: CRC Press. ISBN: ISBN9780429458057

Murtha, T., E. Broadbent, C. Golden, A. Scherer, W. Schroder, B. Wilkinson, and A. Almeyda. (2019). Precision Drone Lidar Survey of Ancient Maya Settlement and Landscape. Latin American Antiquity. Volume 30, Issue 3: 630-636. DOI:

Murtha, T., Lawres, N., Mazurczyk, T., & Brown, M. (2019). Investigating the Role of Archaeological Information and Practice in Landscape Conservation Design and Planning in North America. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 7(4), 382-394.

Jennings, Julia, Corey Sparks, and Timothy Murtha. (2019). Interdisciplinary Approach to Spatiotemporal Population Dynamics. The North Orkney Population History Project. Historical Life Course Studies9, 27-50.

Brown, Madeline and Timothy Murtha. (2019). Integrating natural and cultural resources in North American large-landscape conservation, Environmental Practice, 21:2, 57-68, DOI: 10.1080/14660466.2019.1601935

Brown, Madeline, Timothy Murtha, Yan Wang, and LuWei Wang. (2019). ILAS: Intrinsic Landscape Assessment System for Landscape Design and Planning in the National Capital Region. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture. Vol. 4. Pp 84-94.

Murtha, Timothy, LuWei Wang, and LeiLei Duan. (2019). Historical Analysis of Land Use Change and Geodesign of Rapid Urbanization: Orlando, Florida, USA. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture. Vol. 4. Pp 205-212.

Chmutina, K. and von Meding, J. (2019), “Natural disasters” in academic literature, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 10(3), pp 283-292

Woldemariam, S., Maguire, A. and von Meding, J. (2019), Forced Human Displacement, the Third World, and International Law: A TWAIL Perspective, Melbourne Journal of International Law, 20(1)

Luu, C, Von Meding, J, Mojtahedi, M (2019), Vietnam’s national disaster loss database for flood risk assessment using multiple linear regression-TOPSIS, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 40

Forino, G., von Meding, J. and Brewer, G. (2019), Community based initiatives to mainstream climate change adaptation into disaster risk reduction: evidence from the Hunter Valley (Australia), Local Environment, 24:52-67

Pal, I., von Meding, J., Shresta, S., Ahmed, I. and Gajendran, T. (Eds.) (2019), An Interdisciplinary Approach for Disaster Resilience and Sustainability, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature

Salami RO, Von Meding J, Giggins, H. (2019), The urban political ecology of flood vulnerability in the core area of Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria. In “Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction Policies”, Loredana Antronico, Fausto Marincioni (Eds.). Il Sileno Edizioni, Italy.

Ajulo, D., Von Meding, J. and Tang, P. (2019), A conceptual framework for understanding transformation: transformative adaptation of refugees in Nakivale refugee settlement. In “Resettlement challenges for displaced populations and refugees”, Asgary, A. (Eds.). Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. Sustainable Development Goals Series.

Johnson, T., Von Meding, J., Gajendran, T and Forino, G. (2019), Disaster vulnerability of displaced people in Rakhine State, Myanmar. In “Resettlement challenges for displaced populations and refugees”, Asgary, A. (Eds.). Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. Sustainable Development Goals Series.

Chmutina, K., von Meding, J. and Bosher, L. (2019), Language matters: dangers of the “natural disaster” misnomer, UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR), technical paper

Von Meding, J. De Freitas Junior, S. and Irigaray, M. (2019), No disaster is natural, OpenDemocracy – Transformations, February 5, 2019


Platt, L. S., Li, H., Bass, C. E., & Yu, K. (2018). Validating Persuasive Experience (PX) Theory: Preliminary Results of a Case Study on a Corporate Wellness Program’s Web-based Learning Interfaces. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care (Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 56-63). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

Platt, L. S., Li, H., & Bass, C. E. (2018). Evaluating Persuasiveness of Corporate Wellness Web-based learning interfaces. In Proceedings of the Technology, Mind, and Society (pp. 1-2).

Scherer, A., C. Golden, O., Alcover Firpi, W. Schroder, T. Murtha, M. Urquizú. (2019). Patrones de asentamiento y la organización social del territorio al nexo de Piedras Negras y Yaxchilan. XXXII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicos en Guatemala, 2018.

Goldberg, Lacey, Timothy Murtha, and Brian Orland. (2018). The Use of Crowdsourced and Georeferenced Photography to Aid in Visual Resource Planning and Conservation. In Gobster, Paul H.; Smardon, Richard C., eds. Visual resource stewardship conference proceedings: landscape and seascape management in a time of change. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-183. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. PP 116-127.

Mazurczyk, Tara, L. Goldberg and T. Murtha. (2018). Integrating Visual and Cultural Resource Evaluation and Impact Assessment for Landscape Conservation Design and Planning. In Gobster, Paul H.; Smardon, Richard C., eds. Visual resource stewardship conference proceedings: landscape and seascape management in a time of change. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-183. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. PP 149-161.

Orland, Brian, J. Calabria, Lacey Goldberg, Tara Mazurczyk, Timothy Murtha, M. Thomas, M. Welch-Devine, and A. Wolfe. (2018). Identifying the Valued Ordinary, as a Step toward Scenic Landscape Conservation. In Gobster, Paul H.; Smardon, Richard C., eds. Visual resource stewardship conference proceedings: landscape and seascape management in a time of change. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-183. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. PP 136-149.

Murtha, Timothy, Ann Cyphers, Charles Golden, and Alex Klippel. (2018). Beyond Inventory and Mapping: LIDAR, Landscape, and Digital Landscape Architecture. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture. Volume 3: Pp 249-261.

Orland, Brian, Micah Taylor, Tara Mazurczyk, Meredith Welch-Devine, Lacey Goldberg, Mary Candler Scales, Timothy Murtha, and Jon Calabria. (2018). Augmented reality and the scenic drive. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture. Volume 3. Wichmann/VDE Publisher Berlin and Offenbach and Berlin. Pp 140-149.

Forino,G., von Meding, J., Brewer, G. (2018), Challenges and opportunities for Australian local governments in governing climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction integration, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 9:258-272

Luu, C, Von Meding, J, Kanjanabootra, S (2018), Assessing flood hazard using flood marks and analytic hierarchy process approach: a case study for the 2013 flood event in Quang Nam, Vietnam, Natural Hazards, 90:1031-1050

Luu, C, von Meding, J (2018), A flood risk assessment of Quang Nam, Vietnam using spatial multicriteria decision analysis, Water, 10(4):461

Luu, C, Von Meding, J, Kanjanabootra, S (2018), Flood risk management activities in Vietnam: A study of local practice in Quang Nam province, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 28:776-787

Ahmed, I, Gajendran, T, Brewer, G, Maund, K, Von Meding, J, Mackee J (2018), Compliance to building codes for disaster resilience: Bangladesh and Nepal, Procedia Engineering, 212:986-993

Forino, G., Von Meding, J. & Brewer, G. (2018), Governing the integration of climate change adaptation into disaster risk reduction. In Forino, Bonati and Calandra (Eds.). Governance of Risk, Hazards and Disasters: Trends in Theory and Practice. London: Routledge.

Ahmed, I., Gajendran, T., Brewer, G., Maund, K., Von Meding, J., Kissa, G., Kabir, H., Faruk, M., Shrestha, H. and Sitaula, N (2018), Grey building handbook: the cases of Nepal and Bangladesh, Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN).

von Meding, J., Ahmed, I., Howard, A., Forino, G., Pal, I., Kabir, H., Dao, H., & Thai, H., (2018) Critical factors for post-disaster educational continuity in urban floods in South and Southeast Asia, Research Report, Save the Children

Tasantab, J. Von Meding, J., Maund, K. and GAjendran, T. (2018), Ghana must move from coping with floods, to adapting for them, The Conversation, October 28, 2018

Von Meding, J. (2018), Embracing local capacity to deal with disasters, Tia Sang Magazine, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 6, 2018

Von Meding, J. (2018), Beyond “managing” disasters – reduce and stop creating risk!, Tia Sang Magazine, Hanoi, Vietnam, August 29, 2018

Von Meding, J. (2018), “Natural disasters” and people on the margins – the hidden story, The Conversation, August 13, 2018

Woldemariam, S., Maguire, A. and Von Meding, J. (2018), Australia and other countries must prioritise humanity in dealing with displaced people and migration, The Conversation, August 2, 2018

Von Meding, J., Forino, G. and Du, T. (2018), The Laos disaster reminds us that local people are too often victims of dam development, The Conversation, July 30, 2018

Von Meding, J. (2018), Challenging disaster myths and destructive narratives, Tia Sang Magazine, Hanoi, Vietnam, July 9, 2018

Maguire, A. and Von Meding, J., (2018), Yes, Syria’s Assad regime is brutal. But the retaliatory air strikes are illegal and partisan, The Conversation, April 19, 2018

Wang, Y., & Taylor, J. E. (2018). Coupling Sentiment and Human Mobility in Natural Disasters: A Twitter-based Study of the 2014 South Napa Earthquake. Natural Hazards, 1-19.

Wang, Y. and Taylor, J.E., (2018). Urban Crisis Detection Technique: A Spatial and Data Driven Approach based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Topic Modeling. Construction Research Congress 2018: Building Community Partnerships. (pp. 250-259). New Orleans, USA.


Brisotto C., Carney J., Macaione I., Raffa A. 2023. CLIMATE CHANGE IN RECLAMATION LANDSCAPES: Adaptation between module and modularity, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture Art & Design, Vol. 14, pp. 62-73


Brisotto, C., & Lemes de Oliveira, F. 2022. Re-imaging Resilient Productive Landscapes: Perspectives from Planning History. Springer

Brisotto, C. 2022. Thinking Utopia: A Resilient Approach to Productive Landscapes by Yona Friedman. In: Brisotto, C., Lemes de Oliveira, F. (eds) Re-Imagining Resilient Productive Landscapes. Cities and Nature. Springer, Cham.

Carney, J., and Brisotto, C. 2022.  Florida Resilient Cities program: facing climate change through design. In Melis A. (Ed.) “Comunita’resilienti: una raccolta di brevi saggi sulla capacita’ adattativa delle citta’.” Addendum to the Italia Pavilion Catalogue at the Biennale Architecture 2021

Brisotto, C., & Carney, J. “Co-design Strategies to Achieve Trust in Urban Living Lab: A Systematic Literature Review.” The Architectural Research Centers Consortium & the European Association for Architectural Educators’ 2022 International Conference, March 2-5, 2022, Miami, FL.


Murphy, C.C., and Brisotto, C. 2021. From the Right to the City to The Right to The Countryside: Designing the countryside in a global social community.  The Global City: The urban condition as a pervasive phenomenon: proceedings of the AISU Conference, Bologna, Italy, September 2019

Murphy, C.C., and Brisotto, C. 2021. A Productive city in a time of pandemics: Healthy food access as justice in Baltimore. The Plan Journal, 5 (2), doi: 10.15274/tpj.2020.05.02.5


Carney, J., Larkin, C. (2020). Building Resilient Florida: Local adaptations toward statewide transformation. Quality Cities, 94(1), 50-51.


Birch, T., Carney, J. (2019) “Delta Urbanism: Aligning Adaptation with the Protection and Restoration Paradigm in Coastal Louisiana”, Technology|Architecture + Design, 3:1, 102-114, DOI: 10.1080/24751448.2019.1571834

Birch, T., Carney, J. (2019) Aligning community resilience with the coastal restoration paradigm in Louisiana. In S. Laska (Ed.), Louisiana’s Response to Extreme Weather – A Test Case for Coastal Resilience. Springer International Publishing, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27205-0

Carney, J., Agre, C., Twilley, R., Shelden, J., Hird, J. (2019) “The Giving delta” In E. Mossop (Ed.), Sustainable coastal design and planning. Boca Raton: CRC Press. ISBN: ISBN9780429458057


Guo, Z., Wang, Y.*, Steiner (2024) When Climate Mitigation Meets the Needs of Adaptation: Closing the Resilience Gap for EV Charging Services in Hurricane-Prone Areas. Journal of Management in Engineering. (Accepted)

Hao, H & Wang, Y.* (2024) The Emerging ‘Evident’ Role of Climatic Risk on Migration: A Study of Four U.S. Metropolitans. Climatic Change. 177, 36. (Q1 in Atmospheric Science/Global & Planetary Change; IF: 5.3)

Wang, R., Wang, Y. & Li, N.* (2024) Revealing Disaster Dynamics and Disparities in Urban Facility Accessibility Using an Improved Utilization-Based Metric. Cities. 144, 104636. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2023.104636 (Q1 in Urban Studies and Development; IF: 6.7)

Guo, Z., Wang, Y.* (2024) Benchmarking Plans for Community-based Small Businesses Resilience across U.S. Gulf Coast. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 0(0). (Q1 in Urban Studies and Planning; IF: 4.0)


Gao, Z., Wang, Y.* (2023) Anticipating older populations’ health risk exacerbated by compound disasters based on mortality caused by heart diseases and strokes. Nature Scientific Reports. 13, 16810. (Q1 in Multidisciplinary; IF: 4.9).

Guo, Z. & Wang, Y.* (2023) Anticipatory Planning for Equitable and Productive Curbside Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Sustainable Cities & Society. 99, 104962. DOI: (Q1 in Planning and Civil Engineering; IF: 11.7; Acceptance Rate: 10%)

Hao, H. & Wang, Y.* (2023). Modeling Dynamics of Community Resilience to Extreme Events with Explainable Deep Learning. Natural Hazards Review, 24(2), 04023013. DOI: (PrePrint)(Q1 in Social/Environmental Science; IF: 3.723)

Hao, H., Wang, Y.*, Du, L., & Chen, S. (2023) Enabling Smart Curb Management with Spatiotemporal Deep Learning. Computers, Environment and Urban System. 99, 101914. DOI: (Q1 in Urban Studies & Geography; IF: 6.454)


Gao, S., Wang, Y.*, & Webster, G. (2022) Causal Modeling of Descriptive Social Norms from Twitter and the Physical World on Expressed Attitudes Change: A Case Study of COVID-19 Vaccination, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. DOI: (Q1 in Social Psychology, Communication and Human-Computer Interaction; IF: 6.135).

Hao, H., Wang, Y.*, & Kang, S. (2022) Examining “Digital” Vulnerability to Flooding among Subsidized Housing Residents in Florida. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. doi: (link) (Q1 in Safety Research; IF 4.320)

Gao, S. & Wang, Y.* (2022) Explainable Deep Learning Powered Building Risk Assessment Model for Proactive Hurricane Response. Risk Analysis. pp.1-13, doi: 10.1111/risa.13990. (Q1 in Safety/Risk Research; IF: 4.302) (link)(preprint)

Wang, Y.*, Hao, H. & Wang, C. Preparing Curbside for Increasing Mobility-on-Demand using Data-Driven Agent-Based Simulation: Case Study of Downtown City of Gainesville, Florida. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0001021. (link)(preprint)(Q1 in Engineering; IF 6.7)

Hao, H. & Wang, Y.* Disentangling Relations Between Urban Form and Urban Accessibility for Resilience to Extreme Weather and Climate Events. Landscape and Urban Planning. 220 (2022). 104352. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104352. (link) (Q1 in Environmental Science; IF 6.142; Ranking 2 out of 43 in Urban Studies)

Guo, Y., Song, Y.*, Cao, L., Wang, Y. & Li, Y. (2022) Understanding the Formation of City-HSR Network: A Case Study of Yangtze River Delta. Transport Policy. 116, 315-326. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.12.014. (Q1 in Geography, Planning and Development; IF 4.674)


Gao, S. & Gao, W. (2021) Investigating Dynamic Relations Between Factual Information and Misinformation: Empirical Studies of Tweets Related to Prevention Measures during COVID-19. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. DOI: 10.1111/1468-5973.12385. (Q1 in Management Information System; IF 4.4)

Ma, R., Wang, T., Wang, Y., & Chen, J.* (2021). Tuning urban microclimate: A morpho-patch approach for multi-scale building group energy simulation. Sustainable Cities and Society, 103516. (link) (Q1 in Geography, Planning and Development; IF: 7.587; ranking it 4 out of 66 in Construction & Building Technology; Acceptance Rate 15%)

Wang, Y.*, Gao, S., Li, N, & Yu, S. (2021) Crowdsourcing the perceived urban built environment via social media: The case of underutilized land. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 50. 101371. DOI: (link) (Q1 in Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems; IF 5.603, ranking it 10 out of 91 in Engineering, Multidisciplinary)

Hao, Haiyan & Wang, Yan* (2021) Assessing Disaster Impact in Real Time (ADIR): A Data-Driven System Integrating Human, Hazards, and the Built Environment. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000970. (link) (Q1 in Civil and Structural Engineering; IF 5.107).

Wang, R., Li, N. & Wang, Y. (2021) Does the Returners and Explorers Dichotomy in Urban Human Mobility Depend on the Observation Duration? An Empirical Study in Guangzhou, China. Sustainable Cities and Society. 102862.doi: (link) (Q1 in Geography, Planning & Development)

Gao, Shangde & Wang, Yan* (2021) Assessing the impact of geo-targeted warning messages on residents’ evacuation decisions before a hurricane using agent-based modeling. Natural Hazards. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-021-04576-1. (link)

Wang, Y*, Hao, H. & Platt, L. (2021) Examining Risk and Crisis Communications of Government Agencies and Stakeholders during Early-Stages of COVID-19 on Twitter. Computers in Human Behavior. DOI: (RG preprint)(link) (Q1 in Human-Computer Interaction; IF 6.829, ranking it 3 out of 90 in Psychology, Experimental)


Yao, F. & Wang, Y.* (2020) Towards Resilient and Smart Cities: A Real-Time Urban Analytical and Geo-Visual System for Social Media Streaming Data. Sustainable Cities and Society. 102448. doi: (RG preprint)(link) (Q1 in Geography, Planning & Development)

Hao, H. & Wang, Y.* (2020) Leveraging Multimodal Social Media Data for Rapid Disaster Damage Assessment. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 51, 101760. doi: (RG preprint)(link)

Yao, F. & Wang, Y.* (2020) Domain-Specific Sentiment Analysis for Tweets during Hurricanes (DSSA-H): A Domain-Adversarial Neural-Network-Based Approach. Computer, Environment and Urban System. 83, 101522. doi: (RG preprint)(link)

Wang, Y.*, Hulse, D., Von Meding, J., Brown, M. & Dedenbach, L., (2020)Conceiving Resilience: Lexical Shifts and Proximal Meanings in the Human-Centered Natural and Built Environment Literature from 1990 To 2018. Developments in the Built Environment. 100003. DOI:

Brown, M., Murtha, T., Wang, L., & Wang, Y. (2020) Mapping Landscape Values with Social Media. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture. pp. 542-548. DOI: 10.14627/537690055


Wang, Y.*, Taylor, J.E. & Garvin, M.J. (2019) Measuring Resilience of Human-Spatial Systems to Disasters: Framework Combining Crowdsourced Spatial-Network Analysis and Fisher Information. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering. 36(4), 04020019.

Yao, F., & Wang Y.* (2019) Tracking Urban Geo-Topics based on Dynamic Topic Model. Computer, Environment and Urban System. 

Murtha, T., Brown, M., Wang, Y., & Wang, L. (2019) ILAS: Intrinsic Landscape Assessment System for Landscape Design and Planning. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 84-94, doi: 10.14627/537663009. 

Wang, C., Delport, J., & Wang, Y. (2019). Lateral motion prediction of on-road preceding vehicles: a data-driven approach. Sensors, 19(9), 2111. 


Wang, Y. & Taylor, J.E. (2018) Detecting Urban Emergencies Technique (DUET): A Data-Driven Approach based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Topic Modeling. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 33(3) 04019023.

Wang, Y. & Taylor, J.E. (2018). Coupling Sentiment and Human Mobility in Natural Disasters: A Twitter-based Study of the 2014 South Napa Earthquake. Natural Hazards, 1-19.


Wang, Y., Wang, Q. & Taylor, J.E. (2017) Aggregated Responses of Human Mobility Patterns to Severe Winter Storms: An Empirical Study. PLoS ONE. 12.12 (2017): e0188734.


Liu, T., Wang, Y., & Wilkinson, S. (2016). Identifying Critical Factors Affecting the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Tendering Processes in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): A Comparative Analysis of Australia and China. International Journal of Project Management,34(4), 701-716.


[1] Guo, Z. & Wang, Y.* Benchmarking Plans for Community-based Small Businesses Resilience across U.S. Gulf Coast. DOI: 10.31235/

[2] Gao, S., Wang, Y.*, & Thai, M. T. (2023) Investigating the Dynamics of Social Norm Emergence within Online Communities. arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.00453.

[3] Gao, S., Wang, Y.*, Gao, W. (2021) Can Predominant Credible Information Suppress Misinformation in Crises? Empirical Studies of Tweets Related to Prevention Measures during COVID-19. arXiv preprint arXiv: 2102.00976.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers


13. Hao, H., & Wang, Y.* (2022) Smart Curb Digital Twin: Inventorying Curb Environments using Computer Vision and Street Imagery. 2nd Annual International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (IEEE DTPI 2022). Smart City Digital Twins Convergence (by invitation only) Boston, U.S.

12. Hao, H., Wang, Y.*, & Wang, Q. (2022) Simulating Urban Population Activities under Extreme Events with Data-Driven Agent-Based Modeling. 2022 ASCE’s Construction Institute and Construction Research Council. The joint conference will be held in Arlington, VA; March 9-12, 2022. (link)

11. Gao, S., Wang, Y.*, & Wang, Q. (2022) Household-Targeted Hurricane Warnings for Effective Evacuation: Case Study of Hurricane Irma in North Miami Beach. 2022 ASCE’s Construction Institute and Construction Research Council. The joint conference will be held in Arlington, VA; March 9-12, 2022. (link)


10. Gao, S., Wang, Y.* & Platt, L. (2021) Modeling U.S. Health Agencies’ Message Dissemination on Twitter and Users’ Exposure to Vaccine-related Misinformation Using System Dynamics. The 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2021). (pp. 333–344). Blacksburg, VA (USA): Virginia Tech.(preprint) (ISCRAM Digital Library)

9. Wang, Y.*, Wang, Q. & Taylor, J.E. (2021) Loss of Resilience in Human Mobility across Severe Tropical Cyclones of Different Magnitudes. The 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM2021).(pp. 755–765). Blacksburg, VA (USA): Virginia Tech. (preprint) (ISCRAM Digital Library)


8. Haiyan Hao, & Yan Wang*. (2020). Hurricane Damage Assessment with Multi-, Crowd-Sourced Image Data: A Case Study of Hurricane Irma in the City of Miami. In Amanda Hughes, Fiona McNeill, & Christopher W. Zobel (Eds.), ISCRAM 2020 Conference Proceedings – 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 825–837). Blacksburg, VA (USA): Virginia Tech. (link) (preprint)

7. Brown, M., Murtha, T.*, Wang, L. & Wang, Y. (2020) Mapping Landscape Values With Social Media. Digital Landscape Conference (DLA 2020).


6. Wang, Y. (2019) Towards Responsive & Resilient Cities: BETerms for Crowdsourcing Perceived Built Environment. In the 2019 Book of Accepted Abstracts for Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference. October 24-27, 2019 in Greenville, South Carolina. Available at:

5. Wang, Y., Rahimi-Golkhandan, A. Garvin, M.J. & Taylor, J.E., (2019). Impact of Transportation Diversity on Urban Resilience to Disasters. 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE).


4. Wang, Y. and Taylor, J.E., (2018). Urban Crisis Detection Technique: A Spatial and Data-Driven Approach based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Topic Modeling. Construction Research Congress 2018 (CRC 2018): Building Community Partnerships. (pp. 250-259). New Orleans, USA.


3. Wang, Y. & Taylor, J.E., (2017). Tracking urban resilience to disasters: a mobility network-based approach. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2017) (pp. 97–109). Albi, France.

1. Mohammadi, N., Taylor, J.E., & Wang, Y. (2017). Towards Smarter Cities: Linking Human Mobility and Energy Use Fluctuations across Building Types. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2017).


2. Wang, Y., Wang, Q. & Taylor, J.E. (2016) Aggregated Responses of Human Mobility Patterns to Severe Winter Storms, 6th International Conference of Building Resilience (ICBR 2016). Auckland, New Zealand.

Conference/Workshop Posters

Wang, Y. (Poster Presentation, April 2019 in Washington DC, USA) Tracking Urban Geo-Topics based on Dynamic Topic Model. American Association of Geographers (AAG).


Von Meding, J., Brisotto, C., Mehdipour, H. and Lasch, C. 2023. Disasters “Through the looking glass”, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.


Asad, R., Ahmed, I., Vaughan, J., and von Meding, J. (2021), Traditional Water Knowledge: Challenges and Opportunities to Build Resilience to Urban Floods, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment

Thai Pham, B., Luu, C., Van Phong, T., Phan Trong Trinh, Shirzadi, A., Renoud S., Asadi, S., Van Le, H., von Meding, J., Clague, J.C. (2021), Can deep learning algorithms outperform benchmark machine learning algorithms in flood susceptibility modeling?, Journal of Hydrology, 592, pp. 125615

Forino, G., von Meding, J. (2021) Climate change adaptation across businesses in Australia: interpretations, implementations, and interactions. Environ Dev Sustain.

Abukhalaf, A. H. I., & von Meding, J. (2021). Psycholinguistics and emergency communication: A qualitative descriptive study. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 55, 102061. doi:


Cooper, V., Forino, G, Kanjanabootra, S. and von Meding, J. (2020),Leveraging the Community of Inquiry Framework to Support Inclusive Education in Web-based Simulations, The Internet and Higher Education, 47, pp. 100757 

Thai Pham, B., Luu, C., Duy Nguyen, H., Prakash, I., von Meding, J., Van Hiep, L., Van Phong, T. (2020), Flood risk assessment using deep learning integrated with multi-criteria decision analysis, Knowledge-based Systems, 219, pp. 106899 

Ajulo, O.M., von Meding, J. and Tang, P. (2020), Relocalisation for degrowth and disaster risk reduction, Disaster Prevention and Management, 29(6), pp. 877-891

Tasantab, J.C., Gajendran, T., von Meding, J. and Maund, K. (2020), Perceptions and deeply held beliefs about responsibility for flood risk adaptation in Accra Ghana, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 11(5), pp. 631-644

Ajulo, O.M., von Meding, J. and Tang, P. (2020), Upending the status quo through transformative adaptation: A systematic literature review, Progress in Disaster Science, 6, pp. 100103

von Meding, J., Chmutina, K., Forino, G. and Raju, E. (2020), Introduction to the special issue on disrupting the status quo, Disaster Prevention and Management, 29(6), pp. 829-830 

Chmutina, K., Sadler, N., von Meding, J. and Abukhalaf, A.H.I. (2020), “Lost (and found?) in translation: key terminology in disaster studies”, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 30 No. 2, pp. 149-162.

Abukhalaf, A. H. I., & von Meding, J. (2020). Communication challenges in campus emergency planning: The case of hurricane Dorian in Florida. Natural Hazards (Dordrecht), 104(2), 1535. doi:10.1007/s11069-020-04231-1


Chmutina, K. and von Meding, J. (2019), “Natural disasters” in academic literature, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 10(3), pp 283-292

Woldemariam, S., Maguire, A. and von Meding, J. (2019), Forced Human Displacement, the Third World, and International Law: A TWAIL Perspective, Melbourne Journal of International Law, 20(1)

Luu, C, Von Meding, J, Mojtahedi, M (2019), Vietnam’s national disaster loss database for flood risk assessment using multiple linear regression-TOPSIS, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 40

Forino, G., von Meding, J. and Brewer, G. (2019), Community based initiatives to mainstream climate change adaptation into disaster risk reduction: evidence from the Hunter Valley (Australia), Local Environment, 24:52-67

Pal, I., von Meding, J., Shresta, S., Ahmed, I. and Gajendran, T. (Eds.) (2019), An Interdisciplinary Approach for Disaster Resilience and Sustainability, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature

Salami RO, Von Meding J, Giggins, H. (2019), The urban political ecology of flood vulnerability in the core area of Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria. In “Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction Policies”, Loredana Antronico, Fausto Marincioni (Eds.). Il Sileno Edizioni, Italy.

Ajulo, D., Von Meding, J. and Tang, P. (2019), A conceptual framework for understanding transformation: transformative adaptation of refugees in Nakivale refugee settlement. In “Resettlement challenges for displaced populations and refugees”, Asgary, A. (Eds.). Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. Sustainable Development Goals Series.

Johnson, T., Von Meding, J., Gajendran, T and Forino, G. (2019), Disaster vulnerability of displaced people in Rakhine State, Myanmar. In “Resettlement challenges for displaced populations and refugees”, Asgary, A. (Eds.). Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. Sustainable Development Goals Series.

Chmutina, K., von Meding, J. and Bosher, L. (2019), Language matters: dangers of the “natural disaster” misnomer, UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR), technical paper

Von Meding, J. De Freitas Junior, S. and Irigaray, M. (2019), No disaster is natural, OpenDemocracy – Transformations, February 5, 2019


Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2023. Normalized Urban Heat Island (UHI) Indicators: Classifying the Temporal Variation of UHI for Building Energy Simulation (BES) Applications. Building Simulation, Volume 16,

Carney, J., Srinivasan, R., Bender, S., O’Dell, B., Sharston, R., Chini, A., & Foroutan, F. 2023. Advanced Modular Housing Design: Developing the CORE+, Cityspace, Volume 25 Number 1,

Kang, H., Sharston, R., Shen, J., & Hayes, R. 2023. The impact of adaptive street lighting on perceived safety: Comparative analysis using Virtual Reality. LEUKOS (Under Review).

Shen, J., Sharston, R, & Kang, H. 2023. Investigating the effects of dynamic street lighting on pedestrians’ perceived safety through online video survey (Under Preparation).

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2023. Evaluating the role of geographical and climatic variables in the inter-city variations of atmospheric UHI intensity: A case study of 15 cities in the United States (Under Preparation).

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2023. Critical evaluation of the spatio-temporal behavior of UHI, through correlation analyses based on a multi-city dataset (Under Preparation).

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2023. Location- Independent Empirical Models to Quantify the Spatio-Temporal Variation of UHI Intensity (Under Preparation).

Sharston, R., Shen, J., & Singh, M. “Utilization of auxetic structures in advanced shading systems to improve lighting and thermal performance in Florida, USA.” Building Simulation 2023, International Building Performance Simulation Association, Shanghai, China (Accepted for Publication).


Satola, D., Wiberg, A. H., Singh, M., Babu, S., James, B., Dixit, M., Sharston, R., Grynberg, Y., Gustavsen, A. 2022. Comparative review of international approaches to net-zero buildings: Knowledge-sharing initiative to develop design strategies for greenhouse gas emissions reduction, Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume 71, Pages 291-306, ISSN 0973-0826,

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2022. Quantifying the dualistic nature of urban heat Island effect (UHI) on building energy consumption, Energy and Buildings, Volume 255, 111649, ISSN 0378-7788,

Singh M, Sharston R. 2022. A literature review of building energy simulation and computational fluid dynamics co-simulation strategies and its implications on the accuracy of energy predictions. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology. 43(1):113-138. doi:10.1177/01436244211020465.

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2022. Resilience of zero energy buildings: A parametric analysis, Building Research and Information (Under Review).

Shen, J., Singh, M., & Sharston, R. 2022. Street lighting and perceived safety: A Critical Review of Experimental Methods (Under Preparation).


Sharston, R., Murray, S. 2019. The combined effects of thermal mass and insulation on energy performance in concrete office buildings, Advances in Building Energy Research, 14:3, 322-337.

Yi K., Y., Sharston, R., and Barakat, D. 2019. Auxetic Structures and advanced daylight control systems, Journal of Facade Design and Engineering, Vol 7 No 1.

Conference Proceedings (selected)


Singh, M., & Sharston, R. “Evaluating the spatial variation of heat wave intensity to enhance urban resilience”. CIB World building congress 2022, Melbourne, Australia.

Singh, M., & Sharston, R. “Evaluation of net zero energy buildings for climate resilience in southeast U.S.” The Architectural Research Centers Consortium & the European Association for Architectural Educators’ 2022 International Conference, March 2-5, 2022, Miami, FL. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

Sharston, R., & Singh, M. The effects of diffuser location on thermal comfort in hospital recovery rooms. ASHRAE IAQ 2020: Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches, May 4-6, 2022, Athens, Greece.


Singh, M., & Sharston, R. Direct air capture technology: An investigation of net carbon impacts. Proceedings of AIA/ ACSA Intersections conference: Carbon, September 30 – Oct 2, 2020, Philadelphia, PA.


Sharston, R. “Advanced Daylight Admission Systems Using Auxetic Structures in Florida, USA.” The 6th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys 2019), November 13-14, 2019, New York, NY, USA.

Sharston, Ryan, Yi Kyu, Yun, and Barakat, Dua, 2019, Auxetic Structures and Advanced Daylight Control Systems, PowerSkin Conference 2019, Munich, Germany, January 17-2019 


Zeinali, A., Platt L.S. (accepted; publication pending revisions) “An Agent-Based Modelling Approach for Infection Prevention Predesign: Simulating the Spread of Pathogens between Humans and the Environment in an ICU.” Architectural Engineering and Design Management

Platt L.S., Zeinali, A. (under review) “A Primer on Using Complexity Modeling for Safe Healthcare Environment Planning: A Resilience-Based Approach.” Applied Ergonomics

Platt, L.S., Mahmoudi (accepted; publication pending revisions) “Computational Predesign for Evaluating Climate and Community Related Healthcare Infection Risks.” Technology Architecture and Design

L. S. Platt, Xiaoyu Chen, Tara Sabo-Attwood, Nicole Iovine, Scott Brown & Brad Pollitt (2023) Improving infection prevention briefing through predictive predesign: a computational approach to architectural programming by evaluating socioecological risk factors, Architectural Engineering and Design Management, DOI: 10.1080/17452007.2023.2214347


Platt, L.S., Cai, H., Zeinali, A., Green, K., Harvey, J. and Mcintosh, T., 2022, September. Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance through Collaborative Computational Design. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care (Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 98-103). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

 Platt L.S., Chen X. (2022) A Computational Approach to Estimating Healthcare Contact Surface Material Resilience. HERD. Nov 20:19375867221137098. doi: 10.1177/19375867221137098. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36408919.

Platt, L.S., Cai, H., Zeinali, A., Green, K., Harvey, J., & Mcintosh, T. (2022). Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance through Collaborative Computational Design. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, 11(1), 98–103.

Platt, L.S. (2022) Using Human in The Loop AI Socioecological Modeling for Guiding Infection Prevention Through Design Resilience. Environments by Design: Health, Wellbeing and Place. AMPS Proceedings Series 26.1. ISSN 2398-9467


Platt, L.S., Fronczek A. (2020) Using a Fuzzy Framework for applying King’s Theory of Goal Attainment to Improve Hospital Acquired Infection Resilience. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. Sage India: New Delhi, India: SAGE Publications.

Wang, Y., Hao, H., & Platt, L. S. (2020). Examining risk and crisis communications of government agencies and stakeholders during early-stages of COVID-19 on Twitter. Computers in human behavior, 106568.

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