Why Give

If you could improve someone’s life, would you? If you could make the world better wouldn’t you?

Make a Difference

Because You Care — No matter your passion, DCP likely has academic, research, and service programs in that area. All of which need your support. Only DCP has all of the design, construction and planning disciplines in one college or university.
It’s a Sound Investment — Your investment fuels innovative research on an international scale. In a report released by the George W. Bush Institute and the Opus Faveo Innovation Development in Fall 2020, UF is the most productive large university in the country at leveraging its research funding into new companies, jobs, and ideas.
It Feels Right — When you give to DCP, you are supporting over 1,700 students who will become the next generation in design, construction, and planning industry. Your gift expresses your solidarity with other DCP alum and everyone whose life has been touched by a DCP alum.
The Multiplier Effect — Every gift, large and small, matters. Your gift to DCP adds to the gifts of other donors, empowering you to change the college far more than you could alone.

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