Academic Interoperability Coalition
Introduction to the Academic Interoperability Coalition
The Academic Interoperability Coalition (AiC) is comprised of a group of educators, subject matter experts and industry partners seeking to identify and act upon issues related to transforming architecture, engineering, construction and operations (AECO) education to meet the needs of a collaborative life cycle focused facilities and infrastructure industries in the information age. The group holds monthly meetings and an annual symposium. The symposium provides the opportunity for educators and practitioners from around the world to deliver papers regarding advances in education related to various BIM issues. Anyone involved in BIM education and practice is welcomed to participate.
- Additional information about the AiC can be found below:
Vision / Mission / Strategy / Membership / Affiliations / Symposia - Academic Symposium Papers from 2015 – 2017 can be found here [ 2015, 2016, 2017 ]
- Academic papers from 201x to 2014 can be found – we are working on it
- Results of the Body of Knowledge effort can be found [here]