Augmented Reality – Resources

GRANT NO. 1245529: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Constructor: Enhancing spatial and temporal cognitive ability in construction education through augmented reality.
PI Contact

R. Raymond Issa, PhD, JD, PE, F.ASCE, API
Holland Professor and Director Center for Advanced Construction Information Modeling
University of Florida, Rinker School of Construction Management
Vice President for North America, Pan American Association of Engineering Societies (UPADI)
Chief Editor, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
Chair, Academic interoperability Coalition (AiC)
Work: 352.273.1152 Cell: 352.222.6147
Rinker 325/Box 115703 Fax: 352.392.9606
Gainesville, FL 32611-5703 WWW:

Research Protocol
The research protocol divides the number of students participating into three equal groups.

Informed Consent
Participation in the research requires the collection of an Institutional Research Board (IRB) informed consent form signed by each participant.

Pre- and Post-tests were developed to evaluate student learning using augmented reality (AR) techniques. The pre-test was administered before showing the video and the post-test was administered after showing the video.
The areas of construction explored were:

Related Publications [* indicates student co-author(s)]

  • AlShanbari, H.* and Issa, R.R.A., “Use of Video Games to Enhance Construction Management Education,” Proceedings ICCBE/ASCE/CIBW078 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, June 23-25, 2014, Orlando, FL, 2135-42.
    1. Mutis, I.* and Issa, R.R.A., “Enhancing spatial and temporal cognitive ability in construction education through augmented reality and artificial visualizations,” Proceedings ICCBE/ASCE/CIBW078 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, June 23-25, 2014, Orlando, FL, pp. 2079-86.
    2. Shanbari, H.* and Issa, R.R.A., “Graphical User Interface in Interactive Education: An Implementation in the Construction Industry,” Proceedings CONVR 2015, Oct. 5-7, 2015, Banff, Canada, 8 pp.
    3. Blinn, N.*, Robey, M.* Shanbari, H.* and Issa, R.R.A., “Using Augmented Reality to Enhance Construction Management Educational Experiences,” Proceedings 32nd CIB W078 Workshop, Oct 27-29, 2015, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 8 pp.
    4. Zhu, Y and Issa, R.R.A., “An SBF-based Computer Simulation for Construction Education: a Pilot Study of Learning Estimating Concepts,” submitted to International Journal of Construction Education and Research, ASC, April 2016, 19 pp.
    5. Blinn, N.*, Shanbari, H.* and Issa, R.R.A., “Using Augmented Reality to Enhance Construction Management Educational Experiences,” resubmitted for publication in Special Issue of Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Emerald Group, May 2016, 32 pp.
    6. Shanbari, H.*, Blinn, N.*, Issa, R.R.A., Robey, M.* and Zhu, Y, ”Using Augmented Reality Video in Enhancing Roof Components Comprehension for Construction Management Students,” accepted for Proceedings ICCBE International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, July 6-9, 2016, Osaka, Japan, 8 pp.
    7. Shanbari, H.* and Issa, R.R.A.,” Enhanced Educational Experiences Evaluating the Use of Video Games As an Educational Tool in the Construction Industry,” accepted for Proceedings ICCBE International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, July 6-9, 2016, Osaka, Japan, 8 pp.
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