BIM Education 2020


Academic Interoperability Coalition

Call for Papers and Posters

14th BIM Academic Symposium

Monday – Tuesday, 6-7 April 2020
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK

The Academic Interoperability Coalition is sponsoring its annual Academic Symposium to be held on Monday, April 6 and Tuesday, April 7, in Norman, OK.
The papers will be viewed worldwide to further academic models and generate dialogue about the issues with the transformational disruption of changing the way we conduct research and educate students to support BIM and all the offshoot opportunities BIM is creating to improve productivity, data collection and long term-planning for resiliency.
Researchers, academicians, students, and practitioners in the AECOO industry are invited to submit papers (no less than 6 pages, no more than 8 pages) describing best practices, experiences, case studies, and research projects in one of the six topics listed below.
Students of the built environment are invited to submit posters describing their research, academic projects, and practical experiences with BIM in the topical categories listed below.
Topics to be addressed by papers and posters include:

BIM Education and TrainingThe Future of BIM
BIM Use and Industry Case StudiesBIM and Smart Cities
BIM for Creating and Maintaining a Resilient
Built Environment
BIM Data and Informatics for the Built

o  Interested paper authors and poster presenters are invited to submit an abstract (300 words) by 18 October 2019 to the organizing committee at:  Abstracts will be blind reviewed. Space is limited so submission date of abstract may be a determining factor in acceptance.
o  Notification of acceptance will be issued by 1 November 2019
o  Full papers should be submitted by 13 January 2020
o  Notification for Presentations will be issued by 10 February 2020
o  Final Papers, Copyright Releases and Presentations will be due by 9 March 2020
o  Paper and poster presenters must register by 9 March 2020 to be included in the schedule.
For more information please visit our WWW at:

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